miucifer Member


  • I would say buy your own breast meat and cook it at home. That's the only way you're really going to know what's going on with the meat. No additives. And from a veggie standpoint, add more vegetables! :) There's also a lot of vegetarian "meats" available but I'm not sure how they really compare to the calories, fat, and…
  • That really sucks! I know how you feel, I've had an iPod stolen, twice, from work. The second time, I saw the guy shortly after it went missing and followed him down the street until the police arrested him. Somewhere between his confession and the court date, the iPod suddenly was no where to be found... so I was still…
  • You eat everything except for meat! Simple as that.
  • Found this link for you on google. http://www.theveggietable.com/articles/protein.html
  • I'm vegan and the hardest part about it is making sure there isn't whey or eggs in what I buy, especially (frozen) meat substitutes and bread. If you aren't already vegetarian, I might give that a go first, as the transition to veganism can be difficult for someone who is used to eating primarily meat and dairy, as most…
  • You can do it! Just believe in yourself, stay strong, and don't beat yourself up if you slip and have some meat.
  • I made a Jamaican style black bean and cornbread bake last week that my boyfriend keeps asking me to make again. It was under 400 calories per serving, super easy, and delicious. Its from Supermarket Vegan but I found it on the Vegetarian Times website. Here's the link: http://www.vegetariantimes.com/recipes/11303 I'm…
  • My therapist asked me to do 150 minutes of walking a day, with 10 minutes as a minimum. If I walked 10 minutes at a time, it counted as part of the 150, and as exercise for the week. If I did 15, and 15 later that day, it was 30 total for the day. I found this to be the easiest thing to do! I would say, start with your…
  • I can't sleep either but a calcium magnesium tablet (look for cal-mag citrate) used to help in the past, as well as the melatonin. Make sure your room is dark- that gets your melatonin levels up, naturally. Other ideas: hot water bottle on your stomach for a little while when you are in bed. I've found that this really…
    in Sleep!! Comment by miucifer January 2011
  • I make smoothies in the morning, when I have time, using a little bit of orange juice, frozen fruit and a little bit of coconut milk (so delicious brand). By a little, I mean, 1/3 cup. I use 2/3 cup of fruit. Its under 100 calories and satisfies my sweet tooth without being awful for me. Fresh fruit works too, but frozen…