

  • Nice!!
  • I read an article that you have to becareful with your protein intake because if you eat to much protein, you could actually gain weight. 45 grams seems to be low if you are active and workout. Most people should eat about 60 grams a day (according to research that I have done online and with talking to a nutritionist). I…
  • I use a scale by Taylor. Its a body fat analyzer and scale. I got it a few years ago and love it. Its pretty close to my doctor's too.
  • Good for you! How did you get the short term goals? I've been trying to figure it out and can't seem to.
  • I like to make a smoothie with some protein in it. I *kitten* bananas and strawberries and milk, this way you get protein, fruits and calcium all in one meal and I don't feel bloated or weighed down after.
    in Meal tips Comment by mshedlock July 2011
  • I like to make a smoothie with some protein in it. I *kitten* bananas and strawberries and milk, this way you get protein, fruits and calcium all in one meal and I don't feel bloated or weighed down after.
    in Meal tips Comment by mshedlock July 2011
  • Try yoga, that always helps me when I need to tone up. If you don't like yoga, there is always pilates. Good Luck because I know just how you feel!
  • Don't the dog always makes a great workout buddy. If I don't really feel like working out I take Cayman for a walk. It benefits both of us, and she always wants to go further and further.