

  • Jan 3rd: 10th: 17th: 24th: 31st: Feb 7th: 14th: 21st: 28th: 169.2 Mar 7th: 172 14th: ((Mini Goal: 168 lbs)) 21st: 28th: Apr 4th: 11th: 18th: 25th: ((Goal: 160 lbs... or less of course!))
  • I'm in!! SW 171 Name: Morgan!! How do we check in? Every Friday?
  • I only have 45 sec breaks too.
  • Welcome. I am also trying to lose my baby weight. I have a little more than you~!~ =) But good luck. I jogged with a jogging stroller for the first tme today.
  • Thanks everyone for your advice!! I will definetly try these things. I have 33 lbs to left to lose and my goal is to have them off by end of April. If I can get atleast 20 of them I would be one happy girl!!
  • Even with Working out? If I burn 500 calories do i have to eat all of those back? If thats the case why do I work out? Just curious
  • How is your protein intake? Perhaps you need to add a little carbs back into your diet. I know when I cut out carbs my blood sugar drops. But as soon as i eat a complex carb, my energy level goes back up. I recently cut out fats and my period stop so, I had to add those back in. You just have to have a happy medium of all…
  • I know it's horrible but I weigh myself everyday!! It's the only thing I can justify going to bed hungry and waking up and see'ing progress!! Haha..terrible I know!! But it's kept me on the bandwagon! 6 lbs in 13 days!
  • I was one of those lucky ones that had ZERO symptoms until about 28 weeks when belly popped out. Seriously, i could have been one of those people who had birth that didn't know they were pregnant. Well until the 3rd trimester anyways. But I am so regular when I woke up the morning I was suppose to have AF and didn't I took…
  • Lost 5 lbs but I have the rest of today too. So Final weigh in will be tomorrow morning. But it is definetly waterweight. But someone at work noticed a change in my mid section!! =)
  • Thanks Ladies! This will be so much fun. This makes a New Years Resolution so much easier to stick too!!
  • Yes i know. I was extremely active before i was pregnant running about 30 miles a week. But due to some things that came up during the pregnancy i was only able to swim for 30 min 2x a week.. So pretty sedetary. Right now I still have a broken tail bone from delivery, so i am limited on what i can do physically. Just…