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Embarrassed by my food log ):

I have logged on food here before but I get embarrassed so I made it private so only I can see and told myself be honest with yourself. I looked at todays log and was disappointed ): I drank 576 calories (lipton tea and iced coffee) I'm a recovering Pepsi addict ): and ate 540 in junk food (bad day, I don't usually eat this much junk (snickers ice cream) vut me and husband have been fighting all day) and my actual food was 347. No wonder I was starving all day ): Anyone have suggestions as to drinks? I know ppl say water, but it makes me queasy as I am trying to get used to it again. And obviously no more junk food.


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Lets see:

    Water with crystal light (5 calories a serving. If I remember correctly a gallon of water mixed with crystal light ends up being 80 calories)

    Water with Mio

    Sparkling Water (usually come in fruit flavors and are low enough in calories that it can be labeled as "0" calories)

    Water with frozen berries instead of ice cubes

    Water with Propel (like crystal light, only labeled as 0 calories)
  • dizneedana
    dizneedana Posts: 40 Member
    I really like the crystal light iced tea w/ lemon singles packets. I put it in a water bottle and it is only 10 calories! Tastes terrific too!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I don't consider ice cream junk food. :tongue:

    I actually plan my day so that I can have a serving of ice cream regularly.

    But I don't usually drink my calories (unless it's the weekend :wink: ) so that changes the game a bit. I've always been a huge water fan and never really a big soda/flavored drink person so I'm not sure.

    I know that they have all kinds of flavoring things you can add to water. I've also seen zero cal flavored waters out there, too. Maybe give that a shot? Or sparkling flavored waters if you need the bubbles.
  • AZ_Danny
    AZ_Danny Posts: 50 Member
    When it comes to liquid I simply try to stick to water. I don't like it sometimes but it quenches my thirst and the more I force myself to drink water, the more I find myself seeking it. Also, if you want something that's just lightly flavored, try True Lemon (also comes in True Lime and True Orange ...and some other flavors). The Lemon, Orange, and Lime flavors are all crystallized juice so it's all "natural" (though I haven't looked at the ingredients).... they also work for cooking.

    As for food, I looked at my log today and I was under my suggested number of calories, which is good... but just looking at the "snack" section.... I feel your pain. If anything it's a good eye-opener of our eating habits, which is likely it's main purpose.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Just switch to calorie-free or low calorie versions. Don't make this impossible for yourself. Find a diet soda you like and swap it for pepsi, and diet iced tea. Mio would be another good option for making calorie-free drinks you can tolerate.

    I know a lot of people will say that diet drinks are bad for you, but having read the research myself I think it's hogwash. That decision is for you to make though, but I would suggest swapping to the diet versions for the time being to get the calories under control.

    As for the junk food- again, don't make this impossible for yourself. You can have some treats, you don't have to completely change your diet. Make nutritious choices for the bulk of your calories, and leave a little room for the occasional treat. Hopefully your calorie limit is reasonable enough that you can do that. (hint: it should be) You don't want to make your changes so drastic that you can't enjoy living with them.

    Finally, open up your diary so that you can be accountable. Block anyone that crosses the line from constructive criticism to harassment.
  • JanAlyssa825
    JanAlyssa825 Posts: 43 Member
    I've recently gotten into Dry Soda. It comes in several flavors and is not as sweet as regular soda, and it's made with 4 ingredients. I really love the vanilla bean kind - tastes like cream soda, and a 12 ounce bottle or can is 60 calories. Sometimes I need soda to settle my stomach - just something fizzy - and this tastes great and has just enough carbonation. I like Crystal Light, too!
  • eylia
    eylia Posts: 200 Member
    I have trouble drinking enough water myself. I add a peppermint tea bag to my glass sometimes, and that can make a nice change. Also using frozen berries or a little lemon, adding them to a glass with some iced water. A dash of orange juice (or whatever you like) topped up with sparking water makes for a slightly better flavoured treat. I also sometimes do this with lipton iced teas (I know they aren't great, but they're yummy) I use them like cordial, add a small splash and top up with iced water, some lemon or berries or some sparkling water.
  • kem05
    kem05 Posts: 97
    Water. Haha :wink:

    I drink WAY too many sugar free sodas, but I'm not about to suggest you start doing that! Unless you want to kill yourself with artificial sweeteners like I do... Water is you're best friend. Sorry to be a grinch!
  • thefewsteps
    thefewsteps Posts: 201 Member
    tea is great, let it cool and drink it cold, add a splash of almond milk (30 cal/cup) or a no-calorie sweetener. Instead of buying iced coffees, make your own! brew a cup of coffee, put it in the fridge for the next morning. You can make ice cubes out of coffee too, so it's not as watered down.

