Going to Disney

So I've doing really well since I started on Jan 1 (17 lbs so far), however I will be going on vacation to Disney next week and I'm slightly concerned about falling off the wagon since its still so early in my journey. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions for places to eat at Disney World? Really appreciate the support!


  • jdm1726
    jdm1726 Posts: 53 Member
    Lets face it, DisneyWorld and Disneyland are those places where a diet or WOE is a LOT harder...

    But...it's also a vacation, and not something that will completely derail you permanently from your weight loss...

    I personally recommend the smoked turkey legs...nom nom...

    You will be doing a lot of walking as well...if you are going with someone, split an order with them...

  • br2012
    br2012 Posts: 52 Member
    It's a lot better than it used to be. I managed grilled chicken sandwiches and fruit most parks.
  • I'd suggest you avoid buying food inside the parks if you can. It's WAY over priced and mostly not worth the calories. Eat breakfast before you leave the hotel or resort. Bring snacks with you that you could carry in a backpack and won't spoil like nuts and bananas. My family would always take a break in the afternoon and leave the parks at lunchtime. Eat lunch somewhere nearby and maybe take a little rest back at your hotel. Disney is overwhelming and exhausting; you'll probably want a break. Go back to the parks once you've rested up a bit. And don't forget to bring LOTS of water. Bring a refillable bottle everyday you're in the parks because bottled water is SUPER overpriced and you'll need to stay hydrated.

    Outside of the parks I'd suggest going to Earl of Sandwich. It may not be diet friendly, but totally worth every bite!
    Publix deli subs are great too, and a much healthier option. Plus getting a footlong leaves you with lunch and dinner for about $7-8 so it's hard to beat the price. Their rotisserie chicken (and fried chicken) is great too, if you have a kitchenette to eat in at your hotel. There's a lot of great restaurants in the Disney/Buena Vista area, so check I'd just research Yelp and Urbanspoon for things that tickle your fancy. There's some really great restaurants in Orlando and Winter Park too, but they're a little out of the way from the Disney area.

    Have a great trip!
  • shellsrenee01
    shellsrenee01 Posts: 357 Member
    Welcome to life! And what I mean by that is, you are going to come across moments during your journey that make it seem impossible to stick with your eating plan. My advice? Enjoy the day at Disney. How often do you get to enjoy being at Disneyworld or Disneyland?

    For me, it's at least 2x per month...but then again I live 10 minutes from Disneyland and I have an annual pass. :tongue: I actually visit the park sometimes JUST for walking purposes. Buy a cheap pedometer if you don't already have one. You'll be amazed at how many steps you cover in just one day there. :bigsmile: I always hit 10,000 (at least) and sometimes more.

    One day, or even two-three days, are not going to ruin your journey. Trust me on this one. You will benefit far more if you relax a little on the trip and enjoy yourself than if you completely restrict yourself foodwise. I'm not saying go hog wild and eat every churro you come across...but if you like them, and you won't have another chance for one in a year or more, eat a churro. They are less than 300 calories. Heck, split one with someone if you have to. That's what I do when I'm craving one.

    To save on calories, though, stick with water all day. Avoid the sodas and such. Empty calories that would be better spent on some pineapple dolewhip from the Tiki Room or on a ginormous turkey leg.

    Have fun! :bigsmile:
  • Remember you will be walking a ton while at Disney and they have made huge improvements lately about offering healthier options. Last Time I went to Disney for a week I actually lost 5 lbs because we walked so much, and I didn't even make huge strides to eat healthy, but I also didn't eat a lot of stuff that I knew was bad for me.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    eat, drink be merry, get it back when you return.
  • KelliH729
    KelliH729 Posts: 208 Member
    eat, drink be merry, get it back when you return.

