greenfalls107 Member


  • Hi, looking for friends who are here for a long time weight loss. My first goal is to lose 25 lbs. i want to do it in a way that is satisfying and yet reasonable.
  • Try just logging what you eat for a few days without "dieting" to see where you need to cut calories. It will give you and idea on how to make small changes without shocking your system. Such as if you eat donuts for breakfast, switch to cereal and see the calorie difference. You always need more than 1000 calories a day,…
  • for me fudge is perfect. I have been having chocolate and salt cravings - (pmsing maybe?) So, for dinner I skipped the pasta everyone else in my family ate and had chicken breast grilled, tomato and cucumbers, and carrots with hummus. I saved some calories for fudge, I measure out 2 ounces and if I want more I have to get…
  • I rarely reply to any pic progress postings. But I have to admit, yours got me on a personal level. I have been extremely frustrated my weight is not dropping by much. I have only lost 5lbs since the beginning of the year and haven't dropped on the scale for over 60 days. I am so frustrated, but my size is changing. Its…
  • feel free to add me. I am sorry to hear you have not been able to find supportive friends. I am on daily, and have my own health issues that I have to work around. I have 50lbs to lose, so I will be here for a long time.
  • feel free to add me. I am sorry to hear you have not been able to find supportive friends. I am on daily, and have my own health issues that I have to work around. I have 50lbs to lose, so I will be here for a long time.
  • Honey, my first thought is are you wearing a bra that is too tight, or does not fit properly? I know that sounds like a strange comment, but I can tell you I used to wear under wire bras only. In my head, that was the best support I could get for my large breasts. Just 2 years ago I switched to bra's without under wire and…
  • Last night while I was preparing dinner, my daughter and I worked on putting together a veggie/pasta salad. Getting it done while making dinner (waiting for pasta to boil, meat to brown, etc) I got things done without it seeming like extra work. We cut the cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, canned artichokes, corn and just…
  • Yep, I do off days. Not necessarily for splurging purpose more so for health complications and day off from logging and thinking so much about every bite I take. I have to sometimes take a crohn's day - and I just put in 2000 calories logged for the whole day. When my crohns is acting up I tend to eat more carbs to combat…
  • Send me a FR, I also have a serious sweet tooth. I eat raisins (big ones and golden are my favorite) and chocolate daily. Brookside chocolate covered acia berries, goji berries, etc are fabulous. I weigh out 40 grams (1 serving) and eat them daily. I would never be able to stay on the "program" if it did not include…
  • You are so brave, I have no doubt you will succeed. Just be patient with yourself and make sure you are making changes you can live with. You will succeed! I just know it.
  • Oh honey, you are so hard on yourself. I wish you could reread your message as if someone sent it to you. Like I was beating myself up for a few off days. What would you say to me? Please, be as kind to yourself as you would be to others. We all make poor food choices sometimes. We are human. Since you recently started…
  • I have to say, there are many people I meet and the minute they open their mouth they appear unattractive. So, for me I am attracted to those who smile, who are interested in talking about more than just themselves, and who make me laugh. However, if we are just going on looks I prefer a little more meat on my men. Cute…
  • that post should be called "the common sense needed to shrink your body, not your mind! " Excellent advice. :love:
  • Feel free to add me. I am on daily, and do not collect friends. I am looking for people who are real, and understand some days I am successful and others I am not. And its all ok.
  • You look amazing... And I think you should wear the bikini proudly in public, you earned it. Beautiful, just beautiful.
  • That is an excellent NSV. Here is a little advice, find a way to reward yourself weekly with $. $1 for every mile walked or rode on a bike. $5 for every day you exercise. What ever works for you, put the money in a jar and you will be shocked how fast it adds up. For me, it makes more sense to avoid credit cards and pay…
  • When frumphy and dumpy is your normal feel and look. I hate looking frumpy and dumpy now. I buy clothes that fit better now, and look better. I will not buy loose clothes that I can hide in anymore. Size matters. Wear the size you fit into, not too big. You will feel better.
  • Love the "common sense" advice. I have to admit sometimes I wonder if I am going through this journey the 'right way". And you are correct "the right way" is to forgive yourself for slips and getting back on the wagon. I have been working on this "body change" for 7 months and working hard on making food choices that I…
  • I am here to confuse issues even more for you. I haven't really lost any weight in over 60 days. I gain a pound, I lose the pound, I gain the pound back, I lose the same stupid pound. However, I have dropped several sizes. Are you exercising at all? You may need to start in order to shrink your waist size. I walk or gently…
  • Good questions. For weight in's: I log it all. The up, the down, the plateau. Trust me when I say you find it comforting to notice patterns once a month to explain a weight gain. But do not beat yourself up. Weight gains can be bloating close to periods, too much salt, too much carbonation, or gassy foods. If you eat out a…
  • My vote, is whole milk. I know that is not a popular choice but drinking it in moderation is much better for me than anything else. I like soy milk, but wow did it mess up my hormones. Craziness really. But I am mid 40, and that does make a difference. I tried almond milk once, hated it! So, whole milk is for me.
  • Can you lose weight without exercising? Sure, but you may feel tired, grumpy, hungry, and in general feel like a slug. I am probably lazier than you, and I have a bunch of health issues that provide me with plenty of excuses not to exercise. However, I feel better daily if I push myself. I do not care if I slow ride my…
  • I have crohns and I have a hard time keeping my frustration levels down when I want to do more than my body is able to. I have been on predisone and honey, I am here for anything you need. I will never ever take predisone again unless its a life threatening issue. I gained 60lbs, got the chubby cheeks, and the hump on my…
  • What you should expect??? Hmmmm. Let me help you with the lessons I have learned over the last 7 months on my body changing journey (I refuse to call it a weight loss journey). People closest to you will notice first, but as long as you are wearing the same clothes (even if they are hanging off of you) it will take them…
  • I have the same problem. Other than just being aware of it, I do not worry about it. I need to allow myself to eat raisins, grapes, and yogurt to curb my cravings for cookies, chips, fries, and pastries. I figure what I eat is the "better" choice so I can live with it. :tongue:
  • I paint my finger nails, its hard to eat when you know your going to mess up a manicure. :)
  • Greek yogurt, is a quick meal when I feel like I am starving and need a huge hamburger. After I eat the yogurt, I am in a better place to make smart food choices. When I am too hungry, I just want whatever I can get my little grubby hands on. The yogurt, gives me a few minutes to get my head straight. I eat Light and Fit…
  • Awe honey, I know your struggle. I have been stuck at a plateau up a lb, down a lb, up two lbs, down two lbs. I have not been able to get under 210 for over 2 months now. It is very frustrating, especially when yesterday the scale said 213.8. I have thought about giving up, but I have some health issues and feel like I…
  • Hi, I have crohns disease and I know exactly what you mean with bloating, pain, and nausea. I am having serious issues with nausea lately, and its so hard to wake up every morning wanting to throw up. For the bloating, I take Gas X and the chewables help the best. However, by the end of the day I still feel pinched in my…