calories to burn-question...

I currently weigh 151 lbs and am 5'7". If I eat a 1400 calorie diet a day (all healthy-chicken, salads, beans, veggies, eggs...ect), how many calories do I need to burn while working out to lose an est. 2lbs a week?
My BMR is 1,468 btw
Also, I workout twice a day, 6 days a week.
I know my deficit needs to be 1000 but I still don't understand it I guess. I am looking for an estimated amount of calories I need to burn during exercise to lose 2lb a week.

Thank you


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    1. If your ticker is an accurate measure of how much you have to lose, then 2 pounds/week is likely too aggressive a deficit.

    2. Get an estimate of your TDEE. This is your Total Daily Energy Expenditure, or roughly how many calories your body burns in a day. There are a lot of calculators online to get an estimate of yours, like

    3. Take your deficit from your TDEE. Most people will tell you that 10-20% is a healthy deficit. With this method you have already included your exercise calories into your TDEE estimate so you do not eat back any additional calories after you log your exercise (unlike with MFP's method where you are meant to eat them back).

    4. Profit.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I currently weigh 151 lbs and am 5'7". If I eat a 1400 calorie diet a day (all healthy-chicken, salads, beans, veggies, eggs...ect), how many calories do I need to burn while working out to lose an est. 2lbs a week?
    My BMR is 1,468 btw
    Also, I workout twice a day, 6 days a week.
    I know my deficit needs to be 1000 but I still don't understand it I guess. I am looking for an estimated amount of calories I need to burn during exercise to lose 2lb a week.

    Thank you

    Not everyone can expect 2 pounds of weight loss every week. When you get close to your goal weight, a 1/2 pound a week goal is good progress. Weight loss won't be linear.

    Your BMR is 1468 ......what is your TDEE? Your TDEE would include exercise......plug in the highest amount of exercise you expect to do and take 1000 calories off of that.

    That number could be much lower than your BMR .....this would make 2 pounds a week an unhealthy goal. An unhealthy weight loss will have you losing fat+muscle as opposed to mostly fat.

    Here are weekly weight loss ranges:
    Pounds per week
    75+ lbs to lose 2 lb range
    Between 40 - 75 lbs to lose 1.5 lb range
    Between 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lb range
    Between 15-25 lbs to lose 1 -.50 lb range
    Less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs range
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Your BMR is you Basal Metabolic Rate. It is what your body needs just to stay alive, like if you were in a coma.
    On top of you BMR you burn calories every day, sitting, walking to the fridge, brushing your teeth, plus your job and exercise. All of these things taken into account is your TDEE - total daily energy expenditure. This is the number that you would maintain at .

    To figure TDEE you can use online calculators. NOTE that MFP's does not use the TDEE method as they do not include exercise. You could also use MFP and log your additional exercise and include those calories. It usually ends up to be about the same amount.

    So if your BMR
    If you are very active (hard exercise 6-7 days a week) : TDEE = BMR x 1.725 (based on what you said in your OP)
    So thats 2532 for your TDEE.
    You create a deficit from this number. Its recommended 15-20% deficit or 500 calories per lb per week.
    A 20% deficit would be around 500 calories. So your goal would be around 2030

    As for the 2lbs a week - you do not have a lot of weight to lose. The less weight you have to lose, the lower you weight loss per week goal should be. 2lbs a week is only realistic for those looking to lose over 100lbs. For 20lbs or less it is suggest you aim for .5 lb a week, or about a 250 calorie deficit.

    I am not sure why you are working out twice a day, 6 days a week. If it is for weight loss only, I would suggest cutting back since it isn't really necessary. Too much cardio and high deficits can cause problems. You can do less, and adjust your TDEE and calorie deficit, still maintain a decent calorie level and not have to kill yourself working out.

    Keep in mind that if you are working out this intensely to lose weight, you have to consider what is going to happen when you hit maintainance. Are you going to keep working out that often to maintain it?

    For example, if you changed to moderately active (moderate exercise 3-5 days/week) : TDEE = BMR x 1.55 would be 2275 for a TDEE. Even. with a 500 calories deficit (1lb a week) that gives you a goal of 1775 calories.

