Jogging beginner

Hi all,

This is my first post, so please be kind. I've tried C25K, I've tried just running/walking at my own pace, I always struggle and can't say I love it, but it's something I am keen to "crack"

The other day I went out jogging, I managed to jog 1.6miles with only 1 very brief stop {so longest I've ever managed continually} and as I turned around to set off back I got so lightheaded I nearly passed out, and understandable this has really scared me.

I am going out tonight {be a shame to waste this beautiful weather} for a jog and am only going to do 0.5miles there and 0.5miles back and see if that's tolerable.

Has anyone else had this happen and what are the causes? I had this once before visited my GP who stated everyone gets lightheaded when they exercise!!!


  • ranks39
    ranks39 Posts: 14
    This has happened to me. When it happened to me it was because I was eating around 1,000 calories/day, so my body didn't have the fuel...
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    How fast are you running?

    And it's not a waste. It's listening to your body and doing it right. My first ever run was 1.5 miles total. You build from there.
  • Greywalk
    Greywalk Posts: 193 Member
    Water and glucose are requirements to run. So you were light in one of those two areas.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I'd say going too fast or not enough fuel, or a combination of both. You should be running at a pace where you could carry on a conversation with someone.
  • kirsty140185
    kirsty140185 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you for your replies. I drink plenty of water, and always take some with me when I go jogging. I can't remember exactly what I had eaten that day but my hunger doesn't allow me to eat less than the 3 meals a day! I have had toast with honey this morning a clementine a cup of tea with 1 sugar and a ham sandwich on seedy bread today, that amounts to approximately 700calories, would this be enough to sustain my jog?

    I was jogging at a 11min mile - I wasn't out of breath and my body wasn't sore.
  • Amanda_Gx6
    Amanda_Gx6 Posts: 320 Member
    I suggest you add a pre-run snack into your schedule. Make sure you give yourself enough time to eat and feel comfortable running so you don't get nauseous. 700 calories isn't a whole lot before a run considering running can burn 150-300 of those calories at a time leaving you with not so many to keep your system stabilized.
  • kirsty140185
    kirsty140185 Posts: 12 Member
    I will try and schedule in a pre jog snack, it's difficult to find the time to plan these things, I work full time and am a single Mum so usually offers of childcare are last minute and I just grab my trainers and go!
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Most people don't normally have to "fuel" their runs-- normally implying normal eating

    As long as you're getting 1200 or so base calories a day, you MIGHT beatable to start a training program with no issues, especially if you schedule eating around running.

    I don't like to eat anything before a run or a ride, which means I like to run first thing in the morning. If not I'll eat a steady influx of easy to digest things like Greek yogurt, bananas, protein/energy bars (about 250 to 300 calories every three hours) until I run.

    After a run try a protein recovery beverage or 12 oz of skim milk with 2 tbsp of Nesquick

    Then eat normally and substantially
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    Yes... And you are probably running to fast. This happened to me when I first started running. Yes even 12 min mile can be too fast. It's all realitive... Don't give up.. I started running 6 years ago, and I could make it a 1/2 mile without stopping.. Now I've qualified for the Boston Marathon. You'll never know what you're capable of if you quit
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I managed to jog 1.6miles with only 1 very brief stop {so longest I've ever managed continually} and as I turned around to set off back I got so lightheaded I nearly passed out, and understandable this has really scared me.

    Sounds like you may be running a bit too fast tbh, if you've got no indicators of a medical issue then I wouldn't default to assuming that.

    It does take time to get used to, but some structure to your training helps and it sounds like you're there in terms of approach.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Hey Kirsty!

    When I first started exercising regularly a couple years ago, I did an exercise DVD (Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred) and I often got really lightheaded at the end during the cool down. A couple of times I had to sit on the floor because I thought I was going to pass out/throw up. I eased back over the next few workouts only because I was scared it was going to happen again and it didn't. I think I was just going too hard too soon. I agree with others that you were probably just going too fast. I think your plan to ease back today is a great idea and you shouldn't get lightheaded again. If you do, might want to talk to a dr. Good luck!
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Good advice above, you are probably going too fast, even if it doesn't feel it at the time.

    Maybe try a different C25K app (Zombies! Run one is a good variation) and ensure you stick to the program, the aim isn't to sprint those first short runs it's to just be running and in some cases it's running slower than you've been walking.
  • kirsty140185
    kirsty140185 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Thank you again for your replies. I've just come back from a 1.1mile jog, it wasn't easy easy, my legs were burning, but I went slow and slowed down even more when I lost my breath. But I completed it without stopping. First time I've ever done a jog without stopping at all. Plus no lightheadedness :)
  • yay for jogging and "cracking it" :)

    This used to happen to me years ago, and it was due to low blood sugar. I always make sure I eat breakfast now and have a little bit of fat and protein (peanut butter) before I run.
  • Hi everyone,

    Thank you again for your replies. I've just come back from a 1.1mile jog, it wasn't easy easy, my legs were burning, but I went slow and slowed down even more when I lost my breath. But I completed it without stopping. First time I've ever done a jog without stopping at all. Plus no lightheadedness :)

    so fabulous!! :flowerforyou:
  • kirsty140185
    kirsty140185 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you :) just wanted to add my pace was 10:28min/mile is this ok?
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Thank you :) just wanted to add my pace was 10:28min/mile is this ok?

    Don't worry about pace justnow, just focus on being able to run for longer and longer. I would suggest aiming to run for 30 minutes as your initial target, then over time increase that to about 60 minutes. Once you're running for 60 minutes 3-4 times per week you'll be well placed to start focussing on increasing your pace, although by that time it'll have naturlly increased anyway.

    fwiw if a pace of 10:28 was slowed down then it's no surprise that you were struggling before now. That's a comfortable pace for an exerienced runner.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    1st off .. great for starting running (and please call it that .. you are a RUNNER - wear it and be proud). You didn't waste anything.

    Please don't worry at all about your pace or how long you are out for or how many times you had to stop.. YOU ARE A RUNNER.... You WILL get better, faster, fitter and run a lot further (and quite soon too).

    Try to run with other people if you can.... Over here in the U,K we have a FREE, Timed run called parkrun (, they are all over the country and at the same time every Saturday ..... loads of folks of all abilities run and then have a chat over a cup of coffee afterwards - it's a great system and brought me on leaps and bounds... SO if you can find a local club - go see them - I'll bet you wont regret it.

    Have fun .. remember to smile.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Thank you :) just wanted to add my pace was 10:28min/mile is this ok?

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Hi all,

    This is my first post, so please be kind. I've tried C25K, I've tried just running/walking at my own pace, I always struggle and can't say I love it, but it's something I am keen to "crack"

    The other day I went out jogging, I managed to jog 1.6miles with only 1 very brief stop {so longest I've ever managed continually} and as I turned around to set off back I got so lightheaded I nearly passed out, and understandable this has really scared me.

    Congrats! That's a good start. So assuming you were actually feeling off, and not tired, or feeling endorphins, it's due to conditioning. Do it more and it ain't no thing. Unless you have a medical condition.

    Are you used to physical effort? I know a few folks who complain about that feeling, but it was really just them being so far removed from physical effort that they didn't know how to mentally parse it.