

  • Another vote for 'nobody cares'. Everyone will be doing their own thing, listening to their own tunes and freaking about everyone watching them. Just go, and have fun :) Good luck
  • the OP is comparing calories and perceived exertion on the treadmill against calories and perceived exertion on the elliptical so i feel a comparison is fair( assuming we ignore the inaccuracy of machines). p.s i agree on not trusting the calorie counter on machines. but i also don't trust the calorie counter on my hrm…
  • Another reason the elliptical trainer seems easier is that it doesn't push you to maintain the exact same pace throughout. By splitting the load between your arms and legs your legs are going to feel less fatigued than they would be fore the same number of kcals on the treadmill(where all the load is on your legs).
  • drinking too much water will deplete your electrolytes/ or imbalance them. eat some salt and/or bananas to get your levels back up, usually works for me. Drinking lots of water and not replacing salts makes me all dizzy/tingly scalp.
    in H2O Comment by muayqis July 2013
  • a) drinking water doesn;t lead to water retention. If you're retaining water it's likely because you're not drinking enough water. b) plonk a big bottle of water on your desk, or take a sports bottle with you and fill it from the cooler whenever you get up to go somewhere. c) drink responsibly
    in H2O Comment by muayqis July 2013
  • i feel your pain, when i exercise it crushes my appetite and takes up a big chunk of time. if i am not training(had a succession of injuries this year) i get bored + hungry, and have a lot more free time, which makes it easy to stack on the weight. Guess you'll just need to reign in the kcals you're consuming. :(
  • not read the article, but from personal experience salt depletion is a huge issue! Whenever i'm low carb i drop weight(water) t an amazing rate. BUT i feel weak as a kitten. if i get some salt down(from an electrolyte drink usually) i feel so much better. took me YEARS to figure out it was salt that was what i needed.
  • personally i'd try and tack in some 'skill' based exercise. when you're working the skills you're still working out, but it's not ll about 'the burn' or 'the pump'. It's also fun. things like martial arts/ climbing/ any 'sport' really alternative would be yoga/pilates to round out your flexibility(i need to do this!)
    in need advice Comment by muayqis July 2013
  • Spices and herbs! + tomato! tomatoes + herbs/spices + blender = sauces- works for everything i like. tomatoes + herbs/spices + onions + mad chopping skillz = salsa- works for everything i like. chopped tomatoes + herbs/spices + pre-chopped onions = instant salsa- works for everything i like.
  • Another vote for mirror + tapemeasure being superior to scales. not used this one: but may be useful
  • mine's open
  • Were you carb/glycogen depleted when you weighed in last time? Vs maybe not being carb/glycoglen depleted now? That could easily explain a blip like that.
  • on a side note: i guess this line here is the one i take exception to, Everyone is always talking about 'losing weight' but for the majority that's not actually their goal, but they still become fixated with the numbers on the scales when they needn't. but i think that's a whole 'nother post
  • I completely agree, I guess i should've made this a poll, but didn't. Just wondering how many people on here actually are in that edge case. (p.s starving and spitting in a cup completely sucks)
  • D'oh, messed up the title... and weights in lbs[edit formatting]- for Muay Thai(weights in lbs) division min weight max weigh mini Flyweight 100 - 105 light flyweight 105 - 108 flyweight 108 - 112 super flyweight 112 - 115 bantamweight 115 - 118 super bantamweight 118 - 122 featherweight 122 - 126 super featherweight…
  • imo there are 4 elements that contribute to diet drugs. fat/carb blockers- i've no idea on this, very sceptical i am. 'thermogenics' - things that boost your bodys generation of heat; again i don't know enough on this to comment. appetite suppression- suppressing your appetite removes one hurdle when trying to eat less.…
    in Diet Pills Comment by muayqis May 2013
  • Yum, porridge!
    in Yum or Yuck? Comment by muayqis May 2013
  • Likewise, which is why i have spent the last 6 months hobbling from injury to injury unable to train. Depending on the kind of intervals you're doing probably has an impact. for example, Tabatas *pet peeve* cut from <i>If you research the Tabata Protocol online, the original study conducted…
  • me three. I always end up eating more when i'm not tracking.
  • you beat me to it.
  • Refering only to the OP. Assuming you kept all of each of the things you ate. my guess is that your weight should remain the same. BUT. anyone know anything about: thermic effects of different macros? Protien supposedly causes a 'thermic' effect. Not sure about how carbs and fat compare though. I know nada about this…
  • Seriously? I'm not an expert but. Lifting anything at all will use up calories(unless there's some kind of way anyone knows to get movement without any energy expenditure(think you can get a lot of money if you figure this out)). Assuming everything else is constant(calories in, macros, exercise) and you add in an…
  • Less sugar. I feel more hungry after eating simple carbs than I did before. Dead animal. Veggies. Legumes. Casein. Eggs. Nom Nom Nom. Nom. Nom.
  • Completely agree. Personally I think that boxing is one of the most under-rated workouts, Anyone who's not given this kind of training a go is missing out bigtime.
  • a) Depends on your goals- b) Depends on what you count as 'bad' (related to a) c) Water weight is weight in the form of water, rather than lean tissue/fat. -Water weight can bounce around a lot, Typical things that impact water-weight -Carb levels -Salt levels -Water intake -temperature -Allergies Daily weighing will make…
  • end of lat year i would have been hitting 22-24 mins. prior to that, 20-22 mins managed to nudge under 20 on a couple of occasions a few years back. I miss running :(
    in 5K Times Comment by muayqis April 2013
  • i have nothing to back this up, but i think i read somewhere that your HR will climb when you lift weight, out of proportion with the calories you are burning.... *rummage rummage* that said, i wear mine for almost all exercise,
  • i can (and have in the past) managed 2 jars in less than 6 hours, together with other easy to digest food. thankfully don't really suffer for cravings for the stuff though, otherwise we really would have a problem!
  • Weight + performance. Stupid Scales.