

  • Funny you sat that because in fact yesterday I forgot to stop my heart rate monitor and about a half an hour later I had burned an extra 100 calories from when I thought I had stopped it after the workout.
    in HIIT Comment by mizzdimpl3z May 2014
  • Thank you!
    in HIIT Comment by mizzdimpl3z May 2014
  • Thank you! I will look into that right now!
  • Thank you for the information, very useful to know!
  • Seriously, that's how I feel "IM GOING TO BE EATING WAY TOO MUCH!!!!" phewww great to hear is not just me! I will try the 40/30/30 and see how it goes. So dumb question, if the macros don't make you lose the weight, what's the point of tracking them?
  • Thank you all! as I read your responses it all makes more sense. I really think I have it engrained in my head that I should be eating very little to lose weight, which has led to many disappointments and getting stuck or stop all together. Anyone has any recommendations for articles to read regarding macros... MFP is…
  • I'm 5'7, 264lbs and 30 yo
  • Oh gotcha! what is your stance on protein shakes? Ireed89
  • I'm sorry I don't understand? Are you suggesting I switch protein powders?
  • that's what I do workout M-F and the weekends I rest!
  • thank you so much! For the purpose of finishing the challenge I will be finishing the meal plan as written here, thank you for your suggestions, I will continue reading on other recipes!
  • Thank you for your response! I inputted all my food to my app last week and it totals to 1529 calories (macro balance is 57% protein, 23% carbs, 20%fat) . MFP has me at 1720 so I am under my suggested calorie intake. I also have been tracking my workouts and I usually burn somewhere between 470 - 600 calories per workout.
  • It is not my plan to eat like this forever! I'm on my last week and I'm having a really hard time, I've lost my appetite. :( I'm trying to plan ahead so when Monday comes I have a plan in place of how to keep up with my long term goal and not bounce back to the old ways.
  • Yes, I'm signing up for the membership without doing the challenge. The workouts are just incredible and it really builds a sense a community. I feel motivated and stronger by the day. I just don't think I can do eating like this every day for the rest of my life, hence becoming a drag rather than something positive!
  • Hi Vegas Fit! My ultimate goal would be to lose 80 - 100 lbs.
  • Hi! thank you for your response! I have been working with a local gym where I do interval training 5 days a week plus follow a meal plan provided by them. I haven't been tracking my food since I've been eating the same thing every day for the past 37 days. The plan helps you loose 20 lbs in 6 week, I actually have reached…