Changing my goals using the custom setting vs guided

CarmenS76 Posts: 20 Member
If I change my goals using the custom settings where you manually enter your information in each box versus the system calculating your goal, what should i put for each value? I am a 36 year old female that weighs 176lbs. I am looking to lose about 15-16lbs to get back to a goal weight of 160. Can someone give me guidance as to how to fill out the goals if I don't use the guided section where they are automatically calculated for me? How do I know what to put for all the values all the way down the page and not just limit the watched items to fat, calories, carbs and protein like you do on the guided calculation?


  • mrp56839
    mrp56839 Posts: 159 Member
    Our stats are pretty close. 34, f, 5'8" 188. MFP had me set to 1250 cals and whatever percentages it uses for default.

    I used the guided calculator for 5 months and lost at a pretty steady clip. I had it set to sedintary and then ate back my exercise calories on days that I excercised.

    When I increased my training time and mileage, I pretty much stalled out. In talking to a dietician, she recommended upping my daily cals by 100-200 a day and eating back my exercise calories. So this morning, I raised my daily calories to 1400 and let MFP still calculate the rest of the macros based on whatever default percentages it uses.
  • kolmschenk77
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm also 36, weigh 170, and am trying to get down to 150 again. I have my settings set to sedentary and MFP allows 1340 calories, but I never eat over 1200. On days that I work out, I eat back only a portion of my calories burned, eating no more than 1400 calories. It seems to work for me, as I want to lose about a pound a week. Good luck! I am on week 3 of the couch25k program.
  • silverinc13
    silverinc13 Posts: 216 Member
    If you want to customize your goals you should go to and figure out your TDEE to determine what deficit you want to eat at.
  • Alphastate
    Alphastate Posts: 295 Member
    With the calories, do what other posters have said. I can see you being in the 1400 range. As far as macros, I like 40-40-20 carb, protein, fat but it can be a lot of protein. You could also do 40-35-25 or 45-30-25. Play with it a little and see what feels best for your body.
  • CarmenS76
    CarmenS76 Posts: 20 Member
    I just went to and they suggested 1448 calories with 45% protein 35% carbs, and 20% fat. I am going to go to the custom settings and see what these values will be once I enter them and I may have to play with the #'s for a whie to see what works. Any other suggestions would be helpful to. I am still trying to figure this site out as far as how it will benefit me most. I am less than a week into losing weight this time. I did weight watchers the last time I lost weight and wanted to see how this site worked.
  • CarmenS76
    CarmenS76 Posts: 20 Member
    I just tried to edit my goal on the custom section and it will not let me change my calorie value from what it was for my last goal that I used the guided values to create. I tried highlighting the value but then nothing happened when I tried typing in new #'s. Am I doing something wrong as far as where and how I change the goal in guided?