

  • Is there enough room for me to list them here :) My Dad comes over occasionally and every time he comes, he'll call and ask if he can bring anything, I decline, and remind him my family is dieting. He shows up with cake and some times more. OR he'll want us to come over, then start offering us food that he's made, and it's…
  • i <3 Jillian - she's so crazy! Anyone watching "Loosing it" with her? I feel like I should be doing sit ups just watching that show. I've heard of the 30 day Shred and now I'd like to try it. I'm a runner, but it's not enough exercise. I'm all for anything I can do to not join a gym. Thanks for all the suggestion here!
  • Greek yogurt with fresh cilantro!! On Turkey Burgers is the new club favorite. I'm a vegetarian but my favorite easy dinner is a garden burger in a thin sandwich roll (100 cal) with that as my dressing. It's low in cal and high in protein and YUMMY!
  • Supermel is right! Protein and fiber will make a big diff in how full you feel! Choose wisely my friend :smile:
  • Hi. What is your ideal weight and your start weight? 20lbs is harder to loose then 100lbs. Your body doesn't try as hard when you aren't obese. I know, because I've struggled with 20lbs for 3 years now. I have always felt that I was active enough and ate healthy enough. I'm a for crepes sake :smile: 1200 calories a day is…
  • I'm in! I have a 2 month goal! Best of luck
  • OMG totally! I refuse, I feel like my spine sticks out too much :laugh: So I do "core" exercises instead. Lying on my back, knees bent, stretch out my arms towards my knee caps then lift, until my finger tips touch my knees. 20-30 reps times 3. I also like Plank exercises and Pilates.
  • I know I do. And I know that when you start diets, they say No alcohol. But I'm a busy mom, give me a break. Maybe it could be the kind of drinks? Maybe they have sugars? Just typing that gave me reason to wonder. So, what alcohols are better for diets? Surely someone has done some research? I'm a red wine girl, but during…
  • Hi there! I've had the iPhone app for a while, but it becomes difficult to use when your busy, the website is easier to work with so I've regained my interest. Not to mention the Facebook updates.. I love to brag. Anyhoo! I find that counting my calories etc makes me make the right choices. I'm a vegetarian and I fully…
    in Saying hi Comment by ctorrence June 2010
  • Saturdays are SO difficult! It's the busiest day of the week! My daughter's baseball games are always mid day, then our friend group ALWAYS has a party every saturday, and while it's not the food that get's me everytime it's the WINE. For a long while I did the "Drunkorexian" thing, but that just makes for bad Sunday…