Help/Advice on Exercise for Bad Joints

Okay, so I'm only 24 but have always had weak joints--it's something that runs in my family and has nothing to do with my nutrition. About a year ago, I was around 135 pounds (height just under 5' 4"), so I wasn't particularly overweight, but I was very sedentary and had a lot of stomach fat. Fast forward to now, at 115 I definitely feel healthier, but I still have a lot of flabbiness on me, especially my stomach, and I suspect I still have a good amount of fat to lose. I'm pretty petite height/build wise, so for me, I would probably be at my healthiest around 105 or so.

Anyway, for just a little under six months I was exercising on my husband's treadmill, but it was really taking a toll on my knee joints. I had sort of hoped it would go away after my body adapted to running, since it was something I'd never really done before, and kept going. I stopped the treadmill for good in late April, because the pain was becoming unbearable and I was having a hard time even standing/sitting.

I've recently done a lot of Jillian Michaels videos, and tried out Insanity a couple of times, but the problem is, all the plyometrics is really starting to take a toll on my joints--my knees are hurting really badly again, my wrists are starting to have problems from some of the push up/plank moves, and I recently injured my ankle joint during one of the Insanity workouts bad enough that I don't think I can do those videos at all anymore.

So, I don't really know what to do now. I would really like to lose the extra fat and tighten/tone, as well as just finding an exercise I can do long term to stay healthy, but I don't know where to go from here. I can't do a lot of jumping around, running bothers my knees and ankles, and I don't have the money for a gym memberships or trainer/coach. I prefer videos, as it's easier to stick to and I'm home all the time anyway (recent grad and unemployed right now), but all the videos I've looked into that claim to be easy on joints seem too easy and I don't believe they will give me results. I mean, if not for my joints, I have confidence that I would have been able to do the full sixty days of Insanity, so the workout videos geared towards people with bad joints don't seem like they'd be intensive enough to do anything for me.

Does anyone out there have any advice on what I can do to lose the last bit of fat and tone without killing my joints? As I said, I would really prefer videos. I was thinking about picking up some pilates videos, but it doesn't seem like that would do much for fat loss, and I'm not sure how it would be on my joints. So, any advice/recommendations would be extremely helpful and appreciated. Sorry this post is so long; I'm not really used to posting in forums and didn't know what information would be relevant.


  • megedoug
    megedoug Posts: 31 Member
    First I'd go to a Dr to see what they can do about your joints. I have one very bad knee but with a proper brace I can do just about anything. And then take it slow and build yourself up. I know with my knee, targeting and strengthening the muscles surrounding it have greatly helped with the pain. You might need a little physical therapy to get some exercises to do
  • carly_am
    carly_am Posts: 145 Member
    Build your muscles!! At risk of sounding like one of those 'lift lift lift' preachy types, I started running and found I was rendered almost disabled the day after a run so I invested in knee supports which really helped (after seeing the dr who confirmed there was nothing seriously wrong). This was back in January. I also started working on building strength in my leg muscles (as my knees were my problem) through low impact exercise and classes like body pump and kettle bells. I have significantly increased my leg strength particularly in my quads.

    Anyway, I can now run without my knee supports and I don't experience the knee pain I used to!

    Good luck! :)
  • carly_am
    carly_am Posts: 145 Member
    Build your muscles!! At risk of sounding like one of those 'lift lift lift' preachy types, I started running and found I was rendered almost disabled the day after a run so I invested in knee supports which really helped (after seeing the dr who confirmed there was nothing seriously wrong). This was back in January. I also started working on building strength in my leg muscles (as my knees were my problem) through low impact exercise and classes like body pump and kettle bells. I have significantly increased my leg strength particularly in my quads.

    Anyway, I can now run without my knee supports and I don't experience the knee pain I used to!

