Ok...Pet Peeve Time Folks!!

shellshalla Posts: 263 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
OK so this isn't really weight loss related...but needed to get it off my chest.

A big pet peeve of mine is something my mom does ALL the time. Lets start with some examples...there's tons but i'll use two recent ones. My mom had a ruptured disc removed a couple weeks ago and she's sitll recovering. I walk in one day "That garbage bag by the door is trash, but I don't think I can carry it downstairs to the dumpster" ....then today "I'm all out of groceries so I think I'm going to have to run to the store. I'm not supposed to drive until Thursday at the earliest (she couldn't from the surgery) but I need to go get a few things."

So...she's clearly HINTING at me to offer to do those things for her. And I do. But dangit JUST ASK ME! I find those obvious hints so annoying for some reason!! I confronted her today nicely and told her that it's a big pet peeve of mine and to just ask me if she needs something please and she didn't take it wrong at all thank goodness!

Anyways I'm done with my ranting lol...



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    She WAS asking you--just not in question form. She is family. That form of "asking" would only bother me if it were someone I didn't have a relationship with and I felt they were taking advantage, but that is just me. Glad you were able to get your concern out in the open with her and she wasn't upset.
  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Are we limiting this to just parents? I mean, we could be here all day lol.
  • One of my biggest pet peeves involves my mom too and all five of her sisters. I have been married for 4 years and my husband and I both agreed to wait a while before we have kids, but that just does not fly with them. Every get together we have some how involes a conversation about how I won't give my mom a grandchild. Come on!!!!!!!!!! It drives me nuts. She acts like I am wanting to wait just to make her mad. Don't get me wrong my husband I want kids just when we are ready not just because my family needs a new baby to play with for a little while.
  • ctorrence
    ctorrence Posts: 12
    Is there enough room for me to list them here :)

    My Dad comes over occasionally and every time he comes, he'll call and ask if he can bring anything, I decline, and remind him my family is dieting. He shows up with cake and some times more. OR he'll want us to come over, then start offering us food that he's made, and it's either all carbs or meat. My husband is on Atkin's and I'm a Vegetarian and they just don't get it.

    My Husband, bless his heart would probably list my pet peeve that's similar to yours. I'll say passively "the garbage needs to go out" or "I wish the dishes were done". I learned that I have a tendency to talk this way, I try not to, your post reminds me to knock it off and just ask!
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    Why do men never make suggestions or plans to do anything? No dates, family events etc. Why is it always our duty to buy and sign birthday cards for their nephews and parents? I mean really! And do we really have to tell you every time what we want for a birthday so it becomes no big surprise? Why don't you just pay attention?
    Wow. It was either that, or eat something really fattening.
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    Well, it's not weight-loss related... My biggest pet peeve is body odour. I think it's SO rude of people to stink. Please, a wash, some deodourant and clean clothes are not a lot to ask if you are venturing into public space. My colleague at work REEKS of sweat in the Summer...

    I'm almost gagging just thinking about it!
  • xeniasimms
    xeniasimms Posts: 72
    OMG I have the same problem with my boyfriend's family. They are always trying to marry us off so we can then hurry up and have kids. Why? So we can end up divorced like all of them? It is annoying.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Why do men never make suggestions or plans to do anything? No dates, family events etc. Why is it always our duty to buy and sign birthday cards for their nephews and parents? I mean really! And do we really have to tell you every time what we want for a birthday so it becomes no big surprise? Why don't you just pay attention?
    Wow. It was either that, or eat something really fattening.

    I second, third, fourth and one-hundredth this!

    And they wonder when they buy us a cd why we don't act like they hung the moon for us. Big. Whoop.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Well, it's not weight-loss related... My biggest pet peeve is body odour. I think it's SO rude of people to stink. Please, a wash, some deodourant and clean clothes are not a lot to ask if you are venturing into public space. My colleague at work REEKS of sweat in the Summer...

    I'm almost gagging just thinking about it!

    Since this is a work-related issue, couldn't you go to your supervisor, explain the problem and get it dealt with. If you work in a large company, the HR department might be able to help. You shouldn't have to go to work with a clothespin over your nose!!:laugh: If they don't take you seriously, tell them that having employees passing out from holding their breath has an adverse affect on productivity!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Good luck!!!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Why do men never make suggestions or plans to do anything? No dates, family events etc. Why is it always our duty to buy and sign birthday cards for their nephews and parents? I mean really! And do we really have to tell you every time what we want for a birthday so it becomes no big surprise? Why don't you just pay attention?
    Wow. It was either that, or eat something really fattening.

    OMG I so know what you're talking about. I feel like the family secretary. I send all the birthday cards, buy the birthday gifts, buy the mothers day gifts, I have to remind him about family get togethers or I have to tell him to call and find out when one is (or I just find out myself). For gifts for me, I created a wishlist that sometimes works for him to buy me gifts, so he's still getting something I like, but the actual gift is a surprise. But I do have to keep reminding him....you have a week until my birthday....you have two days until my birthday.

    I have thought about just not doing these things, but then his family would never get cards or gifts, etc. and I feel like that will reflect badly on me if we don't do those things.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I absolutely cannot stand the sound of people eating. Especially if they smack. I probably tell my daughter 5 times each meal to please chew with her mouth closed. I once broke up with a guy because (among a couple other things) he smacked so loudly. I totally realize this is my issue more than anyone else's but it just drives me NUTS.
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    I absolutely cannot stand the sound of people eating. Especially if they smack. I probably tell my daughter 5 times each meal to please chew with her mouth closed. I once broke up with a guy because (among a couple other things) he smacked so loudly. I totally realize this is my issue more than anyone else's but it just drives me NUTS.

    i hate this too!! it really grosses me out, that and when people take a bite of something to eat and then take a drink before they've swallowed the food. bleh!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I absolutely cannot stand the sound of people eating. Especially if they smack. I probably tell my daughter 5 times each meal to please chew with her mouth closed. I once broke up with a guy because (among a couple other things) he smacked so loudly. I totally realize this is my issue more than anyone else's but it just drives me NUTS.

    i hate this too!! it really grosses me out, that and when people take a bite of something to eat and then take a drink before they've swallowed the food. bleh!

    Yeah - serious issues with this. My poor kids :) At least they won't annoy anyone else when they grow up :laugh:
  • Along with food smacking, I can't handle when people smack their gum. The occasional popping is fine (something I am guilty of) but when someone first puts a piece of gum in their mouth and you can hear the watery, icky, swallowing...BLAH! I CANNOT stand it! It literally makes me want to pull my hair out. What's worse, the area in my lab where our desks are located is always veeeeerrrryyyyy quiet. So when someone pops a piece of gum in their mouth, all you can hear is the nastiness that comes when someone can't keep their mouth shut.

    Ridiculous, I know.
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