darcey9101 Member


  • Thanks for the replies :smile: I think it is a head game coz I can see on the scale the weigh has come off but because I can't see it I just think oh the scales are probably incorrect! I do continue to log my weight every Friday despite how I think so I can keep track.
  • Thank you :). My diary is now public as well
  • My daily allowance is set at 1200. Im sorry but no I don't know what works for me It changes and I get confused by people saying how much I should eat how much I shouldn't eat and what to eat. I thought I would ask as I really don't know and didn't think as a support forum I would be made to feel like an idiot by asking an…
  • I see a difference :). You are doing well you have lost more than me so far! Keep going x
  • Thank you everyone for your replies and advice :). I am glad im not the only one who thinks like this. I have a lot of old photos of myself that I keep looking at and going I can't believe I was that thin and I will never look like that again so I think I might put them out the way for a while so I can't keep looking at…
  • I usually buy light alpen bars or weight watchers bars but I've noticed you have to be careful with weight watchers products because sometimes they have a lot of sugar in them. I also like low fat yogurt and crackerbread :)
  • I agree!! I bought graze boxes for 3 weeks and they were so expensive! So I stopped buying them and I now just buy fruit or low calorie snacks that lasts me weeks instead of £6 every week.
  • Hi my name is Darcey, I was diagnosed with pcos last year at 21. My doctor said it went undiagnosed because I was a healthy size at 124lbs but when I gained a lot of weight I would be in agony with cramps so bad I would feel physically sick so I was sent for an ultrasound where they diagnosed pcos. I have always struggled…
  • Thanks for the link. I will deffo use :-)
  • Thanks for the advice. I don't want to go through losing all this weight and then put it all back on. I have also been told by my doctor i have a low metabolism as they found i have pcos last year. I am eating around 1200 calories a day occasionally i will go over. I pick sensible things to fill me up so i don't feel…
  • Thanks everyone. I will just carry on what i am doing then and not think about reaching the goal in that amount of time. I will just be happy with what i do lose in that space of time :)