30 Day Shred - will it bust the slump?

I'm going home to Florida on July 19th and what I have going on here just isn't cutting it. I can't seem to get out of the 148-146 range (I've lost 13 pounds using turbo jam but I want to lose some more and tone up before I go home). It is driving me batty.

I've had the 30 Day Shred on my shelf for maybe 2 years, tried it and quit when I thought it was too hard but people rave about it. Do you guys that have tried it think it will help me through my slump? I'm thinking something specifically for 30 days will keep me focused a little more, as much as I love turbo jam... I haven't seen my family down there in about a year and although 13 pounds is impressive I want to really WOW them (which I know is kinda silly because I know they will just be happy to see me at all since I don't get to go home much)!

Thanks for your help! :happy:


  • sazziecee
    sazziecee Posts: 143

    I never made it to the full 30 days, only did about 12 days ( as didn't like level 2 cos of all the jumping floor-work on my daft laminate floor!!) but I was at a plateau for 4 weeks and the 2 weeks I was doing the shred I lost 2.5lb the first week and 1.5lb the second so it definitely made a difference.

    I am sure there will be lots of "shredders" here to help you soon though :)
  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    I definitely found that the 30 Day Shred helped; not necessarily to lose weight (although I did) but I went from a size 16 (UK) to size 12 (UK) after completing Level 2.

    It is hard work, but don't torture yourself if you can't manage all of the moves - I didn't! Good luck.
  • JennyBoBenny
    JennyBoBenny Posts: 274
    I'm using the 30 day shred right now. I also have a vacation as a goal (see my ticker below) to pushing through some workouts to tone up a bit before I see everyone (at the beach!)

    What I chose to do was make myself a goal of doing 20 shreds in 28 days - that's giving me a couple of days here and there to take off without guilt. I think the name of the dvd is very misleading as people think you have to work out for 30 days straight, no breaks and when they miss a day they feel awful about it and (sometimes) end up quitting and having to start over. If you don't like a level, I suggest you modify modify modify (even skip a move that you hate to "get a drink") but keep doing it. After a few workouts, you may find that your body is stronger and therefore able to finally do the moves you hated so much. How amazing will that feel? I've heard people say they go back and do level one just to change it up in the middle of it all. That might be a good idea too.

    Either way, I personally am loving the workouts (and I've had it on my shelf for a year and a half too - this is the first time I'm being serious about it). I even found that doing the shred has improved my yoga classes. I can feel my abs getting tighter, my arms are way stronger and my balance is better!

    Good luck and enjoy your vacation!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I think it will! I made it through 6 of the 10 days of Level 3 and definitely noticed some improvements. Unfortunately, I re-injured my leg and 30 Day Shred is not the workout for ankle and knee injuries :(

    Good luck!
  • jcm214
    jcm214 Posts: 157
    I'm using the 30 day shred right now. I also have a vacation as a goal (see my ticker below) to pushing through some workouts to tone up a bit before I see everyone (at the beach!)

    What I chose to do was make myself a goal of doing 20 shreds in 28 days - that's giving me a couple of days here and there to take off without guilt. I think the name of the dvd is very misleading as people think you have to work out for 30 days straight, no breaks and when they miss a day they feel awful about it and (sometimes) end up quitting and having to start over. If you don't like a level, I suggest you modify modify modify (even skip a move that you hate to "get a drink") but keep doing it. After a few workouts, you may find that your body is stronger and therefore able to finally do the moves you hated so much. How amazing will that feel? I've heard people say they go back and do level one just to change it up in the middle of it all. That might be a good idea too.

    Either way, I personally am loving the workouts (and I've had it on my shelf for a year and a half too - this is the first time I'm being serious about it). I even found that doing the shred has improved my yoga classes. I can feel my abs getting tighter, my arms are way stronger and my balance is better!

    Good luck and enjoy your vacation!

    This is great! Thank you so much. Frankly, Jillian kinda scares me, but she is also really inspiring. I just remember the first time I tried it, it was really hard and my knees killed me. I had an injury a few years ago (no surgery thank God!) but I still have trouble sometimes and her stuff is pretty hardcore. But I definitely get the feeling bad part! I will keep all of what you said in mind!
  • Destined
    Destined Posts: 116
    Yes the 30 day shred day works.. I didn't do 30 days straight.. I missed a few days here and there so it was almost like the 42 or 46 day shred. I did complete all levels but didn't like Level 3 because it is more of strength training. I love level 2. I am still doing. It is only about 28 mins and so worth it.. I have lost almost 10 pounds on the 30 day shred and I had been on a 3 year plateau doing taebo and other workouts.. The 9.2 pounds weight loss was all in the month of May. I believe now I can lose my last half of weight... Good luck and enjoy your trip home!!!!!:smile:
  • jcm214
    jcm214 Posts: 157
    Yes the 30 day shred day works.. I didn't do 30 days straight.. I missed a few days here and there so it was almost like the 42 or 46 day shred. I did complete all levels but didn't like Level 3 because it is more of strength training. I love level 2. I am still doing. It is only about 28 mins and so worth it.. I have lost almost 10 pounds on the 30 day shred and I had been on a 3 year plateau doing taebo and other workouts.. The 9.2 pounds weight loss was all in the month of May. I believe now I can lose my last half of weight... Good luck and enjoy your trip home!!!!!:smile:

    Congrats on your success! That is great inspiration. I just finished the first day after reading all the comments and it was hard but no impossible. Although...jumping jacks...UGH! :ohwell: Keep it up and thanks for the inspiration!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Qestion for you all can you give me the instructions on how it is designed to work is it 10 days for each level? Do you suppose to do it everyday? I have the video but no instructions:sad:
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    They recommend you do each level for 10 days. Of course, if you are still struggling and doing the "beginner" moves...I would say stick with a level as long as it takes you to master it. I was taking about 14 days(took a day off every few days) to do each level or so.
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I am a huge fan. I didn't see huge weight loss, but more importantly in 5 days my arms are amazing. I see a difference everywhere and the first time thru i lost 4 inches off my stomach in 10 days.
  • ctorrence
    ctorrence Posts: 12
    i <3 Jillian - she's so crazy! Anyone watching "Loosing it" with her? I feel like I should be doing sit ups just watching that show.
    I've heard of the 30 day Shred and now I'd like to try it. I'm a runner, but it's not enough exercise.
    I'm all for anything I can do to not join a gym.

    Thanks for all the suggestion here!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've been doing the 30 Day Shred for almost a month. I only do it about 4 days a week with the gym or swimming on my off days, but I've seen great results. I've dropped 184 to 177 in that time and I'll be taking my measurements on Friday to see how much I've lost this month. I can already tell my stomach doesn't stick out as much and my arms are thinner and more muscular. I think once I'm done with the 30 days (I just did Day 1 on Level 3), I'll keep doing it but switch it up between levels or do Level 2 and 3 together or something. It'll be nice to keep it in my workout even after I'm official over with 30 days.