Fluctuating Measurements...

I have been tracking my measurements for a few months. I noticed something strange that I don't quite understand. I like to measurement my "belly" which is basically a spare tire, my waist, my hips and thighs. I tracked a 2 inch loss on each of these areas since March, however, I measured this past Sunday and all of my measurements were .5 inch to 1 inch more than the week before, even though I lost 2 pounds. I went back to a log of measurements I kept a few years ago and noticed that I was measuring myself once a month and even with big losses on the scale my measurements would go up, however my clothing size was dropping. I have even had someone else use the measuring tape and the trend is still the same.
Is my measuring tape broken? LOL Or is my technique wrong? What else could be causing my measurements to increase and then possibly go down and then increase again?

Please let me know if you need anymore information!
Thanx for your help.


  • Selena125t
    Selena125t Posts: 41 Member
  • AKNMHunt
    AKNMHunt Posts: 168 Member
    water weight? muscle?
  • fchammer1
    fchammer1 Posts: 8 Member
    I think both measurements and weight will go up and down. Don't worry so much about it. Every few months, do a graph and draw a straight line from the beginning of your weight loss journey to the present. That's when you'll see the overall progress. That's the time to celebrate with a second cold one, or another slice of pizza! (Precook the fat out of the pepperoni, of course.)

    It's a little tougher to lose the weight when you are 71 years old (talking about me, not you out there), but the nutritionist at the "Y" told me that diet is 75% of weight loss and exercise is 25%. That took a little stress off this old guy with four back surgeries and neuropathy. That said, I have been using a cloth belt and I am now ready for my neighbor to cut another few inches from the end of it (and sew that end), so that I don't have to tuck it into my pants. I now use another belt when I take the old one next door for her to cut and sew. I didn't sleep well that first night after I first asked her and she opened a knife drawer and said, "Sure!"

    So -- that's been my gauge -- that and the scale. I'm 6' 1" tall, but I hit 300 lbs. on Nov. 4, 2013, and knew I had to do something if I wanted to watch my grandchildren grow. This morning, my scale read 258 lbs., the first time it's been below 260. Of course, after three meals today, I'm back to 262 lbs., but the downward trend is evident. By the way, I weight myself at least every day. It's a boost for me to continue when the scale shows less, and, for me, the scale is my antagonist when the weight goes up. I'm going to beat that blasted thing -- right after I check the batteries.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    Also, if you aren't measuring in the same place as before, there can be a discrepency. I have that issue around my hip/waist area. Even being off a little from the last place I measured can have me off by an inch or so.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    Also, if you aren't measuring in the same place as before, there can be a discrepency. I have that issue around my hip/waist area. Even being off a little from the last place I measured can have me off by an inch or so.

    this happens to me quite often because as I lose weight my loose skin hangs differently and changes what I'm measuring even if I'm measuring in the same spot.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    my measurements went up this month too... i have been doing p90x3 for 2.5 months now and i'm up 1/2 inch on my hips......grrrrr
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    Also, if you aren't measuring in the same place as before, there can be a discrepency. I have that issue around my hip/waist area. Even being off a little from the last place I measured can have me off by an inch or so.

    this happens to me quite often because as I lose weight my loose skin hangs differently and changes what I'm measuring even if I'm measuring in the same spot.

    Yepp. Bodies are funny things, aren't they?
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Bloating, swelling, temporary muscle pump, water weight, food in belly, different time in day, different time in your cycle, breathing. Also if your booty got perkier being an example for hip measurement. .5 to 1 inch is very small.