High protein meal plan

Over the last 6 weeks I've been on a high protein meal plan working out 5 days a week (interval cardio and strength training) and I have lost 20 lbs so far. I have one more week to go with this plan and I'm debating whether continuing with this plan is best for long term maintenance. Anyone has had any experience with high protein meal plans?


  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    What do you consider "high protein"? I eat 1 g protein per lb of bodyweight, so 135ish g daily. Is that high to you?

    Your average weekly weight loss is 3.3 lb/week. You're losing too fast. The protein isn't what's making you lose the weight. Weight loss is calories in vs. calories out. You're losing so much weight, I suspect, because you're not eating enough calories. You need to eat more. A high protein intake is great, especially if you're doing any kind of strength training, but calories is what's important for losing fat.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    Your diary isn't open so hard to tell what you mean by high protein. How much weight are you aiming to lose? 3.3 may seem like a lot but if you've gone from not working and and not watching your diet to now being conscious of it 3.3 a week doesn't seem that unreasonable to be losing that quickly in the beginning of your journey.
  • mizzdimpl3z
    mizzdimpl3z Posts: 19
    Hi! thank you for your response! I have been working with a local gym where I do interval training 5 days a week plus follow a meal plan provided by them. I haven't been tracking my food since I've been eating the same thing every day for the past 37 days. The plan helps you loose 20 lbs in 6 week, I actually have reached my goal 1 week early. I went ahead and opened my diary, but the last time I tracked was May 12th. The meal plan is as follows:

    5 eggs whites (no oil)
    unlimited green veggies of your choice (I don't normally eat this, I chose green beans)
    1/2 oatmeal (just water, may add powder cinnamon for flavor)

    16 onz protein shake (less than 4 grams of sugar and carbs)
    1/2 cup of strawberries

    chicken breast (fist size, seasoned to your choice)
    Veggie of your choice (I chose broccoli)
    1 cup of quinoa (but I don't normally eat it)

    16 onz protein shake (less than 4 grams of sugar and carbs)
    8-10 almonds

    1 cup of ground turkey (seasoned to your taste)
    unlimited green (I chose zucchini)

    snack (if needed, but I have yet to need it)
    16 onz protein shake (less than 4 grams of sugar and carbs)

    Additional info, I work out at 6 pm M-F . The gym encourages you to sign up for a second round of the "weight loss challenge" but the truth is that even though I am delighted at the amount I've lost in a relatively short amount of time. I cannot continue to eat like this for another 42 days. I have lost my appetite due to the repetitiveness of the food, also I don't think this will help me with my long term goals of more weigh loss and maintenance. I'm trying to figure out what's going to work for me.

    Thank you in advance for your help!
  • mizzdimpl3z
    mizzdimpl3z Posts: 19
    Hi Vegas Fit!

    My ultimate goal would be to lose 80 - 100 lbs.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Are you planning to eat this way forever? If not, ditch the shakes and eat real food.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    Hi Vegas Fit!

    My ultimate goal would be to lose 80 - 100 lbs.

    Congrats to you! That's dedication sticking to that so strictly for six weeks. Honestly my diet is pretty similar set up to yours although I do eat more and I keep it varied. I just try and stay with a certain protein/carb ratio for each meal but I mix it up.

    Will you still take the classes on this plan even if you want to get some more variety in your meals?
  • mizzdimpl3z
    mizzdimpl3z Posts: 19
    Yes, I'm signing up for the membership without doing the challenge. The workouts are just incredible and it really builds a sense a community. I feel motivated and stronger by the day. I just don't think I can do eating like this every day for the rest of my life, hence becoming a drag rather than something positive!
  • mizzdimpl3z
    mizzdimpl3z Posts: 19
    Are you planning to eat this way forever? If not, ditch the shakes and eat real food.

    It is not my plan to eat like this forever! I'm on my last week and I'm having a really hard time, I've lost my appetite. :( I'm trying to plan ahead so when Monday comes I have a plan in place of how to keep up with my long term goal and not bounce back to the old ways.
  • jimbmc
    jimbmc Posts: 83 Member
    I've used High Protein, Low Carb plans plenty of times, and yes they are good, and can reduce your weight alot. They can also be manageble as well, and you can continue forever using Hi-Prot plans.

    The only thing I would say though, is that the closer you get to you ideal weight/build, the more you have to tune-down the plan. Initially, you can go for 7 days pure protien, followed by 2-3 months of Pure protein/Protien and Veg on alternate days, then after that moving to a weekly routine of 5 days normal, 2 days pure protien. This is basically the Dukan Diet.