    look into fruit infused water! you just add cut up fruit to water and put it in the fridge for a little while. you can make watermelon mint, limeades, lemonades, etc.
  • Eli_Xx
    Eli_Xx Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you everyone. I think I'm going to try to just squeeze some fresh lemon in my water and hope it doesn't give me an upset stomach /: I hate that with Pepsi I can't just have a glass ): Ice cream too because when my husband decides to be mean thats my go to lol ):
  • squeakyfish
    squeakyfish Posts: 109 Member
    I drink a ton of iced tea every day in lieu of water. Over time I've learned to enjoy it with no sweetener at all. I used splendid for a long time and gradually decreased the amount I used until I quit it altogether. I use Lipton cold brew.
  • JuliaLee67
    JuliaLee67 Posts: 149
    try unsweetened jasmine or peach iced tea, those are yummy and 0 calories.
  • rockingranny45
    rockingranny45 Posts: 30 Member
    I too was a pepsi addict. Now I don't care for the taste. It's hard to deprive yourself but its worth it in the end :) GOODLUCK !!!!!!!!!!!
  • emanseau
    emanseau Posts: 7 Member
    I like Vitamin Water Zero--no calories, tastes a bit like Kool-Aid, so kind of naught:smile:
  • JeepBaja
    JeepBaja Posts: 1,824 Member
    Well the 1st thing is that seeing as how unfairly hard you are being on yourself, why subject yourself to a bunch of harping from internet strangers?

    OK, enough harping.

    Giving up Pepsi (we have a liquor store that has a Pepsi fountain and I swear they lace it with crack because I could never get enough of it) was hard. The store wasn't even on my way to work or home but I still made went! I experimented with diet soda's and found that I like Diet Mt. Dew and Dr. Pepper. Then I moved on to the 10 calorie versions. Then I went back to my Crack Pepsi... and I wasn't even fighting :)

    Lots of excuses but in the end I knew what I was doing and I was choosing the crack. I still drink it but it's not a craving anymore. I broke the habit and see it now as a treat. It's a treat I can have whenever I want of course but I'm doing pretty good with alternatives like the 10 calorie versions, water and homemade lemonade...
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Water filters are a must-have here during flood season and our water is relatively decent! If what came out of the tap had enough of a sugary taste to make me wonder if it's allowed on Atkins or something along those lines I would be using a Brita on even my cooking water... yes, I can relate. Pony up for a good filter and start downing the stuff.
  • _meesh_
    _meesh_ Posts: 73
    Thank you everyone. I think I'm going to try to just squeeze some fresh lemon in my water and hope it doesn't give me an upset stomach /: I hate that with Pepsi I can't just have a glass ): Ice cream too because when my husband decides to be mean thats my go to lol ):

    Just wanted to make a note about that last statement, which might have been said tongue-in-cheek, but I'm betting there's a little truth in it. There is a group for emotional eaters.
    I'm one,and it doesn't always work but sometimes it does help to have a place to go rant and get suggestions for other things to do when you're angry or frustrated with or at someone.
  • NarneyK
    NarneyK Posts: 264 Member
    When I first started, I found it hard to drink water. It didn't taste right because I was used to all the sugary drinks. I switched to Crystal Light. From there I just watered it down (1 sleeve to 48oz water) and slowly I switched to plain water. Occasionally I have a diet soda, usually if I have fast food, but other than that I just drink water. I now like the taste of water :)
  • Fattackler2013
    Fattackler2013 Posts: 142 Member
    Everyone will slip up every now and again, but it is important not to beat yourself up over it because that is things go worse and when a lot of people end up giving up. I suggest that you try Paul Mckenna's I can make you thin Book, DVD and CD combination as it has a lot of helpful tips when dealing with all kinds of 'problems'. It even has an exercise about overcoming addiction which could help you to battle yours and you don't have to believe in it, but if you are willing to try it then it is supposed to work. I only received it a couple of days ago so I don't know how effective it is, however I am going to stick with it.

    I've mostly been drinking water, but occasionally I will drink Orange Juice (low in sugar) and Apple Juice.

    Keep it up. You can do it. :)
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I love to drink Propel flavored water, dasani flavors, crystal light packets, and as far as tea goes i just started drinking brisk if I'm really craving something with flavor or soda! it's only 70-80 calories a can or 8oz depending on what flavor.

    food wise, i just try to stay away from fast food now and not have that much starchy food, i still def have some but if i have it i make sure i can fit it into my calorie intake (basmati rice, bread, tortillas).

    I always try to remind myself too, that the more i just drink water, the more calories i will have instead of having all those empty calories, and be able to add something into my diary that i might want, like today for example i had a mocha iced coffee.

    Switch things out, like instead of mayo, mustard and things like that will help out a lot. Sometimes it's the little changes, but you want to do the obvious ones too, cut out soda, fast food, sweets that are super high in calories. Obviously everyone is human, but i used to drink 1 - 3 sodas a day, and cut it down now to once every other week or like i said i will grab a brisk tea. As far as going out to eat, i try to get the nutrtional info, if i cant get it i will only eat half, either split it with my husband, give it to someone else, or even just order an appitizer or something off of a kids menu. SMALLER PORTIONS works wonders! :)

    AND...dont beat yourself up!!! everyone has bad days, just move on and learn form your mistakes!