anyone able to give advice on why I'm not loosing weight?

Hey everyone, I feel lost and discouraged. I have been going to the gym since Jan 29 I take a three day break and I changed my diet to eating lots of greens, fish and chicken
I drink over 4 bottles of 500ml waters a day and a green tea at night, I have my fruit shake every morning with fruits and spinach and flax seeds. I burn in a half hour on the treadmill over 300 calories. I am curious why have I gained weight instead of lost? I am 5 foot 162 llbs now where as in Jan I was 158. Please help


  • eringetsfit
    eringetsfit Posts: 20 Member
    edited March 2015
    Well, it's hard to say since your diary is private - can you make it public? You could have gained muscle, do you take body measurements as well?
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    edited March 2015
    Before reading, the obvious three: (1) Your diary is private OR (2) you're not logging consistently OR (3) you're not measuring your food/exercise accurately (e.g., with a food scale).

    After reading, first your diary is private--see step 1 above. Second, you name the types of things you're eating, but it's the amounts that matter more from a weight loss perspective.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    You most likely overestimate your calorie burn and underestimate your calorie intake.
  • FemaleWarriorxo
    FemaleWarriorxo Posts: 222 Member
    Do you only workout for 30 minutes?
    Maybe you are eating too much or just too much fats.
  • never2bstopped
    never2bstopped Posts: 438 Member
    Well, it's hard to say since your diary is private - can you make it public? You could have gained muscle, do you take body measurements as well?

    Not likely muscle, it's prob water weight from the new workouts, but without access to your diary it's all speculation.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    edited March 2015
    Do you only workout for 30 minutes?
    Maybe you are eating too much or just too much fats.

    fat doesn't make you fat.

    As others have asked, could you open your diary OP?
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    You most likely do not burn 300 calories in 30 minutes on the treadmill unless you are running really fast on an incline. I am taller and much heavier than you and there is no way I burn that much in half an hour. Incorrect assessment of calories burned and calories eaten will derail any of us. You need to weigh all your food, log it all, and wear a HRM when exercising...or at least a Fitbit, to arrive at a more realistic calorie burn. Guaranteed success if you follow all those steps. :)
  • fchammer1
    fchammer1 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, fourteen months ago, I weighed 305 lbs. The thing I remember most about what the nutritionist at the YMCA said is: "Weight lost is only 25% exercise and 75% diet." Concentrate on your diet. I spent a horrible summer in pain with four hospital stays, and in August ended up having my 5th back surgery. I could not exercise, but -- other than two months stuck at 240 lbs., I continued to lose about one pound per week by following the MyFitnessPal calorie count. And, buy a scale that is digital, get on the scales every day and congratulate yourself for every weight loss, even those little .1 losses. And, finally, forget that fruit shake, flax seed stuff. Eat what you enjoy -- just watch the amounts. (I still do the occasional buffet, but take only 1/2 cup of everything I want.) Today, I weigh 225; tomorrow I may be 227. So what! That 90 weight chart shows the important story. You can do it. And -- so your body doesn't go into "starvation mode," at least once a week, PIG OUT! (I did over 4000 calories at Thanksgiving and loved it!)
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    edited March 2015
    carolemack wrote: »
    You most likely do not burn 300 calories in 30 minutes on the treadmill unless you are running really fast on an incline.
    That also stood out to me. 300 kcal/ 30 min on a treadmill is possible, but it implies either a fast run or an incline. I usually log less than that doing my C25K workout.

  • Hey everyone, I feel lost and discouraged. I have been going to the gym since Jan 29 I take a three day break and I changed my diet to eating lots of greens, fish and chicken
    I drink over 4 bottles of 500ml waters a day and a green tea at night, I have my fruit shake every morning with fruits and spinach and flax seeds. I burn in a half hour on the treadmill over 300 calories. I am curious why have I gained weight instead of lost? I am 5 foot 162 llbs now where as in Jan I was 158. Please help

    1. Try weighing your self daily and taking an average weight for each week.
    2. Don't count calories burned from cardio machines, they are incredibly unreliable.
    3. Don't input your cardio in MFP. If your goal is weight loss it should be used as a tool to increase caloric expenditure, when you eat those calories back you defeat the purpose.
    4. Try to be more consistent in your calorie counting and normalize sodium intake, the later cause huge water weight fluctuations.
    5. I would invite you to start strength training, gaining muscle will let you eat more. Coupled with cardio it can increase caloric expenditure. You will not get "bulky" Google Yessica Martinez, she is a powerlifter with a killer physique.
    6. Make your weight loss goal sensible and make it enjoyable.
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    edited March 2015
    datboyrobd wrote: »
    [3. Don't input your cardio in MFP. If your goal is weight loss it should be used as a tool to increase caloric expenditure, when you eat those calories back you defeat the purpose.

    I respectfully disagree on this one point. The goal is usually healthy weight loss--i.e., less than 1% of your body weight, which is typically 1-2lbs/week. This rate is known for better maintainance outcomes and reducing losses of lean muscle mass. At the very least, at 80# down, eating every single exercise calorie hasn't defeated my point in doing this! I agree with the rest. :)
  • adwilliams03
    adwilliams03 Posts: 147 Member
    Well, it's hard to say since your diary is private - can you make it public? You could have gained muscle, do you take body measurements as well?

    Seconding the question about taking measurements. The scales for me haven't moved in about three weeks, but I've lost several inches off my waist and one off my arms. :)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    edited March 2015
    datboyrobd wrote: »
    [3. Don't input your cardio in MFP. If your goal is weight loss it should be used as a tool to increase caloric expenditure, when you eat those calories back you defeat the purpose.

    I respectfully disagree on this one point. The goal is usually healthy weight loss--i.e., less than 1% of your body weight, which is typically 1-2lbs/week. This rate is known for better maintainance outcomes and reducing losses of lean muscle mass. At the very least, at 80# down, eating every single exercise calorie hasn't defeated my point in doing this! I agree with the rest. :)

    ^Agree with this. MFP already sets you at a deficit and trying to create an even larger deficit (especially when not knowing what the deficit is right now) can be counterproductive and could conflict with what #6 of that list had suggested.
  • ashleycde
    ashleycde Posts: 622 Member
    Open your food diary so we can get an idea of how you log, and how much you are eating.

    Beyond this, my suggestion would be to get a food scale if you do not already have one. Weigh solid foods, and use measuring cups only for liquids. This will make your logging substantially more accurate, which means you can better monitor your food intake. As for calories burned, MFP has a tendency to overestimate your burn. If you don't have a HRM to more accurately see the calories you've burned, I suggest either getting one, eating a portion of the calories MFP says you burned as opposed to all of them, or using the TDEE method, which averages your exercise burn throughout the week, in which case you will no longer log exercise (unless as 1 calorie, to see how many hours of exercise you are sticking to per week).
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited March 2015
    Its always the same for 95%+ of these why am I not losing, its because you are close to maintenance becayse you are etaing more than you think and burning less. Unless you are at a consistent deficit then you will not lose.

    the information you have provided is insufficient to really know whats going on. you probably think you are doing everything , but wed need to look at your diary and it would have to be accurate. Weigh your food.

    Its the math and execution you need to sort out. get some friends and they can support you if thats what you need. Understanding how weight loss works is also useful.

    For the moment other than making sure I was fueled for my workout, dont eat exercise calories back, but still log them. See what effect that has. At 300 calories a day its only just over 1/2lb a week, so its useful but not a biggie, what you are looking for are answers and to find out where the balance is between effort, deficit and getting you losing again. You need to see what works in response to a few changes.