Graze Box - My Pet Hate!

All the other staff at my work have their Graze box delivered on a Tuesday. It has to be my pet hate! I am all for people doing what they can to eat cleaner and healthier, but the staff seem to think that by ADDING this to their regular diet they are being healthy!

Just because your chocolate flapjack comes in a cardboard box does not mean you can go ahead and eat the biscuit at snack time too!

My other annoyance is the price - for the price of 1 box i could get myself 2 weeks worth of super healthy snacks!

What do you think? What is your pet hate?


  • darcey9101
    darcey9101 Posts: 17 Member
    I agree!! I bought graze boxes for 3 weeks and they were so expensive! So I stopped buying them and I now just buy fruit or low calorie snacks that lasts me weeks instead of £6 every week.
  • what snacks do you usually buy?
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    The first thing that put me off graze boxes was the price, i was thinking of how much fruit and veg i could buy at the local market for that!
  • darcey9101
    darcey9101 Posts: 17 Member
    I usually buy light alpen bars or weight watchers bars but I've noticed you have to be careful with weight watchers products because sometimes they have a lot of sugar in them. I also like low fat yogurt and crackerbread :)