Better_Balance_2011 Member


  • Mon - 0 I think I can do another tonight.
  • I was pretty lushy. Drank a fair amount on the golf course, but it was domestic light beer, and I can pretty much drink that all day. I had a little wine at home and went to bed pretty early. Saturday I had my friend's 4 year old and my other friend and her 3 year old came over. That actually makes less work for us parents…
  • I went to happy hour. Then Eric and I drank some wine. I'm leaving at 3 to play golf. Maybe next week will be my week....maybe.... (broken record)
  • I've been lushing along.... Not sure if I'll earn a 0 tonight or not. I'm not going to happy hour, so there's a slight chance.....
  • I did pretty well Friday night. Saturday would have been ok, but the neighbor came over and we were up till 1 drinking. Our music fest was Sunday. It was a lot of fun. I drank a lot of beer. Yesterday we took the day off. Had a mimosa at brunch and then 4 beers after the pool. Ended with 2 ciders but napped on and off…
  • Mon - 0 Tues - 3 Wed - 5 Thurs - 1 cider, 1 pint of beer. I even bought wine and didn't open it after dinner. I was too full and sleepy. Fri - going to try to keep it tame
  • Mon - 0 Tues - 3 Wed - 5 Thurs ?
  • I got a 0! Maybe another tonight?
  • OMG! I'm glad her scans were clear but terrible on the eyeball. Hope she is OK! I actually did pretty good this weekend. I was in bed by 11 Friday AND Saturday and never had even the slightest hangover. I drank the most yesterday, but actually stopped drinking when we got home from a summer concert in the park around 9. I…
  • Eric and split a bottle of wine and I had a seltzer after last night. But we declined an invite for drinks from our neighbors so I'll consider that a success.
  • I've been earning my lush status for sure. Time to try to do a better job of moderating. I'm officially in fat shorts and not happy about it! :o This week I am trying for 2 0's (got one yesterday) and next week 2 0's and 2 days with 2 or less drinks. Our 4th was fun. I worked till 1 Monday, off Tuesday and Wednesday and…
  • Mon - 0 Tues - I just felt like drinking. So I finished off the bubbly from the weekend (about 1.5) and made a big cocktail and took to the pool. Then I had a cider. Yesterday I cracked a cider around 4ish, then had 3 more at the concert plus 2 beers. I actually got another beer out when we got home and contemplated not…
  • Hey lushes. My week last week ended up pretty decent with drinks. Friday I think I had 4 total and went to bed at like 11. I LOVE not being hungover on Saturdays! However, my BIL and his girlfriend came over to get her sunglasses she left at Derby around 2:00ish. Naturally we had a beverage. They ended up going to dinner…
  • I had a 2 beers and 2 glasses of wine last night. Not too bad. Going to try to keep it mellow this weekend.
  • Gary I have not seen that article, but after logging for the past few months, I think I am done, at least for a while. I hate logging food. The chick that used to teach pilates/strength at my office said, "Food is for eating, not logging". I'll have to check that out. I have done well this week! Mon - 0 Tues - I had 3…
  • I'm back! We had a nice vacation. Drank WAY too much. There was some family fighting Thursday which SUCKED and I'm still having anxiety over it. I was only trying to moderate, but still...... Eric and I have said that we are going to try to go 10 or so days with no alcohol. Well minus tomorrow for me. We have a company…
  • Oh well....I finished off the wine (not even a glass) and had a cider. No sense in stopping now!
  • I drank a good amount all weekend. Saturday was a little much, but I wasn't too bad Friday and Sunday. We had a lot of fun doing many things as a family: festival, pool, art fair, horse track family day. Good times. I'll try for my one and only weekly 0 tonight I guess. Vacation starts in 3 days!!
  • I finished the bottle of wine (2 glasses) and had a cider. Not terrible. Not a 0.... Oh well. Next week is my last week of work before vacation, so it's doubtful there will be many 0's. Have a great weekend!
  • Tues - 0 Wed - 3 seltzers, 3 glasses of wine, 1.5 beers. Oops. We went to a free concert on the waterfront and then came home and had more wine. My goal was to have 2 0's this week, so if it's going to happen it will be tonight. But of course it's lovely. And Thursday.
  • I earned my card this weekend. Friday was probably the lushiest. We ended up going down to our neighbors' after happy hour and dinner drinks. I was hangin a little Saturday but took the kids to the coffee shop and zoo (had a beer there). Saturday and Sunday I drank most of the day but did so slowly and went to bed early.…
  • I have been having a couple drinks a night, even Monday which is supposed to be my 0 day. Last night had a bit more as I had friends over. We went to sleep around 11:00ish so not terrible today. Plus I ended the night with Smirnoff seltzers, and that seems to help "hydrate" me. :) Maybe a 0 tonight. Have fun on all of your…
  • Mon - No 0. I had a margarita and a cider. I should have a 0 tonight to make up for no 0 yesterday, but that's doubtful.
  • Well, I drank most days last week (as usual), but I feel like I moderated better. I was never hungover. I was a little sleepy yesterday, but felt good enough to run 2.5 miles first thing. We were in bed early every night which helps tons. It was a nice weekend. Took the kids to the aquarium and just hung around the rest of…
  • I drank a good amount of wine last night. Met Eric for happy hour and had 2 glasses of wine and then we split a bottle of wine at home, but I drank more of it. I was going to open a seltzer but Eric talked me out of it. I'm just a little sleepy today. I worked a long day yesterday so I plan on taking an early day. I have a…
  • Mon - 0 Tues - 2 ciders and a seltzer and decided against a 4th Wed - a beer early afternoon at the zoo and 2 beers while smoking a brisket and during dinner. Again, stopped early because I had to be at work at 6:30am. Thurs - ??
  • Mon - 0 I slept amazing. We'll see about tonight.
  • I was a total lush this weekend. A friend from CT we hadn't seen in a couple years came in town so we drank, hot tubbed, and talked till after 2am. Saturday I popped some bubbly around 2, we went to an early dinner on the river, stopped for a drink and dessert on the way home, and wrapped up with a fire and a couple…
  • Mon - 0 Tues - 5 Wed - 6 Thurs - one Stella and I went for a run a couple hours later Fri - ?? We're going to Eric's sister's house to tend to their garden and harvest some veggies since they're out of town. We'll grab dinner out somewhere. The weekend is going to be gorgeous so I plan on being outside as much as possible.…