pattyhergs Member


  • Gotta keep on moving!
  • Name: Patty Age: 52 Height: 5'4" Start Weight (1st January): Goal Weight (1st February): 1st January: 8th January: 15th January: 22nd January: 29th January: 1st February: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month:
  • Oops! Double clicked on the post!! Sorry.
  • Congratulations!!!! I am off 8 years!!!! Drink lots of water, chew sugarless gum and don't have any of your triggers (coffee, drinks, etc) until you know you can handle them without a cigarette. You'll do it. Just think, once you quit your lungs slowly start to heal themselves. GOOD LUCK!!!
  • Okay, just got back from a quick vacation to Florida and haven't been sticking to any plan at all!!! It's only been 3 weeks since I've joined and I lost all willpower. I am very upset with myself and will definitely start all over tomorrow. I need to stay on track this time. Asthma is kicking my butt and I need to get this…
  • Just bought 3 flavors of G2 when the stomach bug hit the family. My kids loved it. I tried the fruit punch and it was very good. I even think it was better than the original Gatorade. I would definitely buy it again!!! :smile:
  • Thank you for the warm welcoming!!! I woke up today and was very motivated. I am on my way downstairs to dust off the ol' treadmill and get moving!!!! Thanks again. :happy:
  • Hey Gang, Did a search and came up with this site. Seems like it has a lot of great tools. Hopefully I will be able to stay motivated and drop this weight!!! Wish me luck! :wink: