Yeah, I thought about that, but MFP is kind of glitchy of my phone. It loses recipes randomly and nothing seems to stop it. I've emailed them about it but nothing seems to permanently stop that from happening.
Which dvds do you use? Thanks!
I was thinking perhaps some sort of kickboxing type workout...I've noticed while doing some Jillian Michael's videos that I don't seem to have much of a problem with the boxing and kickboxing moves, it's just all the jumping around that bothers my joints. Does anyone have any suggestions for high intensity but low impact…
Thank you to all the replies so far! Firstly, I have seen a doctor. Not recently, but when I was a teenager and started having trouble in my gym classes, I saw a doctor who knew my family history and confirmed I have weak joints. I remember him telling me to ice my joints while they hurt, and avoid activity that bothered…