AprilKnits Member


  • How is it going? I notice a lot of "don't overeat" comments to yourself. Are you logging here?
  • From the UK originally, now in the Republic of Ireland.
  • Me too and I have a lovely one on my wrist after some upper body strength training. I have always bruised easily and I guess it is just spontaneous small hemorrhages under the skin caused by the extra pressure on the blood vessels when we exercise. I don't think they are anything to worry about.
  • I am coming to the end of Level 3 and have decided to stay with it until I can do ll the reps. It suddenly got a lot easier today (except the duck walks obviously). I love how her DVDs really push your fitness. Which DVD comes after Ripped in 30? I have heard of Hard Body but its not available yet in Europe
  • Loothi - I like your informed and reasonable thinking. I have decided to do some more focused upper body workouts twice a week and combine them with my existing exercise routine. Realistically I will never have the arms of a 22 year old again - but they are already looking better than they did when I was actually 22, so…
  • just did this workout http://www.fitnessblender.com/v/workout-detail/Upper-Body-Tabata-Workout-Intense-60-Minute-Back-Shoulders-and-Arms-Workout/ei/ do you think will help?
  • I am getting a bit emotional reading your post. Why should you keep running? Because it makes you feel great and proud of yourself! And so it should. Be proud of yourself - you have achieved so much just by getting up off the sofa and moving. Ok so the scales are not moving but there are other, and some would say better,…
  • Pitbull - thank you for those ideas - doing them all already! Going to try upping dumbell weight and just keep trying
  • Thank you. Fascinating that the low weight, high reps worked best for you. I am doing that, plus all the dips, curls and lifts recommended by others and thought that maybe higher weights was the way to go.(I live in the middle of nowhere, no ropes here I'm afraid) I think from the feedback here I need to just persevere. I…
  • Maybe you could alternate the JM Dvds with some beginner or gentle yoga/pilates where there is less emphasis on the cardio and more on the stretching? Could you run timed sprints up and down your hallway (done that in my time - do 20 mins you will be amazed how hard). Can you access an indoor public swimming pool once a…
  • Hi I am also currently working through Level 3 and, yes, its proving a challenge! I flew through 30dShred and the 1st 2 levels and now this is kicking my butt! I am not trying to keep to the time schedule, just using it as a good indoor work out for when the kids are home and I alternate it with my endurance cardio. I have…
  • I am also a big fan of Jillian's workouts (also love her podcast for motivation). I have completed 30DS and currently on level 3 of Ripped in 30 (kicking my backside). I use them for muscle definition and a way of working out for weight maintenance when my kids are at home and I cannot leave the house. I completely…
  • Hi. I have lost 55lbs following the Low GI (Glycemic Index) diet from the book by Rick Gallup. It is called a diet but really is a change to a healthier life style. I have kept the weight off for 18 months now and am currently working on losing the last 10lbs. It is a slow and steady, healthy! method that worked for me at…
  • What approach are you taking to your weightloss? Calorie counting? If so, you need to increase your calorie intake to off-set those burned by exercise. The two together will increase your metabolic rate and you will lose weight in a healthier, more sustainable way. You may gain weight by increasing muscle so maybe you…