

  • I eat low carb. For a meal I like to have grilled chicken, salad greens with olive oil and some parmesan cheese sprinkled on top. That is really tasty. You can put the oil in a spray bottle if you want to. It makes it easier to coat the salad leaves evenly. I buy the good parmesan too. That makes a difference. Deviled eggs…
  • I thought of a couple of tips, sort of expanding on my original ideas. I have a long commute too, and sometimes if I think about it, do some clenching and releasing of abdomen and glutes while I drive. Not sure what this is called, I just pull it in and hold it for a minute or two, release, and do over after a rest of a…
  • Wow! That is a visible difference! Good work! How did you calculate the calories burned on the exercise portion of this site? I have 30 Day Shred, but couldn't find it in the MFP database? It isn't ALL important, but it would be nice to be able to log them in. Thank you!
  • Wow, you Do have a lot on your plate! Kudos for managing it all. What about your lunch hour? Is there somewhere you could take a walk? Do you have a private office, where you could stash some weights? I keep stuff in my car for impromptu workouts when time permits. I also have a mall close by that people walk in. It's not…
  • Everyone is different. Some people ( I am one of them) just do not do well with carbs. I stayed at a plateau for six weeks in Feb/March at 1400-1600 calories a day and 4X week workouts. Finally decided to cut carbs down to less than 50 per day, and also make those carbs come from greens, vegies, and dairy (some), and now I…
  • I would just smile and say 'Busy'! if anyone asked me where I had been. If they move on to 'Busy doing WHAT?' then they are a person with insufficient sensibilty about boundaries and must be avoided in the future. Or look sophisticated and say 'Europe', dahling..... or something, lol. If you choose this option, you must of…
  • • Gender: F • Age: 56 • Starting weight: 245 • Current weight: 189 • Goal weight: 145 • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) My blood pressure went way up, I was having some chest pains and a lot of aches, knees, etc. • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your…
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