    ETA -
    the TDEE chart.
    •If you are sedentary: TDEE = BMR x 1.2
    •If you are lightly active (light exercise 1-3 days a week) : TDEE = BMR x 1.375
    •If you are moderately active (moderate exercise 3-5 days/week) : TDEE = BMR x 1.55
    •If you are very active (hard exercise 6-7 days a week) : TDEE = BMR x 1.725
    •If you are extra active (very hard exercise & physical lifestyle) : TDEE = BMR x 1.9
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Ummmm....that calorie goal MFP gives you is your defcicit...that's why you put all of that info when you say I want to lose X Lbs per week...MFP gives you a calorie GOAL based on how much you said you wanted to lose and your other stats. It derives these numbers from statistical averages of individuals of similar stats (i.e. age, height, weight, etc).

    You "burn" calories 24/7. The vast majority of your "burn" is just your organs functioning, heart pumping, lungs breathing, etc to keep you alive (those are your BMR calories). This is followed by your NEAT calories...your day to day type of stuff (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (burn)). You EAT (Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) makes up a very small part of your total calorie requirements. BMR + NEAT+ EAT = TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)...your maintenance calories.

    Other calculators will calculate your TDEE and then cut from that so that your calorie goal includes some estimate of exercise...MFP does not....MFP is a NEAT method calculator so your activity level is just based on your NEAT activity and then you log exercise separately after the fact to account for that activity.

    If you put in your activity level appropriately, MFP is giving you a 1000 calorie deficit built into your your theoretical NEAT maintenance calories would be around 2,400 calories (1,400 + 1,000).

    TL'DR and/or still confused...just eat to your calorie GOAL MFP gave you. Log your exercise and make some allowance for estimation error and eat back a portion of your exercise calories = WINNING. Everything is built in...that is the awesomeness of a does all the calculating for you.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    I currently weigh 151 lbs and am 5'7". If I eat a 1400 calorie diet a day (all healthy-chicken, salads, beans, veggies, eggs...ect), how many calories do I need to burn while working out to lose an est. 2lbs a week?
    My BMR is 1,468 btw
    Also, I workout twice a day, 6 days a week.
    I know my deficit needs to be 1000 but I still don't understand it I guess. I am looking for an estimated amount of calories I need to burn during exercise to lose 2lb a week.

    Thank you

    #1 - 2 pounds a week is too much unless you have 40+ pounds to lose
    #2 - if you know your BMR, you should know that you should never eat LESS than your BMR. That's the energy you need to breathe, move, digest food, live
    #3 - I'd figure out your TDEE and go from there.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    2 pounds a week is too aggressive. You will burn muscle and then you will just be a skinnier version of the fat you think you are now.

    MFP calculates what you need to lose weight not including exercise. When you exercise, you need to eat MORE for fuel. You still maintain the same correct deficit to lose the weight though.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    I currently weigh 151 lbs and am 5'7". If I eat a 1400 calorie diet a day (all healthy-chicken, salads, beans, veggies, eggs...ect), how many calories do I need to burn while working out to lose an est. 2lbs a week?
    My BMR is 1,468 btw
    Also, I workout twice a day, 6 days a week.
    I know my deficit needs to be 1000 but I still don't understand it I guess. I am looking for an estimated amount of calories I need to burn during exercise to lose 2lb a week.

    Thank you

    Holy borderline unhealthy thought pattern, Batman.

    First ... why do you think it has to be two pounds a week? Secondly, where are you coming up with 1400 calories as your intake goal? (I'd bet it is related to the skewed two pound per week figure)

    What are you currently doing for exercise and what is your non exercise activity level?

    Without those simple questions answered there is little chance of providing you with healthy advice towards achievable and sustainable results. Your current plan looks like a crash, muscle destroying, unhealthy approach .... at least from the limited details you've provided.
  • KendraA89
    KendraA89 Posts: 19
    Okay. I think I get it. I guess I am a little too eager to lose weight. I was down to 143lbs in January so I guess I just wanted to jump back to that asap. I lost my job so I stopped being active and started eating junk food 24-7 so I gained weight pretty quickly... I ultimately want to get down to 130-135lbs and get a hot bod like Michelle Prestin (minus the boob job) lol... I don't plan on working out 2 times a day forever. Just until I at least get back down to 140. I am, however, going to continue weight training and doing moderate cardio at the gym to maintain once I lower my body fat percentage. If I slim down, but gain weight, I'm okay with that too As long as its muscle. So, as long as I eat around 1500-1700 (healthy) calories and continue exercising, I should continue to lose weight?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    So, you have about 20 pounds to lose.

    Set MFP to lose 1 pound per week, then eat more when you exercise.


    Find out what your TDEE is and eat 20% less than that. After you lose 10 pounds, change it to 10% less than your new TDEE. TDEE includes your exercise, so you would not eat more for exercise with this method.

