action_man Member


  • Reiterating what's already been said: don't get hung up on jogging/running, call it whatever you want. If you're moving faster than walking no sane person is going to look at you sideways for calling it running. Running's not bad for your knees. Its like anything else, don't overdo it. Be sure to go to a running store and…
  • Just take the best guess you can. Log something from a chain restaurant you've been to that has a similar item and listed calories. Or another thing I do when I can't think of an equivalent meal is just to log the components. For example, log a chicken breast, a slice of cheese, 1tbsp of mayo/mustard whatever, a bun.…
  • Strava for sure. You get a ton of stats, especially if you run similar routes often, you can easily compare runs. If you care to pay for their premium service (I don't) there's even more features, but its more than usable with just the free stuff. I especially like that you can track mileage on your shoes and set alerts so…
  • Echoing the "log your food" advice. There's few things more frustrating than feeling like you're doing all the right things and its not working. The things you listed are all fine things to be eating, just make sure you're accurately logging to make sure you're not eating to much. Spend a few weeks focusing on accuracy,…
  • It really just depends how much exercise you're doing. If you have MFP set to lose weight, the number of calories the app is giving you will already result in weight loss, so if you're exercising and burning more than your normal amount of calories, there's nothing wrong with eating some or all of those. Like 4 years ago…
  • The Seattle event isn't sold out yet for this September and one in Las Vegas is getting announced soon. If you're unfamiliar with his web comic about running you should read it. I believe there's a link in the FAQ.
  • Racing a train sounds awesome. I did that once out of impatience because it was taking too long to pass so I ran along side for a while. Oddly invigorating. I think the silliest one I've done is The Oatmeal's Beat The Blerch trail marathon in which there were couches and cake at all the aid stations.
  • Not that anyone asked, but I find it helpful to have a destination. If you live close to a grocery store or coffee house or something, make a point of having a reason to visit those places a few times a week.
  • Well, I mean I guess you've gotta keep your coat shiny while you lose weight...
  • Here you go. I've never tracked sugar in my life. Maintain your deficit and you'll lose weight. :drinker:
  • I've had this happen. Don't worry about how much you ate, or how much sugar or whatever. If you're feeling the painful bloaty crappy feeling, just try to eat slower. In my experience that all comes from eating too much too fast. Just take it easy and listen to your body. Cheat day or not, if you don't feel hungry anymore,…
  • Exactly this. I think a lot of people like to confuse binge eating and over-eating either to make their lives sound more dramatic or to punish themselves for accidentally eating too much. If you ate your maintenance calories, that's not a binge. You at a normal sustainable amount of food and the only thing wrong with that…
  • I think its important to differentiate here between "cheat day" and binge eating as well. A 'cheat day' doesn't mean you go crazy and eat a whole cake. It means if you feel like eating a piece of cake, then you do and don't feel bad about it. I wouldn't worry about trying eliminate cravings. Firstly, I don't believe you…
  • Like a lot of people, I don't really like calling it a "cheat day" either. I feel like thinking of it as cheating isn't exactly healthy, but that's an argument for a different thread. I don't have a better word for it, so for now let's call it a cheat day to make it easy. I don't know how much truth there is in the whole…
  • I tend to agree with this. Its taken me a long time to get rid of my old clothes. Not because I ever thought I'd wear them again but more of a "that's a nice shirt, I can't get rid of that" or "well I don't have one of those that fits me properly so..." But one day I realized they weren't relevant to have around anymore. I…
  • Its a great place to be. I think so many people fail because they think they have to pay some sort of penance to the weight-loss gods to be successful. You can eat whatever you want as long as you budget for it.
  • My wife and I do a lot of stir fry type dishes too. I either use the recipe function, or just add it all up and use the dreaded quick add function. What's helped us a lot though is immediately when we serve the dish, we'll also divide it up into single servings in tupperware or whatever. It makes dealing with estimating…