

  • I drink hot tea without sugar or milk. It seems to take care of it. There is always a good book, grading students papers, working on new lectures, and organizing or cleaning things. Right before trying to get back to sleep, I drink some water and add a few berries or a hand full of muslei just to keep me sleeping the rest…
  • Cooking for the lady in your life keeps things alive. I do it every chance I can get. Last night we didn't even get around to dinner until almost 9 PM ... so we decided to get something at the market. We ended up with a nice sour dough loaf, some havarti cheese with dill and a bottle of chardeny. I went over my calories by…
  • Heading over to the Newcastle area in January of next year for a 6 month chemistry stint at the university of Newcastle. Working on getting myself into hsape before arrival. I thought "team UK" would be a fun place to say hello early ... before I arrive. ... anyway. Hello UK. On my way there soon.
  • It is all in the rounding. ... If the prgram is set to give either 1.0, or 1.5, or 2.0 ... it rounds numbers as such and makes for easy reading. I am sure that if we had an extra "significant figure" (I am a chemist) ... we would see that the math all makes sense.
  • Is all about feeling good while living. Glad you are here.
  • Hey ... I am still at the base of the hill. Can't help with a platue. Sorry
  • You are training your body to process foods differently. As you progress try to eat less food more often to stay less hungry. Just becasue you are on a high protein diet doesn't mean you can't have one bit of something either. You need to live too.
  • Maybe you all don't get the point. What if I only have $300 for a month for two people and our diets have us at 3300 calories per day between us. This is real simple math ... I'll make it 3300 cal/day * 30 days /$300 = 330 Cal per dollar. So to stay within budget for money I have t figure out how to get 330 Cal/dollar or…
  • OK grocery shopping: 1 pound of asparagus 1 pound potatoes 1 pound ground beef - Grass fed! 1 pound red onion 1 carton Rice Dream 1 jar Classico spabeghtti sauce 1 pound Muesli (uncooked 12 grain cereal) 1 box green tea This was $24.97 and came out to be 182 Cal per dollar. With my wife and I (Total Cal per day for both is…
  • Stick with 200 calories or less every 3 hours (two more times should work). Make sure it is something with Fat, Prot, and Carb and not just Carbohydrates only. Tomorrow Eat with a plan in mind.
  • Make sure to do some intense weight movment. ... and then no cardio on that day. For example, Carry your kids 100 yards. Set them down. Rest. Then do it again. Make sure to use your arms, legs, back, stomach ... as many muscles as possible. My kids are 12, 10 and 8. If yours are over 100 lbs you can shorten the walk. Short…
  • I lowered mine. It was 1960 and I am fine at 1850.
  • Slow long miles ... and don't eat before. Your body can store enough sugar for about an hour before it needs to make more. It will start to make more sugar substitute from your own protein after an hour or so. Training for a marathon but skiping the carbohydrates while you train (have some about 30 minutes after so you…
  • Hey there. Adding a friend is pretty easy. Go to community, and then click on find members. Do a search based on what you know. My darling wife to be "MAGDSA" on this site is "almost 30" as well ... says she wants to loose 4 pounds and get healthy (and is supporting my 12 or so I need to loose). You two might hit it off.…