    Looking at your food plan, it seems fine, however I would ditch the protein shakes (unless your really trying to gain muscle mass). Stick with natural protien. Better for you.

    If you feel you cant continue to eat like that for the next few weeks, then perhaps research/google some protein based recipes. The French are very good at this btw.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Are you planning to eat this way forever? If not, ditch the shakes and eat real food.

    It is not my plan to eat like this forever! I'm on my last week and I'm having a really hard time, I've lost my appetite. :( I'm trying to plan ahead so when Monday comes I have a plan in place of how to keep up with my long term goal and not bounce back to the old ways.
    I would enter one day of the meal plan into MFP to get a picture of your calories and macros. As long as you continue to eat roughly the same number of calories and the same ballpark macro balance, you should continue to see the same results. I have the feeling, though, that you were eating a crazy low number of calories, which wouldn't be sustainable in the long term. You might want to see what MFP gives you for a 2-pound weight loss per week and eat according to that.
  • jimbmc
    jimbmc Posts: 83 Member
    Also, as an addition, try rotating your protein plans with a reduced calorie plan from week to week. This can help reduce the "protein-boredom" that your experiencing atm.
  • mizzdimpl3z
    mizzdimpl3z Posts: 19
    Are you planning to eat this way forever? If not, ditch the shakes and eat real food.

    It is not my plan to eat like this forever! I'm on my last week and I'm having a really hard time, I've lost my appetite. :( I'm trying to plan ahead so when Monday comes I have a plan in place of how to keep up with my long term goal and not bounce back to the old ways.
    I would enter one day of the meal plan into MFP to get a picture of your calories and macros. As long as you continue to eat roughly the same number of calories and the same ballpark macro balance, you should continue to see the same results. I have the feeling, though, that you were eating a crazy low number of calories, which wouldn't be sustainable in the long term. You might want to see what MFP gives you for a 2-pound weight loss per week and eat according to that.

    Thank you for your response!

    I inputted all my food to my app last week and it totals to 1529 calories (macro balance is 57% protein, 23% carbs, 20%fat) . MFP has me at 1720 so I am under my suggested calorie intake. I also have been tracking my workouts and I usually burn somewhere between 470 - 600 calories per workout.
  • mizzdimpl3z
    mizzdimpl3z Posts: 19
    thank you so much! For the purpose of finishing the challenge I will be finishing the meal plan as written here, thank you for your suggestions, I will continue reading on other recipes!
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    Yes, I'm signing up for the membership without doing the challenge. The workouts are just incredible and it really builds a sense a community. I feel motivated and stronger by the day. I just don't think I can do eating like this every day for the rest of my life, hence becoming a drag rather than something positive!

    Agree. Group classes are the majority of my workouts and I love the camaraderie I pretty much stick to high protein, low carb Monday through Friday and relax on the weekends. I generally don't even log weekends. This works for me as far as the boredom aspect but everyone is different.
  • mizzdimpl3z
    mizzdimpl3z Posts: 19
    that's what I do workout M-F and the weekends I rest!
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Are you planning to eat this way forever? If not, ditch the shakes and eat real food.

    In your diary for today:

    Jay Robbs - Whey Protein Vanilla, 1 scoop

    Uh...now what were you saying?
  • mizzdimpl3z
    mizzdimpl3z Posts: 19
    I'm sorry I don't understand? Are you suggesting I switch protein powders?
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I'm sorry I don't understand? Are you suggesting I switch protein powders?

    Who, me? No, I wasn't responding to you. I was responding to the person that told you to ditch the protein shakes if you don't plan on eating that way forever. She uses protein powder quite regularly, so I'm wondering where that advice came from.
  • mizzdimpl3z
    mizzdimpl3z Posts: 19
    I'm sorry I don't understand? Are you suggesting I switch protein powders?

    Who, me? No, I wasn't responding to you. I was responding to the person that told you to ditch the protein shakes if you don't plan on eating that way forever. She uses protein powder quite regularly, so I'm wondering where that advice came from.

    Oh gotcha! what is your stance on protein shakes? Ireed89
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I'm sorry I don't understand? Are you suggesting I switch protein powders?

    Who, me? No, I wasn't responding to you. I was responding to the person that told you to ditch the protein shakes if you don't plan on eating that way forever. She uses protein powder quite regularly, so I'm wondering where that advice came from.

    Oh gotcha! what is your stance on protein shakes? Ireed89

    I approve of them and drink one daily after my workout. I also put a scoop of protein powder in my oatmeal two days per week. I think it's important to get as much protein from your food as you can, but protein powder is great when you don't have calories to spare for a big piece of meat. And if you're using a good one, it's yummy!