Elliptical vs Treadmill

Hey guys, I know this have been discussed before but here is my input.
I've tried both the Elliptical and the Treadmill, I can burn what says to be 1400-1600 calories on the elliptic during 2 hours (1 hour each session) BUT and this is a huge but I don't get as tired as burning 400 calories for 45 mins on the treadmill + having sour legs afterwards.
So I am really wondering, does the treadmill actually burn less? or does it focus on the thighs more and burn the fat on those areas?, or it is actually true that the elliptical trainer does indeed burn 1600 calories but I am not feeling it XD

I know, so many questions but I have this fat on my thighs and I really want to get rid of somehow but I just don't know how :(
Please give me your input on this matter.

Thanks :D


  • rileyhall00
    I think your body is more active on the elliptical over the treadmill. so your burning more. I feel wonky on the ellipy so I prefer the treadmill. In 15min tho I burn more on the ellipy like you said over the treadmill.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I prefer elliptical because it's easier on my knees and seems to burn more calories per time. Also because I can be a little clumsy and I'm therefore afraid I'll go flying off the treadmill.
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    Eliptical over Treadmill anyday!
  • LannyM74
    LannyM74 Posts: 25 Member
    Personally, I burn about the same amount of calories on each for the same amount of time. But like you, I find that the elliptical seems easier. I think this comes down to the fact that the elliptical is much easier on your body. The fact that the treadmill wrecks my joints and makes me feel like crap doesn't mean that I'm working harder on it...it just means that it makes me feel worse because of the toll it takes on my body.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    if your not wearing a HRM the comparison isn't accurate. Don't trust what the machine says even if you input your personal stats. it would also depend if you're walking or running on the treadmill and expending the same amount of energy (intensity needs to be the same to determine which burns more)

    the elliptical is much easier on ones knees.

    you also cannot spot reduce-fat burns from all over not in one specific area
  • mseab71
    mseab71 Posts: 69 Member
    I am so glad you asked this question! I would run/walk 3 miles in an hour (outside) but have a treadmill. I also have an elliptical. I started using my elliptical all the time because it was easier on my body but almost feel I am not getting the same work out. I do not trust the numbers on my elliptical and do not have a watch that tells what I burn so I just calculate the time I am on there. So I always question if I am getting about my 3 miles and am I burning enough calories... It seems that I am gaining and not losing and so I questioned if it was my change. I think I am going to just keep doing my elliptical (my joints and body feel better) and pray that the weight begins to come off again :) Good Luck!!
  • marleniap
    marleniap Posts: 120 Member
    OK so how about the Elliptical vs Treadcllimber? Detailed information please, since I am a bit slow:huh:
    Thanks, :smile:
  • somethingnewjc
    i'm not sure if i trust those built-in calorie counters on the aerobic exercise machines, however, i much prefer the elliptical and as it provides resistance to the arms and legs over just the legs i do have to think it probably burns a few more calories... i think the fact that treadmill is likely a higher impact activity, it is going to be harder on your legs from that perspective, and it might be leading to feeling more tired on the treadmill while working your muscles out less... ultimately though i would do whatever you feel more motivated to do as working out consistently is what's going to lead to results.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Okay, a few things:
    1) A heart rate monitor worn by you is going to be more accurate in calories than whatever the machine says.
    2) You cannot spot-reduce fat on your thighs. While in a calorie deficit, your body will lose fat wherever it feels like it, with disregard to where you want it to disappear from.
    3) The calorie burn differences between the two machines are dependent on what exercises you're doing on each (i.e. sprinting, intervals, resistance, etc.). Most people just choose the elliptical if they have bad knees.
  • elsyoommen
    elsyoommen Posts: 155 Member
    have you tried the curve treadmill? I used it once at my gym and it was quite amazing! they only have one though due to cost

  • itsmandible
    itsmandible Posts: 88 Member
    You feel the treadmill more in your thighs because it is a more strenuous exercise. I have always burned WAY more running on the treadmill than the elliptical, but if you're walking on the treadmill, then you would definitely burn less than the elliptical.
  • abickford82
    It really depends on what you're doing on the treadmill. For me I like the treadmill more because you can walk, run, incline walk, etc. You have such a variety, and the calorie burn on gym machines are sooooo off. Go by a fitbit or bodymediafit. I recommend bodymedia. I average a 3500 or more burn a day about 6 days a week from exercise, sleep,daily function, etc. -- so it's nice to have that almost accurate reading of what I'm burning vs. the way to high estimate I get from cardio equipment.
  • cweaver1981
    cweaver1981 Posts: 76 Member
    Don't rely on the calorie counter on either machine. One of the trainers at the gym I go to told me that the calories are way over what you actually burn. If you eat back your exercise calories this could really mess you up. At my gym, she said the elliptical calories were much less accurate than the treadmill.
  • FizikallyFit
    FizikallyFit Posts: 180 Member
    I don't always work out on a machine, but when I do it is an elliptical :D
  • muayqis
    muayqis Posts: 72
    Another reason the elliptical trainer seems easier is that it doesn't push you to maintain the exact same pace throughout.
    By splitting the load between your arms and legs your legs are going to feel less fatigued than they would be fore the same number of kcals on the treadmill(where all the load is on your legs).
  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
    FIRST I never trust a built in calorie counter. I personally use polar FT7 heart monitor when working out. Second your comparison from a elliptical to a treadmill is a bit off. If you walk on a treadmill at 3 mph you or jog at 5.5mph or run at 7mph all those numbers are going to be different. Same goes for the elliptical. If you have it set on level 1 and go 5mph or set it on level 10 and go 8mph their will be a huge difference. So you really can't compare a treadmill to a elliptical when it comes to what burns more calories.
  • muayqis
    muayqis Posts: 72
    FIRST I never trust a built in calorie counter. I personally use polar FT7 heart monitor when working out. Second your comparison from a elliptical to a treadmill is a bit off. If you walk on a treadmill at 3 mph you or jog at 5.5mph or run at 7mph all those numbers are going to be different. Same goes for the elliptical. If you have it set on level 1 and go 5mph or set it on level 10 and go 8mph their will be a huge difference. So you really can't compare a treadmill to a elliptical when it comes to what burns more calories.
    the OP is comparing calories and perceived exertion on the treadmill against calories and perceived exertion on the elliptical so i feel a comparison is fair( assuming we ignore the inaccuracy of machines).
    p.s i agree on not trusting the calorie counter on machines.
    but i also don't trust the calorie counter on my hrm either.
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    The treadmill works out a the core and back muscles a lot more since they are needed to stabalize you, especially if you are running.

    When I wear my HRM, it is much eaiser for me to burn more efficiently on the treadmill, hands down. Once I got my Polar, I abandoned the elliptical all together.
  • eksproductions
    eksproductions Posts: 138 Member
    Try the Arc Trainer, much better than the elliptical!
  • 7L551
    7L551 Posts: 82 Member
    Thanks everyone for the posts, I would love to answer each and every one of you but that would just spam the forum :P
    But I read every single post and I really appreciate all the suggestions and most of you seemed to find the elliptical to be more effective :)