kirsty140185 Member


  • ST johns wort does come with these side effects and f you spoke to your gp they would probably advise you to stop taking it, it's not for everyone. It does sound like you have anxiety (same as me) but your anxious about your anxiety, which is a never ending problem. Do you have any family or friends you can talk to about…
  • I could do with a motivation buddy!!! Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi, I have anxiety too. I have panic attacks too. I have previously lived with agoraphobia but managed to kick that into touch :) I'm a single Mum, I work full time too. Like you I don't have any family nearby. I would love if we could be friends and motivate each other and talk about stuff.
  • I am the same as you and what I would advise is to get up for a week with you 6am alarm regardless of how tired you are. It takes about 3/4 weeks for our bodies to adjust to new routines. After that you won't be as tired.
  • Hi, Sorry I can't answer your question but wanted to ask, how quickly did you become addicted to running? I suffer from anxiety and know running will help get the stress out but running is taking me some getting used to.
  • I'm from the UK have heard of the park run my friend does this. I did race for life 2 years ago and did 5k in 32:12. Then it went down hill from there and my motivation left me! I don't exercise as often as I should and find various excuses (not reasons!) for not doing it.
  • Thank you :) just wanted to add my pace was 10:28min/mile is this ok?
  • Hi everyone, Thank you again for your replies. I've just come back from a 1.1mile jog, it wasn't easy easy, my legs were burning, but I went slow and slowed down even more when I lost my breath. But I completed it without stopping. First time I've ever done a jog without stopping at all. Plus no lightheadedness :)
  • I will try and schedule in a pre jog snack, it's difficult to find the time to plan these things, I work full time and am a single Mum so usually offers of childcare are last minute and I just grab my trainers and go!
  • Thank you for your replies. I drink plenty of water, and always take some with me when I go jogging. I can't remember exactly what I had eaten that day but my hunger doesn't allow me to eat less than the 3 meals a day! I have had toast with honey this morning a clementine a cup of tea with 1 sugar and a ham sandwich on…