Pig Out Days?



  • I don't believe in pig-out days, but i believe in rewards. If I feel I have been doing very well about sticking to my calories and working out, I will allow myself something sweet that I would traditionally refuse. It encourages me to do well, and if I blow it, I tell myself, "well, there goes my reward for a while" and I feel guilty. It works for me, that's all I care about.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I've learned that after extended periods of eating mostly healthy stuff (as opposed to mostly non-healthy stuff), the times when I *do* let the balance skew the other way aren't as satisfying. I think the reason is that food, while it is a social thing and should be pleasurable and tasty and all that other stuff, is also *fuel*.

    To expand the analogy, and I'm sure y'all can see where this is going: My hubby and I went on vacation to the cottage this past weekend. On the way, we noticed that our new(ish) vehicle was getting pretty impressive gas mileage. We weren't speeding (much), took care not to accelerate too sharply, did a lot of "good driving" things to increase the mileage, and it paid off. We filled up somewhere over the weekend, didn't think anything about it, and watched our mileage on the way home.

    The trip home was disappointing because we didn't get nearly the same mileage, even though we did all the same things to *get* good mileage. We dropped a mile or two off the efficiency, somehow, and nothing had changed about the contents of the car, the passengers...the thing that changed was where we bought the gas. I think (because I've excluded everything else) the quality of the gas at the 2nd gas station wasn't as good. I could be wrong, but go with me on this one because it makes my rambling work. ;)

    Anyway, back to food issues. When I go "off the wagon", or indulge more than I know is good for me, I feel it. I feel the letdown from the sugar rush, or bloated, or just plain "gunky" for lack of a better word. If I stick to the plan and make better food choices, even indulging a little bit doesn't make me feel like that. I get better mileage, as it were.

    So it's certainly okay to pig out and indulge, and for heaven's sake don't feel guilty about it EVER, but for myself - it just isn't worth feeling "gunky" when I can keep on an even keel and feel physically fine.
  • jaime605
    jaime605 Posts: 1
    I heard "the Rock" AKA Daune Johnson has one day a week were he eats doughnuts, pizza, bacon, all of it, if thats the result, Id say is A OK!
  • kaswain
    kaswain Posts: 80 Member
    I have "Cheat" days occasionally but if i ever go overboard it is that much harder to stay in my calorie target in the days following so it is almost not worth it. I am trying to get better at giving myself rewards that are still low in calories and still satisfy my horrible sweet tooth.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I'm not sure once a week is really a healthy frequency for cheat days. I try to have a cheat day every 3 weeks or so. It gives me something to look forward to and work towards.
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    I tend to eat more on the weekends. I see weekend as my indulgence time! I am not dieting, but I let myself eat treats on the weekends- wine, cookies, bigger meals, and eating out. During the week I am SO anal, that I enjoy my weekend splurges!!!
  • When I have pig out day (Sunday) I Prob eat like 2500 calories lol
  • howardheilweil
    howardheilweil Posts: 604 Member
    Eat whatever you want, as long as you maintain a calorie deficit over the course of the week.
  • shraniken
    shraniken Posts: 37 Member
    I think pig out days just reinforce old/bad habits and make every other day of the week a bit harder. But again, that's me.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    My first instinct is to say :"stay strong" and don't do it-yet. I think once a week is too often to have a cheat day. There is supposed to be some benefit from a one day spike in calories, but seems to me a day month is far better than a day a week. In my 36 days, I have yet to have a cheat day, despite eating pizza once, red robin once, ice cream multiple times. I have gotten close to my goal, and maybe even gone over by a little 4 times or so, but never a "blow up the plan" type day.

    Pretty much this.

    I feel better about myself and my goals when I have "cheat items" now and then but still adhere to my goals calorie-wise. It is quite rare for me to go over on my daily calories by more than 100 (usually I don't at all).

    For me it's very satisfying this way. For example, tonight my husband and I are going out to dinner. We haven't decided yet between Thai or Mexican. I'm currently on 1,410 calories per day and won't be able to get in a ton of exercise today. So for breakfast, I had a cup of coffee and Greek yogurt with a little honey and six almonds. At lunch I had a small flour tortilla spread with hummus and an egg fried with red onion & artichoke pieces. I still have a lot of calories to use tonight, almost 1,000.

    I also treat my weekends differently than weekdays...if I play an hour of tennis and walk around for 5 hours (not even fitness walking, just doing different things like sight-seeing) I'll conservatively log those calories and therefore can "afford" that boutique cupcake or 32 oz of apple ale.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    Heck yeah. I pick one day of the week (usually Friday, Saturday, or Sunday) and eat what I want.
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    If you're fine with never losing weight, sure-- a pig out day is just fine (I'm assuming you mean ignoring all caloric goals for one day each week).

    Calories in/calories out. If you run, lets say, a 400 calorie daily deficit for six days and then eat an extra 2400 calories on top of your maintenance calories on the seventh day (which is not at all hard to do with junk food), you've just eaten at maintenance for the week.

    If your idea of a cheat day is to just eat whatever you want without regard to macros, while staying inside of your calorie limits, then it doesn't have to impede your progress at all. Or maybe you eat maintenance +400 on that day, and just trade one day's deficit. Whatever you want to do, it's all down to the arithmetic.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    how about you eat what you crave and still stay in a deficit for the day, or at maintenance? Works for me...
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    I never have cheat days. I just have cheat meals or snacks occasionally and I always log them. I try not to have them too often though!
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    I don't like the idea that eating certain foods are bad or that I am living a life where I NEED to cheat. I wouldn't stay in a marriage where I felt the need or desire to cheat, so why on earth would I stick with an eating plan that requires it?
  • portpaw
    portpaw Posts: 19 Member
    Eat whatever you want, as long as you maintain a calorie deficit over the course of the week.


    Also, if I find I am eating over my calories due to a high cal meal or snack, I exercise to earn the calories that I spent.
  • I just started a new lifestyle change and from past experiences, if I have one cheat meal I end up eating more than I expected to. So, for me I try to stick with my vegan foods only. I don't have enough strength to stop at one candy bar... yet !
  • chisomokafor
    chisomokafor Posts: 22 Member
    Please go ahead!!! As long as its just one day please go ahead! I have cheat days every sunday and I'm loving it!
  • inverseofmissy
    inverseofmissy Posts: 114 Member
    I had my first cheat day last weekend and I pretty much regret it. Mainly because when I checked my nutrition for the week I was over my net calories. I have no problem with being over one day and it evening out by the end of the week because that means I'm still within my 7000 calorie deficit to lose approx. 2 lbs/week. If I start eating into that 7000 calories deficit (literally) then I am not going to be on track to lose 2 lbs that week. It just makes me feel like I wasted all the hard work the other 6 days of the week to blow it in 1 day! Next time I may have a cheat meal or a cheat day but still keep it within reason to stay under my net cals for the week. Or maybe just plan better earlier in the week to have extra cals each day so by the time I get my cheat day I have a god bit of wiggle room. Hope all of that made sense :)
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Nothing to cheat for me, I eat it all every day. E.g. ice cream daily ... Just not a lot of it. ;)

    Quantity-wise I know myself and to allow some pig out slack for the hell of it is the start of a slippery slope.

    I prefer to consistently hit the weekly deficit, build in some exercise naturally and trust the process.

    As usual, it depends on the individual, I can see the merit in the occasional "metabolic reset" day after a long period of restriction.
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