Pig Out Days?



  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    Thread from 2011 and user has deactivated :)
  • chisomokafor
    chisomokafor Posts: 22 Member
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    You can have a cheat day once a week. Don't pig out though. I'd still stay under whatever calorie guide lines you need to still lose weight. What you'd probably want to do is just switch up the kind of foods that you're eating.

    But be very very careful of rewarding yourself with food.
  • IIFYM for the win? I eat whatever I want, just not as much as I want.
  • shaheenery
    shaheenery Posts: 6 Member
    I can think of 2 things to consider when making your decision to have a pig out day, and what a pig out day means to you.

    #1 Mental / Emotional

    For some people, having a cheat day could be seen as just that: cheating. An abomination, letting yourself down, giving up on your goal, or being weak. I'm not sure how many people think this way, but I used to. There would be some holiday or party and I'd just go to town on whatever fantastic tasting thing my relatives were trying to make me eat as if THEIR lives depended on it. No structure, no control, just "okay, not on my diet right now." This would invariably lead to be being off my diet for a few more days and in some cases ended it altogether.

    Now, I think part of the reason I couldn't stick with my diet is because I would feel like I was giving everything up. I would have great results from diet and exercise, but I would get 'burned out" My smart brain knows the feeling of fasting won't last forever, but my hungry brain really wants pasta.

    #2 Actually Purposefully Allowing Yourself to Gain Weight

    In my latest venture down healthy lifestyle lane, I decided that I wouldn't allow myself any cheat days...only "MAINTAIN DAYS." I went into the MFP settings (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/account/change_goals_guided) and changed my goal from "Lose 2 pounds per week" to "Maintain my current weight." BOOM Now I have 1000 more calories OR roughly 9 ounces of potato chips. NOM On at least 3 of these 'maintain days' I've exercised as well giving me 1500 more ways to "responsibly" eat the foods I love.

    It's amazing how great it feels to feel like your 'pigging out' but are actually just pausing. Not gaining any more calories. Not taking a break from looking at what you eat (by still logging everything). You don't have to give up everything you like all the time, just plan for it.

    Another reason I like this approach is because it makes me think of the future: Hey, when I'm at a healthy weight, I'm going to have my goal set as "Maintain my current weight" for the rest of my life.
  • JourneyingJessica
    JourneyingJessica Posts: 261 Member
    I don't think cheat days are good. But "cheat meals" absolutely. For example tonight i had tortellini with garlic bread and real butter! ❤ About 400 calories over my average dinner. I never go over my weekly calorie allotment even if i do on Friday cheat night. I just save some cals during rest of week to average things out.
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