shaheenery Member


  • I bought a coat that was supposed to be my size didn't fit when it arrived...I didn't send it back at the time. 2 months and 20ish pounds fits...and I think I look damn good ;)
  • So, my girlfriend of over 1.5 years and I just reached a whole new level of comfortability. That's right, we talked about poo. Not just as a private and immature joke, but legitimately discussing texture and shape. I would normally go 2-4 times a day and my gf was shocked, I just thought I was regular because I almost…
  • I can think of 2 things to consider when making your decision to have a pig out day, and what a pig out day means to you. #1 Mental / Emotional For some people, having a cheat day could be seen as just that: cheating. An abomination, letting yourself down, giving up on your goal, or being weak. I'm not sure how many people…
  • Ahhhh, I'm totally guilty of this behavior too. Why does McDonald's smell and taste better after a good workout...those jerks. A friend recommended that I keep a "kind of unhealthy" snack in my car or gym bag for this kind of emergency. I really like granola bars / peanut bars that taste like they are unhealthy, but are…
    in Sigh. Comment by shaheenery April 2011
  • Don't forget that if you've started exercising more frequently and really weren't before, you could simply be gaining muscle and losing fat. A trainer at the Y told me that it's good to look at your measurements and your body fat too, because sometimes the weight can be deceiving. If you've been doing well with eating and…