    ^^ this. Plus like the others said you are walking A TON so that should off-set any "junk" you eat. Plus you know you get free ice water from most of the eating places so you don't have to worry about eating soda.
    But just ENJOY Disney!!!
  • tsamples23
    tsamples23 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks everyone for the ideas, I'm hoping that my body has adjusted and as long as I don't eat when I'm not hungry it won't go too overboard.
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    They have fresh fruit at many stands in the parks. Drink lots of water and stay away from soda. It's Disney we always enjoy it and when we get back its takes less than two weeks to have any weight gained back off. You'll do lots of walking! Enjoy your trip I love WDW!
  • Hi!!! I used to work at a restraunt in the magic kingdom, the columbia harbour house. It has the best salad in all of disney, and also probably the healthiest, broccoli salad, get the dressing on the side, you can ask for vinagrette instead of ranch too. They also have a grilled fish platter, with cous cous and steamed broccoli, and you can sub broc for the cous. Most food places will sub french fries for apple slices, or whatever you want instead, seriously, as and they will have to do it, lol. Also all of the little food stands have fruit and other healthy snacks. Also! If you want a treat, DOLE WHIP!! Have fun.
  • "Mickey Check" is something they started talking to us about last week at the restaurant where I work. I work at a buffet so it doesn't apply because we can't control the portion you choose to eat and if you eat more than the recommended portion it may no longer be healthy.You can ask about "Mickey Check" options at any a la carte restaurant and I believe at quick service locations. I copied and pasted the short description from disney.go.com below. Good luck!

    "Disney's "Mickey Check" is a tool that makes it easier for kids and parents to identify healthier food and menu items in stores, online, and while on vacation at Disney Parks and Resorts. Food and beverage items that feature the "Mickey Check" meet Disney's specific nutrition criteria for limited calories, saturated fat, sodium, and sugar. The nutrition guidelines pair the fun of Disney brands and characters with a nutritious portfolio of foods and make 'Good for you – fun too!' For more information, please visit www.thewaltdisneycompany.com/mohl."
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    The Disney theme parks are honestly a cinch. They have plenty of healthy options. Just use your common sense and track what you're doing.
  • jillybeanpuff
    jillybeanpuff Posts: 144 Member
    its easy to eat healthy at Disney. Every single food place has a salad, some have 2. Also, they have grilled chicken at a lot of places. Yes, they have hamburgers, hot dogs, pasta, cakes, etc. But if you don't eat those for all your meals the whole time you will be fine. Have a burger one day if you want to. After all, you are on vacation. I would definitely suggest taking snacks though, they are super helpful!!
  • jmbond06
    jmbond06 Posts: 90 Member
    Disney is one of my favorite places on earth. You can totally wreck your diet there lol. But don't do it! You'll probably only regret it later and cheeseburgers and pizza will make you feel sluggish and tired and you won't want to walk around all day and see everything.
    There are many healthy choices and no real excuses to not eat healthy. Fresh fruit and veggies, turkey sandwiches (don't get mayo and things like that), salads (dressing on the side. Dip don't pour :D), veggie wraps, etc. I also agree with people who have said to bring your own snacks. Everything there is extremely expensive.
  • holliwood97
    holliwood97 Posts: 138 Member
    Welcome to life! And what I mean by that is, you are going to come across moments during your journey that make it seem impossible to stick with your eating plan. My advice? Enjoy the day at Disney. How often do you get to enjoy being at Disneyworld or Disneyland?

    For me, it's at least 2x per month...but then again I live 10 minutes from Disneyland and I have an annual pass. :tongue: I actually visit the park sometimes JUST for walking purposes. Buy a cheap pedometer if you don't already have one. You'll be amazed at how many steps you cover in just one day there. :bigsmile: I always hit 10,000 (at least) and sometimes more.

    One day, or even two-three days, are not going to ruin your journey. Trust me on this one. You will benefit far more if you relax a little on the trip and enjoy yourself than if you completely restrict yourself foodwise. I'm not saying go hog wild and eat every churro you come across...but if you like them, and you won't have another chance for one in a year or more, eat a churro. They are less than 300 calories. Heck, split one with someone if you have to. That's what I do when I'm craving one.

    To save on calories, though, stick with water all day. Avoid the sodas and such. Empty calories that would be better spent on some pineapple dolewhip from the Tiki Room or on a ginormous turkey leg.

    Have fun! :bigsmile:

    ^^^^ THIS.
  • asmallermeplz
    asmallermeplz Posts: 125 Member
    LOL. The last time I went to DW I burned over 2000 calories in one day. You will burn more than you think. So eat smart its not hard they have wonderful choices. Enjoy your trip to the House of Mouse! Rember at Disney they will bend over back words to make you happy; Just ask! :happy:
  • marcuscross104
    marcuscross104 Posts: 57 Member
    I am so glad you broughtt this up! I am 5'8", 294 lbs. i started this program Feb. 1st. Me and my family are going to Disney World Jun 8th. {first time!} All this advice will really benefit me! Thanks!