LaPearl1 Member


  • I would like to join as well.
  • I really want to try Insanity. I have heard so many great things but my life is really busy with work, school and kids that I'm not sure if right now is the best time to start it. How long is a workout?
  • I hate to hear that your whole house is sick but it's that time of year. Well at least you didn't eat the BBQ, that is an accomplishment. Today has been good so far but my issue is late night snacks. I have class tonight so I am going to try very hard to come home have some grapes and a bottle of water and call it a night.…
  • I had a rough start to but I did get a workout in which saved me. I have to find my balance with eating. I took the half the summer off without realizing it so now I'm up 8 lbs from where I initially started. Stepping on that scale was mind blowing so actually my 10 week goal is 15 lbs but I will be just as happy with 10…
  • I just finished my 1st week of Hip Hop Abs and really love it. I will doing it for 60 days.