I love gum, but it doesn't love me. I developed tmj about 18 years ago I part due to chewing gum a lot. I've found that if I chew more than 2 or 3 pieces, the artificial sugars really do a number on my digestive system. Some people react to them poorly, and I'm one of them. It means that gum is an infrequent thing for me…
An acquaintance I had suffered with the same problem. She would take an antihistamine prior to exercising. As far as cooling gear. Take a look at some of the items for people with multiple sclerosis. Heat can be pretty bad for people with ms, so there are tons of gear to help. Cooling vests and special cooling wraps,…
I love my scale. I find it so much easier than measuring and less dirty dishes too. Last night I made tacos. Instead of measuring out the meat after it was cooked and then trying to divide that portion into 4 units of measure that were equal, I just dumped it all in a bowl that I had tared out on the scale and then divided…
I was on Avonex and then Rebif for 4 years. Giving the shots was not a problem, but the side effects were overwhelming and really decreased my quality of life. Copaxone won't give you those issues, other than the occasional racing heart attack feeling (and that's a big maybe). A couple of my friends who were on it for…
I've found that more important than working out is eating less. Working out is good for my health, yes, but I just eat more to compensate - because I get hungrier! Resting is really important. I think it's smart to respect what your body is trying to tell you. If he's tired when he gets home, maybe you both can go for a…
I meant to reply to this sooner, but it got away from me. I waited a very long time (10 yrs) to get pregnant because I was afraid it would cause my ms to flare. My mom had her first exacerbation 3 months after I was born, so I was overly worried. Prior to getting pregnant, I had been completely asymptomatic for 10 yrs. I…
Great success. Way to stick with it!
Kettlebells. I love that i'm getting stronger and doing some cardio. In a 45 min class, I burn about 400 cal. I didn't love working out, but I love kb. I also started playing tennis again which has been a lot more fun and social than my regular workouts.
Hi caleycate, One thing that jumped out at me was how awful you feel. I started around 200#. Over the last 1.3 years I have dropped 40+ pounds and gained a lot fitness-wise. The daily aches and pains and depression and exhaustion have lifted with the weight loss.I would would really encourage you to jump in and make small…
Your post made me smile! Way to go on all fronts!
I walked my 2 greyhounds and a pug with no problems. I put the Grey's on a double lead and the pug on an extendable lead (the kind that feeds out.) That way it was easy to let the one go ahead while the other two sniffed everything in sight. Having the extendable leash made it easy to switch hands if they were to threaten…
Although not pita, flatouts make excellent wraps. Whole wheat ones are 100 calories each
Hi Macchiato, I'm a SAHM to a 3 yr old and have had ms for 13 yrs. I've been on MFP for year now and have pretty good success. I started running again last year and have done a couple of 5ks, but I"m not sure I'm up for training for a 10k. I think I"m just going to keep trying to increase my speed! Nice to see you here.
I log them all, but I adjust them. I lost my HRM, so I use my best estimate between MFP and my perceived level of effort. I usually chop off 50-100 calories from MFP. If walking is your main form of exercise, it's pretty easy to estimate. Just determine how far you are walking. You will burn 100 calories per mile whether…
Hi tracy, I"m a SAHM to a 3 year old girl too. Welcome!
I used to really dislike it, but for some reason, I actually like brown better now. The change just happened this year. I have no idea why...I like to use chicken broth instead of plain water and mix in a bunch of caramelized onions with it.
They're back in business. Purchased by AIM - I just received my latest issue a week or two ago.
I often struggle with it, to the point of tearing the calf muscles. In fact, I did a 5k race today and am now pretty tight! For me, the solution was seeing a p.t. I got some inserts that help reallign my feet. I also need to be very conscious of my gait. He adjusted my gait (which is controversial) but it has made all the…
HI bouncycat. I recognize you! Friend request sent!
Hi Hartland, There are many manufacturers/suppliers of cooling devices. The National MS Society (US) directs you to polar products for a comprehensive list of products and price comparisons. I"m sure if you look on amazon, you'll find some for delivery to the UK. Good…
Hi Leslie, I would echo Hannah's advice. As long as you don't need any type of accommodation from work, I would keep it to yourself for now. Once it's out, you can never take it back. I've been diagnosed for 12 years and I'm very selective in who I let know. I have never regretted it. That being said, I'm glad you have a…
Hi lizzie, welcome! I started with 50# to lose as well. I'm down 30# with another 20 to go. I'm also on tecfidera, 2 months now. I'm able to eat a normal meal with my two doses. A moderate number of calories with a moderate amount of fat helps me. I can't get away with just a yogurt for breakfast, but I've found that an…
I love putting chicken breast in my panini press. It's a little miracle worker. I sprinkle it with a premade or homemade spice mix, drop the top and it's done in less than 5 minutes. If you really hate to clean it, you can put foil on the grates before you put the chicken on, otherwise I just put a wet papertowel in it…
I drink a ton of iced tea every day in lieu of water. Over time I've learned to enjoy it with no sweetener at all. I used splendid for a long time and gradually decreased the amount I used until I quit it altogether. I use Lipton cold brew.
It's really individual...whatever works for you. If you have problems with your MS when your body overheats, then maybe extended bouts of cardio are not for you! Swimming or water aerobics or yoga or walking on a treadmill with a fan might be more your style. At this point, I do a little of everything. I like spinning,…
I waited a long time (10 yrs of diagnosis and marriage marriage) to get pregnant specifically because I was afraid of what my very mild, very quiet MS would do. I was so afraid to wake it up. There is also a very large genetic predisposition towards ms in my family, so having a child that may develop it was another thing…
Why not try some things that don't seem like traditional exercise. Learn to kayak, join an indoor rock climbing gym, try some different classes, sign up for a race or event, so you have a goal to challenge you. I agree treadmills and elliptical and weight lifting are mind-numbingly boring and I only do them occasionally.…
You look great and I smiled when I saw Eddie's Grill - anytime we visited my inlaws, it was tradition to visit Eddie's Grill! Keep up the good work :)
Shrimpers must have TEDs (turtle exclusion devices) installed on their nets these days. Trawling for shrimp is not done along the bottom floor, so I'm wondering what damage you think is occurring, other than small amounts of bycatch, it's healthier than foreign farm-raised shrimp (at least for the environment). Cheap…
Lesions can appear and disappear. If the damage isn't too bad, then the myelin can completely regrow and it will be as if there was never any damage. That being said, you could probably have a diagnosis by now if you saw a specialist. You don't need a diagnosis to get treatment for your symptoms. Foot drop can be helped…