    Good luck! :)

    ETA: I'm also 24, but a little bigger than you at 5'7" and 157lbs
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    See your doctor first. Then, work on a balanced workout by building strength around your joints - personally I :heart: yoga. It is a great compliment to cardio and even weight workouts and increase your core strength as well adding strength and health to the joints.
  • kalic714
    kalic714 Posts: 6
    Thank you to all the replies so far!

    Firstly, I have seen a doctor. Not recently, but when I was a teenager and started having trouble in my gym classes, I saw a doctor who knew my family history and confirmed I have weak joints. I remember him telling me to ice my joints while they hurt, and avoid activity that bothered them. I used to have some supports for them, but that was a long time ago. I was never prescribed anything, and I'm pretty sure there isn't anything that can be prescribed, since my older sister and mother have both never been prescribed anything, either.

    I have thought about getting braces or supports for my knees, but then in all reality I'd need them for my ankles and wrists, too, and it seems unlikely I'd be able to do any proper exercises with all that gear on, so I'd really prefer to only use braces when absolutely necessary, but moreover find an exercise that won't bother me.

    As far as strength training goes, I know it can make the bones less prone to fractures and injury, but what could I really do to strength train my knees, wrists, and ankles? I have pretty strong calf muscles, so I'm not sure how much more I could do about the joints in that respect.

    Also, I should probably mention that I have flat feet, which is known to cause weaker ankles and knees. There's absolutely nothing I can do about that. When I lived with my parents, they had special shoes and inserts created for me, but they're extremely expensive and I don't have the money for that right now. Anyway, I'm just bringing it up because I think, in addition to having weak joints, it makes it something that can't just be worked around or built up to; it's not changeable, so I need to instead find some sort of routine that won't exacerbate my issues.
  • kalic714
    kalic714 Posts: 6
    I was thinking perhaps some sort of kickboxing type workout...I've noticed while doing some Jillian Michael's videos that I don't seem to have much of a problem with the boxing and kickboxing moves, it's just all the jumping around that bothers my joints.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for high intensity but low impact videos like boxing type exercises then?
  • Mochila09
    Mochila09 Posts: 51 Member
    Agree with the post above. I had the same issue with running and Jillian Michaels' videos. Loved both, but had chronic knee pain. I switched to kickboxing (TaeBo DVDs at home), and weightlifting (also at home). I have no pain whatsoever now and have seen a change in my body composition. I also have extremely flat feet that overpronate and used to wear orthotics as a child. Maybe talk to your doctor about exercises that strengthen your feet. You can also find them online. Good luck!
  • kalic714
    kalic714 Posts: 6
    Which dvds do you use? Thanks!
  • preaser
    preaser Posts: 85 Member
    I also struggle with lots of joint pain. My orthopedic dr stated that swimming is the best exercise you can do for your joints. I however, don't really care for it) I walk a lot and do Pilates. I also believe strengthening your core helps. I do an old pilates video from Denise Austin that is great. I'm sure there are some new ones that are great also. It makes me feel better and limber, which I think also helps your joints. I have also gotten injections in my joints and that helps extremely. I also buy arch supports from the "walking company store". They are about $70, but well worth the price. I've also started taking Vitamin B supplements and krill oit (like fish oil) The Dr said is won't really help, but I think it does. Good luck, pain can be so frustrating, but keep trying to find something that works, it will be worth it!
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    Firstly, I have seen a doctor. Not recently, but when I was a teenager and started having trouble in my gym classes, I saw a doctor who knew my family history and confirmed I have weak joints. I remember him telling me to ice my joints while they hurt, and avoid activity that bothered them. I used to have some supports for them, but that was a long time ago. I was never prescribed anything, and I'm pretty sure there isn't anything that can be prescribed, since my older sister and mother have both never been prescribed anything, either.

    I might suggest you find a different doctor. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess the doctor you saw is a General Practitioner? You need to see an Orthopedic doctor. I'm pretty sure "weak joints" is not an official diagnosis you will get from and Ortho. They will also be able to advise you PROPERLY on what exercises you should be doing. IMO