412lbs and Trouble Losing Weight After 7 Months!? Uhg



  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    have you ever considered weight loss surgery?
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    2200 calorie goal?

    That's quite low for someone your size. Eating too little is just as counterproductive as eating too much. I'm 5 feet tall, 128 lbs, and I eat 2100 to maintain. Surely you're eating too little.

    Bigger deficits are usually ok when your very overweight. At 301lbs I was eating 1300 as recommended by several doctors and dietitians.

    Not when your deficit is below your BMR it isn't.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Definitely take a look at the roadmap 2.0! The lin kwas already posted :)

    Also you may want to adjust your macros (which is covered in the roadmap) to something that will definitely benefit your loss. Lose the extra sodium, aiming for 1500mg a day on average is going to help keep of water weight and is definitely a healthier intake, increasing your protein naturally isn't too hard using lean meats (I use sirloin steak, it's not entirely lean but has a great protein value without too much sodium) and legumes/nuts.

    I know the more you need to consume the harder it is to hit your targets without either going over in calories or in sodium/fat but it's something your body needs to help you lose weight in a healthy way. As someone suggested above, doing swimming is an excellent low impact way of working out, it's much easier on you and is a great burn. Another way is using an eliptical as it turns what is usually a higher impact activity to a low/moderate impact activity and can induce a similar calorie burn.

    Your loss so far has been fantastic so don't feel down about it, losing this slowly is incredible healthy and will help you maintain better when you reach your goal. A faster loss isn't always a better loss.
  • Where's the fruit & veg? You maybe need to look at the quality of your calories not just quantity.
  • First off, huge congrats for taking the right steps in making a healthier life for yourself! Remember, to celebrate your successes!

    Second, A lot of good points have been made so far ... so I'll summarize :-)
    1 - No magic pills out there. Only thing I recommend using is vitamins, like B-Vitamin Supplement. Fish Oil. A Multivitamin.
    2 - Eat the rainbow! I have trouble with this, too, but I try to make sure with every meal I get a fruit, veggie or both! Plus, it's so much prettier to look at when you have some color!
    3 - Water! Drink LOTS of it. Helps flush your body naturally :-)
    4 - Change up your workout ... if you walk, try swimming or water aerobics. It might not aid weight loss, per say. But it may be mental and can help your body not stress out ... because stressing out = low weight loss.
    5 - Back away from the scale. Take queues from your body. Do your clothes feel better. Do YOU feel better? If so, just keep going.

    I hope this, and all the other great tips people are throwing out here, help <3 Keep up the wonderful work!
  • have you ever considered weight loss surgery?

    Why if he is able to lose weight on his own.

    I concur ... why surgery if he can on his own? Surgery should be an ABSOLUTE last resort. And even then, it's a major surgery and not one to be taken lightly.

    I say keep doing what you're doing, you'll lose the weight <3
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    Dude you are not logging everyday u will not loose without logging. WEIGH and measure all your food. Loose all the processed foodsd period. U mightbenefit from learning about food ...not as easy as it looks!
  • Arkhos
    Arkhos Posts: 290 Member
    WOW such great responses and so many so fast!! Thanks everyone!

    My trainer is also a license dietician/nutritionist/therapist. She is a female bodybuilder that does shows and has her picture taken for bodybuilder/health magazines. She is the one that came up with my meal plan - she does want me to add vegetables to two of my meals - I just need to remember to eat them (not a fan, lol). My plan was different when I started with higher calories and more fat, until I adjusted to eating better over time. This is the strictest my meals have been.

    Losing 5lbs a month would be ok, except my weight loss is sporadic, and at my size I should be losing more, especially with the changes in food and exercise (i think).

    In the beginning I logged EVERYTHING for 3+ months every day, anything that went in my mouth, but over time I started eating the same things almost daily so I stopped doing it. I also felt like my calories were at a level, that even if I ate something extra (cheated) I shouldn't be gaining/stabilizing weight.

    I was doing the extra cardio days when I started, but over time my achilles started to hurt too much. I just got custom othotics on Monday so hopefully they will get better.

    Not eating enough is something I've been wondering about, even my trainer said I may not be eating enough. I understand the body holding on for awhile, but not for months? And what about snacking on pretzels, and trail mix is that bad? I thought maybe the trail mix, pretzels was the problem.

    My A1C count has actually dropped me into Pre-Diabetic, a 5.4 I think it was! :) I don't have high blood pressure - always 120/80.

    I do snack on grapes at times, but I guess I could add more fruits throughout the day or celery/carrots.

    No artificial sweeteners, huh? Damn, I really started drinking the Diet Mountain Dews because they reversed my hours, so I need to wake up in the morning/day. But I also drink other non-soda drinks that are artificial in sweetener like Sparkling Water with Sucralose.

    Any suggestions for tasty drinks?

    Is there a meal plan option that you would recommend? Just so I have some comparison and maybe some options?

    Thank you all sooo much for the encouragement and the fast responses!!!! Awesome
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    When i was 250 it took me 3 months to loose 18 pounds it is SLOW.
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    NOOOO drinks water and milk in moderation...weight milk not more than a cup but u are a guy so u might be able to drink a tad more.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    You are not logging regularly. This is your first step.

    Focus on lean protein source and fruits/veggies at every meal.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    You are not logging regularly. This is your first step.

    Focus on lean protein source and fruits/veggies at every meal.

    I just saw your last post. Drink water or black coffee. Ditching all other drinks will have huge benefits over time and you will be surprised after a couple of weeks how refreshing cold water can be and how much you will enjoy black coffee after getting used to it a little bit. This was one of the best moves I made to get my weight down.

    I don't know how your calories are set in MFP but I think you should set your goals to 2 lb per week and make sure you eat back your exercise calories. Patience is the key to this game, to do it right it is going to take longer than you want. Enjoying the ride is the key.
  • Arkhos
    Arkhos Posts: 290 Member
    Also, my SloppyJoe Custom mix is newer, I've made my own Italian mix that was very similar but with a homemade tomato sauce. I just wanted to try a Sloppy Joe flavor and the can was easy - I may start to fiddle with it to try a mix to lower sodium.

    When I first started I was on a sodium craze and drastically lowered my sodium intake to under 2000, but I felt like I was focusing too much on sodium instead of protein so relaxed on sodium.

    I'm trying to stay positive, it just seems like I should be dropping a lot more weight due to my size and the changes I made. And these seem like little changes to make - is this really what's keeping me from losing?

    If anyone has another meal plan for me, I'll check it out.

    Again thank you all!
  • As others have said your calorie intake is to low. As a 360 lb man I was set at 2200 because I mostly sit all day long and rarely work out. With you working out you really should be eating more.

    Also with gaining weight this week did you eat something that may have triggered retaining water? More carbs than usual more salt?
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    You have to log your food every single day in order for this to work. Then you'll have an accurate record to look back on and see where you can make adjustments.

    Hang in there, this will work just get back to the basics and log your calories every day.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    You might be the kind of person that has to choose between (1) easy, simple 1# per week on average weight loss (which is what you're doing) which is slow, but works or (2) look into adding variety, while keeping to your fat/protein macros. The second is a "harder" method and you'll have to start logging every day again, since you don't just eat the same meal plan every day, day in, day out. But it could help you lose faster.

    So which do you prefer? Gradual "easy" method that is frustratingly slow? Or a potential faster but more "difficult" and time consuming method?

    P.S. be proud of yourself for how far you've come
  • I noticed that you said you gained 8 pounds in one week. Do you have cardiac issues? You may want to get checked out by your doctor because sometimes a large weight gain in a short amount of time can be a congestive heart failure, which can easily be treated. Good Luck!
  • amyann2
    amyann2 Posts: 69 Member
    I agree with those who say to add tons of fruits or veggies -- only I would say make sure that's mostly veggies, with a little less fruit. Veggies are wonderfully filling and have so few calories, plus I'm convinced they just kick things into gear and promote weight loss.

    Also with your Achilles problem, is there a machine at your gym for hand/arm pedalling towards cardio workouts? So a station "hand bike", as it were. I have seen someone use such a machine at a gym; it's for people with leg, knee, foot, ankle etc. problems and also ideal as a way for someone needing large weight loss not to overtax their joints at first.

    I think you are doing amazing things!
  • amyann2
    amyann2 Posts: 69 Member
    P.S. You might try to google the "Snobby Joes" lentil recipe. I just made it for the first time this week. Surprisingly "meaty" texture for a vegetarian dish. I eat it on whole wheat English muffins. (A serving is one English muffin split into its two halves, with 1/4 cup mixture on each half.) Then a veggie side dish (or two) of some kind, plus 2 cups skim milk. Filling meal with good fiber content, not too high in calories.
  • calcatb
    calcatb Posts: 4 Member
    You have tons of great info in the responses but here is something I would do and in fact I did. One thing you really need to know is how much energy does your body need when you are at rest. Basically its how many calories do you burn just staying alive so to speak. I went and did a Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) test. This gives you that number exactly. This is a test you do have to go to a DR to do, typically DR's who specialize in weight management solutions. Its a simple breathing into a tube but this number became for me the one I could use to always predict that I could lose weight.

    If you add my info into a web calculator for this test it comes out much higher then the reality of what my metabolism truly is.
    I then know I have to reduce my calories to create a 3500 calorie deficit each week to lose 1 lb.

    Ok don't take this example to seriously just look at how the numbers work.

    lets say the MRM is 3000 cal. Then by eating 2500 cal a day I create a 500 calorie deficit and every seven days there is a 1 pound weight loss. It works unless you have other insulin issues playing into this. If your weight is noticeable all abdominal weight vs anywhere else you may have some insulin resisitence going on. It could be possible.

    It works when you have the true numbers for your body. I used to gain weight on Weight Watchers because for me the calorie levels were just to high for my personal sitaution. Boosting metabolism by diet or additions or supplements my Dr indicated simply to me - does not work. I know lots of people think otherwise and I respect that. There is only one actual medication on the market that after you take it for 6 months shows documented results of boosting your RMR.

    You should make sure you have a good Dr team looking at you. You might need to see whats called an Endocronologist who specializes in Insulin issues you might have insulin resistence that could possibly be a factor in slowing your progress. I'd look around for a good team to see you and help. You are doing all the right stuff and they will support you. I also see a nutritionalist occassionally to get insight into what i'm eating and ways to improve. These people can help and they want to!

    Good luck - Do not give up keep at it!