

  • That is why I didn't list it as exercise, but if you are going from a sedentary job to one like working on cars your calorie's are going to change. I don't want to modify my activity setting since it is not a consistent thing for me.
  • Shame you feel this way you look very pretty in your pictures.
  • SRH7 thanks for the reply. My tdee isn't drastically different from my MFP numbers, 2400 vs.2100. But the other thing that is confusing if I do the calcs per the road map thread my cals are at 2400, if I use the spread sheet or scooby they are lower.
  • anymore? I still have my doubts since it seems to good to be true, especially since I sit at a desk 8 hours a day and drive in a car for another 2 so once you add in 8 hours of sleep that leaves me with 6 hours to do other stuff which is usually doing homework. So i'm really sedentary since I haven't found the time to…
  • Thanks for the tips guys. I think I will take out the butter, and in the future swap to sour cream.
  • Remember you will be walking a ton while at Disney and they have made huge improvements lately about offering healthier options. Last Time I went to Disney for a week I actually lost 5 lbs because we walked so much, and I didn't even make huge strides to eat healthy, but I also didn't eat a lot of stuff that I knew was bad…
  • As others have said your calorie intake is to low. As a 360 lb man I was set at 2200 because I mostly sit all day long and rarely work out. With you working out you really should be eating more. Also with gaining weight this week did you eat something that may have triggered retaining water? More carbs than usual more salt?
  • He might be worried that if you loose a bunch of weight that you will leave him as he won't be good enough for you anymore, self image issues. I know this sounds like a leap of faith but it happens. Also you might want to suggest he goes and sees a doc. I had similar symptoms to what you described for your husband. I found…
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