    You wont gain weight in muscle when you are eating less than TDEE.
  • KendraA89
    KendraA89 Posts: 19
    Brianperkins- lmao! I didn't realize 2lb a week was too much. Oops... I do Insanity in the am and lift weights/30 min cardio in the evening. Throw out what I said about losing 2lb a week. I just wanted to know how many cals I should be eating and how much I should be burning..

    As far as non-exercise activity, I have 2 two year old that keeps me pretty active but I am a stay at home mom so aside from taking care of her and daily house cleaning, I don't do a lot outside of exercise
  • KendraA89
    KendraA89 Posts: 19
    My TDEE is around 2343... So, minus around 500 and I have to eat around 1800 calories daily?
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Brianperkins- lmao! I didn't realize 2lb a week was too much. Oops... I do Insanity in the am and lift weights/30 min cardio in the evening. Throw out what I said about losing 2lb a week. I just wanted to know how many cals I should be eating and how much I should be burning..

    "Lmao" is an immature response. You can grow up, get serious about this, and start on a path to improving your body composition in an intelligent manner or you can keep grasping for random numbers on an internet forum. The choice is yours.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Brianperkins- lmao! I didn't realize 2lb a week was too much. Oops... I do Insanity in the am and lift weights/30 min cardio in the evening. Throw out what I said about losing 2lb a week. I just wanted to know how many cals I should be eating and how much I should be burning..

    "Lmao" is an immature response. You can grow up, get serious about this, and start on a path to improving your body composition in an intelligent manner or you can keep grasping for random numbers on an internet forum. The choice is yours.

    Wow. That's a little unnecessarily harsh.
    My TDEE is around 2343... So, minus around 500 and I have to eat around 1800 calories daily?

    Yes, that would be a good place to start. Try that for a few weeks (ie more than 2 or 3) and adjust from there. Good luck.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    My TDEE is around 2343... So, minus around 500 and I have to eat around 1800 calories daily?

    20% off of 2343 is 468 calories so your goal would be 1875.

    After you lose 10 pounds, recalculate your TDEE and then take 10% off for your new calorie goal.

    1800 is close enough.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Brianperkins- lmao! I didn't realize 2lb a week was too much. Oops... I do Insanity in the am and lift weights/30 min cardio in the evening. Throw out what I said about losing 2lb a week. I just wanted to know how many cals I should be eating and how much I should be burning..

    "Lmao" is an immature response. You can grow up, get serious about this, and start on a path to improving your body composition in an intelligent manner or you can keep grasping for random numbers on an internet forum. The choice is yours.

    Well that escalated quickly... lmao
  • KendraA89
    KendraA89 Posts: 19
    Just because I joke does not mean I am any less serious about it. I actually don't think I could be more serious about getting in shape. I'm absolutely not trying to take random guesses and pick and choose numbers hoping for the best. I honestly just don't know some things... I'd hire a nutritionist or a trainer if I could, but unfortunately I don't have the money. This is my only access to information. Sorry if I come off naïve or immature. I really would like guidance on how I can reach my goals. Thank you everyone for your input.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Brianperkins- lmao! I didn't realize 2lb a week was too much. Oops... I do Insanity in the am and lift weights/30 min cardio in the evening. Throw out what I said about losing 2lb a week. I just wanted to know how many cals I should be eating and how much I should be burning..

    "Lmao" is an immature response. You can grow up, get serious about this, and start on a path to improving your body composition in an intelligent manner or you can keep grasping for random numbers on an internet forum. The choice is yours.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Just because I joke does not mean I am any less serious about it. I actually don't think I could be more serious about getting in shape. I'm absolutely not trying to take random guesses and pick and choose numbers hoping for the best. I honestly just don't know some things... I'd hire a nutritionist or a trainer if I could, but unfortunately I don't have the money. This is my only access to information. Sorry if I come off naïve or immature. I really would like guidance on how I can reach my goals. Thank you everyone for your input.

    You're fine. Don't worry about one ....... whatever that was......
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Brianperkins- lmao! I didn't realize 2lb a week was too much. Oops... I do Insanity in the am and lift weights/30 min cardio in the evening. Throw out what I said about losing 2lb a week. I just wanted to know how many cals I should be eating and how much I should be burning..

    "Lmao" is an immature response. You can grow up, get serious about this, and start on a path to improving your body composition in an intelligent manner or you can keep grasping for random numbers on an internet forum. The choice is yours.

    Overact much? Get over yourself.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    ... stupid double post :grumble: