412lbs and Trouble Losing Weight After 7 Months!? Uhg



  • Lose the soda, and that includes diet soda. It is a huge lie from the pit of hell, it makes you want and tend to eat more. I am not the only one who says this...Hey, you are very close to the threesssss.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    You really should add tonnes of fruit and veggies to your diet. That's the key to loosing weight. :D In my experience on MFP the people who post that they are not loosing weight despite hitting their calorie goal and exercising are also not eating any vegetables and fruits.

    too much fruit as a diabetic isn't good! Lots of green veggies and salad! This is the problem on here. You need to get advice from a dietitian.

  • Well done on the loss so far! I could only view one page of your diary... track your food every day. Where possible, weight your food, it is easy to mis-estimate portion sizes if you don't . If you are exercising eat your exercise calories!
    If you are drinking full sugar soda, add those to your diary too, because they can really add up on calories.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    You've made some great changes. Your calories do seem rather low, if your gym offers it or if you can find someplace local that does think about doing a resting metabolic rate assessment to see how many calories you need. Also, increase your water intake - should be drinking half your weight in ounces daily - 8 glasses isn't enough. Lastly, as others have suggested - look into a diabetes class at your local hospital (your doctor should know of one) - insurances cover the cost of those classes, you will get some great ideas and recipes to help you with your diet and get your sugar under control.
  • gvheintz
    gvheintz Posts: 138 Member
    IMHO ... you have logged about 7 days since Nov. 1. I would suggest calories at least at your BMR, using a food scale and measuring cups to make sure your portions are accurate, more veg, and actually logging everything to hold yourself accountable.
  • Will210
    Will210 Posts: 201 Member
    Agree about the life long commitment and enjoying the journey. But he should be losing more pounds per week at that weight and is smart to be looking for possible changes. Say someone who is 200 pounds lost 1% a week. That is 2 pounds. Someone who is 400 should be around 2 to 4 pounds a week. This number will be less as they lose weight.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    2200 calorie goal?

    That's quite low for someone your size. Eating too little is just as counterproductive as eating too much. I'm 5 feet tall, 128 lbs, and I eat 2100 to maintain. Surely you're eating too little.

    Bigger deficits are usually ok when your very overweight. At 301lbs I was eating 1300 as recommended by several doctors and dietitians.

  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    If you have only logged 9 days since November you need to be logging daily. Weigh EVERYTHING... Make sure your getting an accurate calorie number.

  • I agree with increasing the QUALITY of your Calories. You would be surprised how much something that small can change things.

    Don't fear fat in your diet. But this should be good quality sources worked into your total daily caloric intake. Increased Omega-3s and quality fats like Coconut Oil, Hemp Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Avocados, and quality nuts and (low sugar) nut butters.

    Again with counting carbs make sure they are quality carb sources like veggies, fruits, the occasional sweet potato and nuts. Limit the wheat , grains and processed sugars. (I would stay away from sugar free sweeteners...go for stevia)

    Protein, Protein, Protein....1g per lb of lean body mass is recommended.
  • 19kat55
    19kat55 Posts: 336 Member
    I agree with the people talking about quality of food vs. quantity. Vegetables are your friend. The green leafy kind, not the starchy kind. Fruit is good. Berries are awesome. Blackberries, raspberries, strawberries etc. Your fat intake seems pretty high to me. If you are making those sloppy joes, trade the 90% fat free beef for 99% fat free ground turkey. Look for little changes like that you can make that will make a difference. I also agree with those saying it might be time to meet with a dietician. Increase activity as you can. Maybe you are not able to add two 30 minutes sessions of cardio to your week because of an injury but park farther away when you go somewhere, take a flight of stairs now and then. Also if you are not able to do the cardio because of a leg injury add some arm work at home on days you don't meet with the trainer. Final thing, LOG every single day. You state this is a typical day. But you really need to be consistent with your logging.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Please don't start using supplements to increase or decrease anything on your own. Speak to your doctor first and get reffered to a dietician/nutritionist. With your medical conditions you should have no problem getting insurance to cover it.

    Also, I see you have your daily intake set to 2200. That is pretty low for a man your size.

    Best of luck.

    ^^^This. You should definitely check into getting a nutritionist or dietitian. Given your current conditions and overall risk, insurance should cover you. Let them determine what your caloric goals should be, not the internet. When you are in the condition you are in, it throws standard calorie recommendations out the window....plus, you may be on meds that interfere with your weight loss efforts. I'm currently on a med that decreases my BMR by 10% so yeah...sucky.

    Go see the doc and be awesome like this guy:

  • Try reducing your sodium intake. It's possible you're retaining a lot of water due to the large amounts of sodium you're taking.
    Reducing sodium intake to below 1500mg/day and upping potassium to 3500/day will show quick results. When I decided to fix my blood pressure I lost 10lbs in about a week via sodium/potassium management, just due to peeing off excess fluid. Result of this will be less weight for your joints to carry around, and likely lowered blood pressure (How is that btw?)

    Look at the sodium values of what you're eating. That meat flavouring stands out. You can make your own spice mix where you control the salt content.
    Easy way to boost potassium is via vegetables. Steamed broccoli, asparagus, tomatos, spinach, etc. Potato is another good source, but I don't know how that works with your diabetes.
  • Wrenbot87
    Wrenbot87 Posts: 100 Member
    I agree, you may not be eating enough of the good stuff! Though, I'm not expert! I say talk to your trainer and I bet they know of a good dietician for you to speak with. I know it took a while for me to figure out what made my body "work" for me and not against me. Also, You should try making the Skinny taste sloppy Joes, very filling, very tasty! Good luck!!
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member

    Seriously. Two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables equal 200 calories. Make room for them in your calorie budget.

    If you like shakes, add some spinach or kale to your protein shake and mix in a blender. You won't taste it, we promise. Buying a juicer and drinking fresh juice might be an option for you, but honestly for you, I recommend to just eat them whole so you get the fiber.

    Also, if this regimen of sloppy joe mix and chicken works for you, and you lose 1# per week, then keep at it, I say. But adding some fruits and vegies would really make a difference overall. A lot of body processes, like efficiently converting stored fat to energy, are chemical reactions that take vitamins and minerals in abundant supply in order to make happen easily. If you don't give your body the tools it needs to convert stored fat to available energy, then your body will use the food you eat for its energy needs, since that's easier. The vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegies ARE the tools your body needs.

    But overall, good job. Keep tracking those triglyceride and other numbers. Those are more important than the number on the scale and how fast it's changing.

    Edit to add: save your money from the supplements and use that money to buy vegetables.
  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    I am also a 38 year old male.

    You really should see a dietrician/nutrionist/weight loss specialist for advice.

    I do agree with others on here that you need to eat more greens and vegetables and drink a lot of water..and I mean A LOT of water by itself. Cut out the diet sodas, and sugary juices and drinks in general. Water will clean out your system. I drink almost 64oz of water a day.

    Also, how many calories are you burning from your workouts each day? If your personal trainer recommends you do more cardio, then you should be doing it. Your foot may be sore from the exercise. If you think it might be something else you should get it looked at. But there are other forms of cardio you can do that won't bother your achillies.

    You should also be logging everyday. I am guilty of not being consistent with this either sometimes, but it really needs to be done. No Excuses.

    Just from my own observation, I would lay off the Sloppy Joe mix you make. Look for healthier options like chicken and turkey which are lean and clean meats. They have a lot less fat which would be beneficial to you. Plus, it's cheapier and easy to fix quickly.
  • 2200 calorie goal?

    That's quite low for someone your size. Eating too little is just as counterproductive as eating too much. I'm 5 feet tall, 128 lbs, and I eat 2100 to maintain. Surely you're eating too little.

    Yeah, I'm at 470 and I eat 3500 calories a day and thats BMR + 10% which some people will say is too low for me..
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    mathjulz wrote:
    You've lost "only" 33 pounds over 7 months. That is almost 5 pounds a month, or a pound a week. This is a very healthy rate to lose weight.
    I was hoping someone would say this. Instead of comparing your rate of loss to others, consider what you are accomplishing now. Looks like you are doing pretty well already.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Simply put....you're doing it wrong.

    If you are targeting 2200 Calories, you are not eating enough.

    Your BMR is calculated 3276. In a sedentary lifestyle, to lose 2 pounds/week, you should be eating 2576

    There is some good information that others have said, but it all starts with how much you are eating.
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Since you have achilles tendon problems you might try swimming instead of so much walking. It burns more calories/minute and is easier on your body. Since you are insulin resistant, you might do better by decreasing your carb intake a little further. I am hypoglycemic and find that I feel better and have fewer problems controlling my weight if I don't eat concentrated carbs like bread, pasta or rice. Instead my carbs come from veggies and some fruit. Congrats on the weight you have already lost!! Hope this helps. good luck
  • I just wanted to say that you're awesome. I don't have any advice but .....Man...you're awesome!