Embarrassed by my food log ):



  • KC4800
    KC4800 Posts: 140 Member
    Water with lemon juice in it is good for the kidneys. Might try that if you want to do something better for yourself than just drink sweet things and then beat yourself up over it.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Great flavor: Minute maid lemonade Light (only five calories per can and I can STILL dilute it with plenty of flavor!).

    Learn to drink less sweetened coffee drinks, or go nonfat.

    Don't stress about a bad day, yesterday I went over my goal calories by about 800 at the movies. I just made part of it up today, but if I hadn't, I still wouldn't have stressed!
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    Opening your diary is a means of holding yourself accountable and inviting others to as well. It's good that you're logging everything and being honest with yourself but hiding it from others just keeps you stuck. Friend a few people that will look at your diary and give you honest feedback. Being a little embarrassed will probably prompt you to change more quickly. There's nothing to be ashamed of - we are all on here because we've failed at our eating habits at some point in time. Many of us still fail but we hold each other accountable, get back up and try again.

    As for suggestions for what to drink, make your own iced tea and sweeten it with Stevia. If you want to get better at drinking water, put lemon, lime, cucumber or berries in a pitcher of water at night, let it sit overnight and drink it the next day. You can add Stevia to it too if you want the sweetness. The fruit cuts the 'flavor' of the water and makes it taste more refreshing.

    Another option is to continue drinking some of your sweet drinks but do enough exercise to offset some of the calories. Limit yourself to one 200 calorie drink a day and take a brisk walk for an hour each day. The walk should burn 250+ calories, so you'd be ahead if the rest of your food is in line with your calories for the day.
  • fuzzieme
    fuzzieme Posts: 454 Member
    Homemade lemonade is the business, if you use stevia instead of sugar it's really low calorie, and you get some good from the lemons too. I make it in two 2ltr bottles at a time, I use sparkling sometimes too. It's much nicer than pepsi! melt your sweetener into a little cold water, squeeze about 1 and a half lemons for every 1ltr of water, that's to my taste so see what you like. Keep it in the fridge and it's lovely!
  • mikeveggie68
    I was a diet mt.dew junkie for years.. and I won't get started on the amount of coffee I used to drink daily, but I have switched to Izze real fruit sparkling water usually about 120-130 calories per 12oz bottle depending on the fruit (grapefruit/clementine/blackberry/pomegranate) only drinking 1 per day, and just adding fruit to my actual water, I like to use frozen blueberries or strawberries as ice cubes to flavor my water as well as give it a chill, I still have my morning coffee, I have to I get up at 4:30am every weekday, but that's it
  • funhouse77
    funhouse77 Posts: 179 Member
    Diet drinks, sugar versions with zero or only a few calories. I drink diet pepsi, diet 7Up, etc.
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    I have logged on food here before but I get embarrassed so I made it private so only I can see and told myself be honest with yourself. I looked at todays log and was disappointed ): I drank 576 calories (lipton tea and iced coffee) I'm a recovering Pepsi addict ): and ate 540 in junk food (bad day, I don't usually eat this much junk (snickers ice cream) vut me and husband have been fighting all day) and my actual food was 347. No wonder I was starving all day ): Anyone have suggestions as to drinks? I know ppl say water, but it makes me queasy as I am trying to get used to it again. And obviously no more junk food.

    oof, Lipton ice tea is the worst for cals (even slightly worse than cola and pepsi), but so yum... Carbonated water with some mint and/or a lemon wedge is good during the summer. In the winter just herbal tea. Try cutting down on the sugar content in your coffee, too. I gave up all sugar in coffee a couple years ago for Lent and it stuck. even though I'm not religious. It was something I wanted to do for ages, and Lent is a good time period:not too long, not too short. if you realy don't like it, you can always go back to the sugar, or use less of it.

    For snacks, if you have to have ice cream, have the ice lollies, not the cream-based ones. If you are just feeling frustrated and angsty, and feel like chomping on things, then don't go for the potato chips (as I always used to) but instead get a bag of fresh carrots. Or cucumber with salt and pepper.
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I really like the Sparkling Ice drinks by Talking Rain. They are 0 calories and come in a lot of flavors. I like the Raspberry Lemonade and Blueberry Pomegranate. Sometimes I want something different than water and tea so when I discovered these I was a happy camper. I hate diet coke and diet pepsi. Not all stores carry them or all their flavors. My Meijer doesn't carry them at all, but the little independent store near me carries all the flavors.
  • stakoc94
    stakoc94 Posts: 70 Member
    I had lots of trouble getting enough water daily. I was never much of a soda drinker but loved my coffee with LOTS of flavored creamer. I quit creamer cold turkey and now only have 1-2 cups of coffee with a little splenda. It took about 1.5 weeks to really get over the want for the extra cream.

    In order to get my water in for the day I use MIO and fresh lemons. I have a big assortment of flavors and drink from a large bottle. I find my 20oz shaker bottle to work well. That way if I have to run somewhere I can take my bottle with. I went from maybe a glass or two to 80+ ounces per day :drinker:
  • melham
    melham Posts: 233 Member
    Be careful of water add-ins like Mio, they can give some people terrible, painful gas (I happen to be one of those people). I'm not saying they do that to everyone, but it is a known issue with people who are sensitive to the kind of sweetener they use in it. Try it, but don't dump a ton in at first before you know how you'll react.

    Try drinking your water very, very cold. Icy cold water will actually settle my stomach, whereas tepid water will make me queasy. I know that sounds like total BS, but that's how it works for me.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I only let friends see my log. I would of course LOVE to keep it private, but got used to the idea of someone seeing it when I was seeing a dietician....one of those Dr. Phil sayings comes to mind: "People with nothing to hide hide nothing."

    As for water, yes, it was hard for me to get used to drinking that much water too. Crystal light has some great flavors, and there's the Mio drops. I usually use the Special K Pink Lemonade Protein Mix. It's got about 5 g. of protein and 5 g. of fiber.

    Usually the colder the water is, the better I like it. I have a dorm fridge at work that I fill with water and snacks (yogurt and string cheese, etc.).

    I will also "make deals" with myself...."I can have that Diet Dr. Pepper AFTER I have a bottle of water."