CarmenS76 Member


  • This is what my bloodwork shows: Not sure what some of the notes mean Lipid Panel on 06/18/2014 LDL 128 higher than previous no need for specific treatment recheck 1 year work on low cholesterol diet Details •Cholesterol, Total - 190 Range: 100-199 - mg/dL •Triglycerides - 115 Range: 0-149 - mg/dL •HDL - 39 Range: >39 -…
  • Thanks everyone!!
  • thanks for the information guys. My "daily goal" is set to 2500 mg so according to this site and the goals I have set for myself and knowing that I don't have high bp etc, I guess I am ok as long as I stay under 2500mg. Thanks for your help.
  • i do not have high bp either (always has been in the good range) and do not add extra salt to my foods when I eat a meal. I may not need to be worried about my salt intake. I was just concerned when I saw my #s were really in the negative range on my food diary.
  • I just tried to edit my goal on the custom section and it will not let me change my calorie value from what it was for my last goal that I used the guided values to create. I tried highlighting the value but then nothing happened when I tried typing in new #'s. Am I doing something wrong as far as where and how I change…
  • I just went to and they suggested 1448 calories with 45% protein 35% carbs, and 20% fat. I am going to go to the custom settings and see what these values will be once I enter them and I may have to play with the #'s for a whie to see what works. Any other suggestions would be helpful to. I am still…
  • If I manually change my goals, what should I set them for for each of the different values all the way down the page for the customization section? I have always just used the guided section when creating my goals. Should I be worried if there is too much fat in my diet?
  • I'm 36 years old 5 foot 6 female ; 176lbs
  • All my goals are set to the default values that were chosen when I created the goal. I did not know you could manually change those figures while creating a goal. Can this be changed for all values?
  • Food diary has been set to public