How do I exercise with an insane schedule?



  • I thought of a couple of tips, sort of expanding on my original ideas. I have a long commute too, and sometimes if I think about it, do some clenching and releasing of abdomen and glutes while I drive. Not sure what this is called, I just pull it in and hold it for a minute or two, release, and do over after a rest of a few seconds.

    I also used to do leg lifts under my desk with ankle weights.

    Are there any yoga studios near you that have a noon class? The milder forms of yoga don't get you too sweaty and you could wear some of the clothes needed under your business attire to make changing quick. I am lucky enough to work in a place that has casual attire and I wear my yoga clothes to work a lot, lol, but I understand that this is not the norm.

    I like everyone's ideas of taking a study break to do a quick 10-20 minutes. Walking on your lunch break should also do good things! It's hot where I am, so sometimes walking at the mall is a good option. I also don't really work in a very walk friendly part of town, sporadic sidewalks and right off of a highway. But there are a lot of parks with trails nearby. Maybe you have one too!

    Good luck! Sounds like you will beat this. If you can't work out as much as you wish you could, remember that once you finish your classes that you will have more free time. You can't always be perfect on all counts, not enough hours in the day. I hope you are not beating yourself up and if anything, I hope you can get a little more sleep soon!!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Wow - that is indeed an insane schedule. I think you'll just have to get in a few minutes here and there and call it good. Suggestions: pace while on the phone, do squats or/or lunges. Take the stairs. Park far from the entrance. And so forth. I've read articles about it being far better doing 10 minutes of exercise several times per day than no exercise at all.

    Best wishes.
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