

  • aarnwine2013 - Thank you for your good advice. I appreciate it. And yes, any weight loss is great! I'm finally starting to think that way and stop being obsessive over trying to lose mega lbs at once and getting discouraged when it doesn't happen (thus starting the whole yo-yo dieting over and over again)... Ladymiseryali…
  • I never said anything about starving myself. Anyway, last Monday I was 164. I got down to 159 this week but splurged on food at a BBQ over the weekend so today I checked in at 160. I took yesterday off from working out but started back up today. Just finished my 7th workout since I started (not including my walks which are…
  • BigT555- Hey now, that's only 19 lbs in 26 days. lol I know it not realistic, but I'm going to shoot for it anyway. If I end up working my *kitten* off and only lose 5lbs, so be it. I have hypothyroidism on top of it all, so I know it's not going to be an easy goal if even obtainable any time soon. But a girls gotta dream…
  • I appreciate everyone taking the time to respond. Opened my eyes to how unhealthy I was being eating too few calories. I'll give the new 1900 calorie intake a few weeks and post my results from it. Thanks again :-D
  • Just because I joke does not mean I am any less serious about it. I actually don't think I could be more serious about getting in shape. I'm absolutely not trying to take random guesses and pick and choose numbers hoping for the best. I honestly just don't know some things... I'd hire a nutritionist or a trainer if I…
  • My TDEE is around 2343... So, minus around 500 and I have to eat around 1800 calories daily?
  • Brianperkins- lmao! I didn't realize 2lb a week was too much. Oops... I do Insanity in the am and lift weights/30 min cardio in the evening. Throw out what I said about losing 2lb a week. I just wanted to know how many cals I should be eating and how much I should be burning.. As far as non-exercise activity, I have 2 two…
  • Okay. I think I get it. I guess I am a little too eager to lose weight. I was down to 143lbs in January so I guess I just wanted to jump back to that asap. I lost my job so I stopped being active and started eating junk food 24-7 so I gained weight pretty quickly... I ultimately want to get down to 130-135lbs and get a hot…
  • Google On the site sign up on "bodyspace". (Its free). This is where I began to start lifting weights. I was completely lost before and am still a beginner as well but have a plan for every day now... You can pick a program, add it to your calendar, and if you have access to a gym, you can start lifting…
  • Well, I definitely feel better. I've been burning twice as many calories as I thought I was. Woohoo! I was getting so frustrated thinking that I was working so hard and only burning a low amount of calories. My motivation is officially boosted :P
  • OMGOSH!!!!! I have been looking EVERYWHERE online trying to find people that actually own this watch! Questions: Under the "heart rate sub modes," is calorie consumption (hC) supposed to be the calories that you burned? I've been really confused on whether to look at that number as my calories burned or look at fat burned…
  • Hi! I have the same question and the same kind of HRM... So, if I worked out for 60 minutes and my HRM says 800hc, did I burn 800 calories or half that? Because mine also has g's and that says 45...and if you x's that by 9 then its around 400 calories...confused
  • Awesome! Didn't know it was online! Thank you! Seems a little overwhelming with the meals. I just keep thinking about the cost of food. Lol. It's good to refer to it though and also figuring out how many calories I'm supposed to have
  • Thank you so much! Ill check that out. I figured 1200 calories wasn't enough because I'm not seeing any progress
  • Oo dang. I got the videos from a friend so unfortunately I don't have the other things that go with them. Thank you though!