" I have a HUGE marrow!! What do I do with it"???? ...That's what SHE said ;)
I am fairly slim and very fair and I DO like darker men who are huskier... like my fiancée :) So I guess I go for opposite! I like him to be fit but a little muscular.
Try a veggie pad thai without egg or a thai basil dish with brown rice. Also fresh rolls are just rice paper, veggies and rice noodles and are low calorie. A lot of thai restaurants also have different kinds of salads or tom yum soups.
I tried the Atkins diet years ago but as a non meat and dairy eater... it was really depressing as fruit wasn't allowed and it makes your breath bad as well as it not being great on your organs to eat a load of protein. I have done far better on a very healthy plant based diet for life... I can sustain it and occasionally…
Brawning! As in brains and brawn ;) "Solid and well-developed muscles, especially of the arms and legs. 2. Muscular strength and power"
My wedding is on October 5th but my dress is not finished yet... getting it made... not worried though :) My problem..? I am great at sucking it all in for my fittings, taking a couple inches off my waist so have a pain in my side when it's all over... haha!!!! Need to get smaller/ tighter so I don't die of pain on my…
My wedding is a few weeks away but I have been working on fitness for years. All I want over the next few weeks is to keep my waist as small a possible as the dress is TIGHT ;) Also want to get my arms into fantastic shape! They are getting there! I am lifting a lot and heavy and doing extra ballet classes as well as…
I you eat lots of fresh fruit and veggies it will resolve soon. Avoid chocolate, meat and cheeses. Take flax seed in a fruit smoothie ... that will really help. I used to have these issues but since going on a plant based diet I am very healthy in that area. You need fiber and the best ways to get it are naturally :) Don't…
Whether the OP article is authentic or not, why would anyone with a brain defend diet sodas or indeed any sodas!? Madness! It's just common sense that that stuff is not nurturing or helpful to the body in any way, shape or form.
First one totally... nice shape. The others look kinda scary ;)
Are you sure it's not just a genetic thing? Do your parents or other family members have this? They could be fat pads under and above the eyes possibly which are showing up more as you get older? If so, thermage could help but I hear it is expensive. I feel you though... super annoying and even worse when you can't get…
Wow! I want to see your intestines in a few years ;) lol That is some SERIOUS addiction speaking there!
I gave up coffee cold turkey and replaced it with lemon ginger water. I don't miss it at all now and it's been over four years. I understand wanting to stop putting chemical things in your body... or at least limiting them when possible. Some people don't mind consuming them but others of us care about cancer and what is…
I am vegan so every meal/ day is meat and dairy free for me. Try these sites for great recipes;…
Op you are lucky....I would way rather be long and lean...I can look stocky imho which I think is unattractive. I would exchange my 5 foot 6 pear shape for long and lean in a minute! Who cares about big muscles ;)
Hate my pear shape... 5 foot 6" Bust 32.75 Waist 27 Hips 35 Butt/ hip circumference 37" Thigh 22" :'(
Fruit, vegetables, lentils, beans...other natural healthy foods.
Haha....not very balletic ;)
Ha IS compared to most dancers I know ;)
Why does it have to be cauliflower? You could make a delicious and healthy treat like this; It's got no flour, fake sweeteners, eggs or dairy in can't lose!
That's not terribly compassionate thinking or behavior. Sometimes unavoidable things happen and a dog gets out and even the sweetest dog will chase anything that runs. I am extremely mindful of runners myself and always keep my dogs on a leash when they are around but I don't think it's nice to talk of hurting an innocent…
Seriously don't ! If there's anything I've learned from ballet it's that humungous boobs don't create a pretty line ;) Thanks for the compliment.. you are very cute yourself!
Nah, the smaller boobs probably make your torso longer and more streamlined...I like that look :) Try having 30D on a teeny short torso! :'(
I am the same!!! I am 5'6" and my legs are long but I am short waisted and short torso'ed :( I feel so frustrated too as I can be slim but I look bigger as I have boobs, a butt and hips and all that seems to be squeezed into a teeny area! To look thin I have to BE thinner than a long torso person it seems! I agree on…
Make a gorgeous big Moroccan lentil stew can find recipes online and eat it a few days a week (you can freeze it in portions)...or buy whole wheat pre made pizza crusts and add a load of fresh veggies, spices, herbs and crushed walnuts on top. You could also make a great veggie stew which you can eat during the week…
I have a friend who completely cured her diabetes on a raw vegan diet and then slowly introduced some cooked foods back in. She doesn't need to inject at all any more and is doing great. She avoids all processed sugar though and overly processed foods. I say eat very well.. lots of vegetables, raw if possible, fruit,…
Try Righteously ever raw dark chocolate with super foods in it..AND so so delicious if you like dark..the caramel one is addictive!!!! Pricey though...but means you eat less ;)
As a teen maybe you can get by on eating nothing, but I can guarantee you that as they get older they will get unhealthy and start to look bad. You are right to eat well. They are the dumb ones! :)
First of all, having a gorgeous face (which you do) is the number one best already ARE beautiful!!! AND you are young so you can bounce back after you have lost the weight. Listen to your BF, he loves you and sees your attractiveness. Just work on making your body a temple, treating it with grace and health and…