mms817 Member


  • Don't be discouraged, you've lost a lot of weight and should be proud! i figured you must live in the VA/DC/MD area because of Five Guys. I'm in VA and we have Five Guys Burgers too; they are good, but a bit greasy especially when you have been eating healthier. You are an inspiration to me - I've been away from this site…
  • Also, if you make the cakes at home, you can cut the calories by using unsweetened applesauce for the oil and if it calls for three eggs, you can use two whole eggs and one egg white to reduce calories. I even like pudding in place of frosting on a sheet cake and you can make pudding with low fat milk or even sugar free -…
  • I agree too! Do some extra exercise to combat those calories and enjoy a piece of cake! Those days you know you are going to eat cake, make wiser choices for the meals earlier in the day and there will be calories left to splurge.
  • Some carbs such as white bread, sugar and even white potatoes can quickly raise blood sugar in your body and result in carb cravings so you want to stay away from those as much as possible. The good carbs are whole grain breads (the fiber prevents the quick spike of insulin), vegetables (other than white potatoes) and…
  • That's great! Keep up the good work!
  • Be sure you are eating calories that keep you full. Snack foods that are packaged in 100 calorie servings are fine for an occasional snack, but if you eat those because they are lower calorie, but they don't keep your hunger satisfied, it's not going to help. Make sure you are eating lean protein, fruits and vegetables…
    in HELP!!! Comment by mms817 February 2008
  • Congratulations on your engagement! Walking is GREAT! I started a walking program about 8 months ago and I've lost weight and I feel great! I walk in the mornings before work with my dog (about 20 minutes) and then with a friend in the evenings about 3-4 days a week for about 50 minutes at a good pace. Having a friend is a…
  • I'm from Virginia too. Originally from Shenandoah Valley (Harrisonburg), but now reside in Fredericksburg. Welcome to this site. I'm very new here too, but finding it very useful. The visual calorie counting and exercise make it seem like a game that I'm trying to win every day, with a feeling of victory when I come in…
  • That happens to everyone and starting the next day with the right attitude is crucial. It's natural to have bad days, but if you recognize it and don't let it continue, it will have a minimal impact over the course of several weeks or a month. Documenting even the bad days are important because then by doing some extra…
  • Thanks for all the encouragement! :happy:
  • I stumbled upon this website and really think it's what I've been needing for motivation and success. I live in VA and just wanted to say "Hi". I hope this website, along with diet and exercise can help me reach my goal.