How do I exercise with an insane schedule?



  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    Give yourself a study break on Mondays and Tuesdays for an hour. I recently had 3 part time jobs and was in school and while I don't have the added stress of also caring for kids I totally understand wher you're coming from. If you give yourelf a mental break to exercise from studying I guarantee you will get a lot more done and be a lot more focused on your studies. Even if it's running around the block or doing a small circuit or some yoga...whatever floats your boat. Also, I teach competitive dance and I am sure it is different from gymnastics but wat I do know is that there is often a lot of down time between times when one specific person is competing. Are you friends with some of the other moms? You guys could maybe get some exercise in while the other teams are competing? if you can't exercise as often as you'd like try not to stress you can get back to it eventually. Do your best to get through this time and be as healthy as you are able.
  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    How soon will your MBA program be over? I hate to say it, but maybe you should settle for 3 workouts a week: Saturday, Sunday and try to fit in 20 min. one weekday. It isn't ideal, but there some points in life where some commitments need to be shifted around. Hopefully after your schedule calms down, you can ramp it back up again. Killing yourself for the sake of an extra workout isn't going to help you in the long run. Although, I do love the idea of getting something in on your lunch hour when you can, especially with this gorgeous weather we have right now.

    I totally get the commute frustration. I used to commute from Howard County to DC every day and I am so glad I'm not doing that now.
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    I'm a single mother and I work FT. My day begins at 5:30 am and ends about 11 pm. I don't have time to workout, I make time because its important to me. If its important to you then you will find a way to fit it in. Even if you do 10 minutes here 20 minutes there it all adds up.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I'm a single mother and I work FT. My day begins at 5:30 am and ends about 11 pm. I don't have time to workout, I make time because its important to me. If its important to you then you will find a way to fit it in. Even if you do 10 minutes here 20 minutes there it all adds up.

    Apparently this is terrible advice... it's unsupportive, rude, and judgmental. I happen to agree, I'm also a single parent with long days, but apparently that doesn't matter.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I second the HIIT suggestion. I skimmed through what you wrote and you have a crazy week lol. HIITs are quick, effective and perfect for people with tight schedules.
  • himilayaneyes
    himilayaneyes Posts: 204 Member
    Your schedule is insane. However, as one poster mentioned, if working out is important to you then you'll make it a priority. You can work out during your lunch break or try one of 30 minutes and less workouts like Jillian Michael dvds or the Firm 30 Day express (all of those workouts are 20 minutes). You can also workout between your homework and sleep time. There is always someway to fit in a workout if you want it.
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    Zumba has a 20 minute express video that's really effective. Maybe you could squeeze it in 2-3 times a week in the middle of your study periods. It's really only 20 minutes and it will probably help you eliminate some tension/stress. Also, try and walk as much as possible. You can only do so much, but squeezing in some exercise will really help you out. You know, 'sound mind in a healthy body' :happy: Don't cut down on your sleep time because your body and mind need time to recuperate. Good luck!
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    Wow, that is such a full schedule. Congrats on working towards your MBA. If this schedule is just for this semester, it may be that you'll have to just watch your calories (deficit or maintenance) and get a walk/run/body weight circuit in when you can. Pinterest has a lot quick body weight circuits Here's one I found: that says each one takes about the length of a song. Do one set every hour you study and by the end of the night you'll have a whole workout. The only other suggestion I have would be to take your required reading to the gym and read while on a cardio machine. I've seen a few students at my gym doing this.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    Do you drive directly to work? Or park some place and take the metro? If it is the later, could you get off a couple of stops earlier and walk part of the way? This is how I've dealt with my time (single full time working mom with an hour to an hour and a half commute) issues, I work on combining time dedicated to something else like lunch or my commute and add in a workout. When its nice out, I run home from the office pushing my daughter in the jogger. It's 5 miles and it takes me less time to run than it does to take the subway.

    I've also mastered the quick change so I can work out in an empty private office on lunch. I have a tv and dvd in there so I keep workout dvds in my desk, but a lap top or videos on my phone would work too. In the winter I wear footless tights and t-shirts under my business dresses so I can easily pull off my dress for a workout and replace once I'm done. In the warmer months it's boy shorts and tank tops.

    Sometimes we just have to try to be a little creative thinking about our time and how to fit things in. There are probably little things you can do to add more activity in, but the reality probably is that your workouts probably won't improve until you are done with the MBA.
  • benflando
    benflando Posts: 193
    Make working out a priority. You can workout before work.
  • hollyannem
    I thought of a couple of tips, sort of expanding on my original ideas. I have a long commute too, and sometimes if I think about it, do some clenching and releasing of abdomen and glutes while I drive. Not sure what this is called, I just pull it in and hold it for a minute or two, release, and do over after a rest of a few seconds.

    I also used to do leg lifts under my desk with ankle weights.

    Are there any yoga studios near you that have a noon class? The milder forms of yoga don't get you too sweaty and you could wear some of the clothes needed under your business attire to make changing quick. I am lucky enough to work in a place that has casual attire and I wear my yoga clothes to work a lot, lol, but I understand that this is not the norm.

    I like everyone's ideas of taking a study break to do a quick 10-20 minutes. Walking on your lunch break should also do good things! It's hot where I am, so sometimes walking at the mall is a good option. I also don't really work in a very walk friendly part of town, sporadic sidewalks and right off of a highway. But there are a lot of parks with trails nearby. Maybe you have one too!

    Good luck! Sounds like you will beat this. If you can't work out as much as you wish you could, remember that once you finish your classes that you will have more free time. You can't always be perfect on all counts, not enough hours in the day. I hope you are not beating yourself up and if anything, I hope you can get a little more sleep soon!!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Wow - that is indeed an insane schedule. I think you'll just have to get in a few minutes here and there and call it good. Suggestions: pace while on the phone, do squats or/or lunges. Take the stairs. Park far from the entrance. And so forth. I've read articles about it being far better doing 10 minutes of exercise several times per day than no exercise at all.

    Best wishes.