fchammer1 Member


  • Hi, fourteen months ago, I weighed 305 lbs. The thing I remember most about what the nutritionist at the YMCA said is: "Weight lost is only 25% exercise and 75% diet." Concentrate on your diet. I spent a horrible summer in pain with four hospital stays, and in August ended up having my 5th back surgery. I could not…
  • Great ! You are a MyFitnessPal success story. Fourteen months ago, I weighed 305 lbs., and for the past week I've been flirting with 225 lbs. I, too, have another 20 that I hope to lose. It's tougher when you're turning 72 next month as I am, but you and I can both attest to that possibility regardless of age. Keep up the…
  • 305 lbs. last Christmas. Today, I'm at 240 lbs. The problem? I've been between 238 and 242 for the past three months! It seems as though I can't break below 1850 calories and will never make it to 205 (my goal).
  • Last December, 2013, when I visited, the nutritionist at the YMCA, I was told that DIET controlled 75% of one's weight loss and that EXERCISE might account for the other 25%. I was then 300 lbs, with a 50" waist, 70 years old, four back surgeries, neuropathy, spinal stenosis, and a degenerative disc condition. Exercise was…
  • Attitude is a funny thing. In spite of people telling us to step on the scales only once per week -- telling us that weight loss is a long range thing, etc., I find that I would rather perk myself up with several positive things during the week. What works for me? Well, I bought a WW scale that records pounds to the…
  • Think POTLUCK and many, many dishes of food for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, St. Paddy's Day, my birthday, the car club spring picnic,and Easter! Did I go over my allotted allowance of food? Of course, I did; and I know by exactly how many calories because the trick for me was to take only 1/2 cup of each…
  • I think both measurements and weight will go up and down. Don't worry so much about it. Every few months, do a graph and draw a straight line from the beginning of your weight loss journey to the present. That's when you'll see the overall progress. That's the time to celebrate with a second cold one, or another slice of…