Pig Out Days?

mizhectik Posts: 24
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Is alright to have a day where I just pig out basically meaning a cheat day where I eat whatever I like. I hear a lot of people saying they have a cheat day every week so I'm thinking of having one since I keep craving things I can't normally eat when trying to lose weight...

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  • SenoraMacias
    SenoraMacias Posts: 305 Member
    I have "pig out days" every weekend!!! I eat very carefully during the week, and on the weekend I have things I crave. However, I DO try to get in a little more exercise on the weekends, so I don't completely blow it. But yea, I think my cheat days keep me sane!
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I sometimes do 'cheat meals', but never ever a 'cheat day'....but even when i have a cheat meal, i still log it.
  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member
    I prefer to call them "refeed" days.

    Too bad I'm eating enough to feed a small army when I allow them. >.<
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    I think a cheat day is totally ok, as long as it doesn't happen more than once a week AND if it doesn't completely ruin all the hard work you did that week. I recommend that you have your cheat day but still log your calories, just so you can see what you were doing to your body back when you ate whatever you wanted. It'll freak you out a little bit, but it'll help you make better choices in the future.
    Good Luck!
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    My first instinct is to say :"stay strong" and don't do it-yet. I think once a week is too often to have a cheat day. There is supposed to be some benefit from a one day spike in calories, but seems to me a day month is far better than a day a week. In my 36 days, I have yet to have a cheat day, despite eating pizza once, red robin once, ice cream multiple times. I have gotten close to my goal, and maybe even gone over by a little 4 times or so, but never a "blow up the plan" type day.
  • Tvstarbabe
    Tvstarbabe Posts: 101
    I have un-purposeful (is that a word?) pig out days. I sometimes just see food in front of me and then eat it even though I wasn't planning on it. I find that when this happens, I'm really guilty for eating my pig out food!
  • chrisallcock
    chrisallcock Posts: 173
    a pig out day is a must or you will find yourself getting deflated with dieting/calorie counting 7 days aweek
  • shaheerahs
    shaheerahs Posts: 79 Member
    Do what works best for you. For me, no I do not have "cheat days", I worked hard to get all the junky stuff out of my system and I'd rather not tempt myself into going back to eating the way I used to.
  • LJSpady
    LJSpady Posts: 311 Member
    I prefer to call them "refeed" days.

    Too bad I'm eating enough to feed a small army when I allow them. >.<

    My friend has his cheat day every Tuesday and he calls it "Fat Tuesday". =)
  • MsLadyVirgo
    MsLadyVirgo Posts: 160 Member
    Girl, looking at your pic and reading your post lets me know that you're really serious about this "Cheat Day." :flowerforyou:

    However, I am somewhat curious: :huh:

    1. Why are you limiting yourself, and starving yourself from your desires - just try to balance it w/coordinating your food intake and exercising to reach your nutitional goals.

    Feel free to add me, and review my Journal. The devil is a liar, I'M GONNA EAT: SOME OF THIS, A LOT OF THAT, AND A LITTLE OF THE OTHER. :tongue:

    Good Luck!

    BTW: If you decide on a Cheat Day, still log your food.
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    I occasionally do a cheat meal only. I did two cheat days since I started MFP and I felt terrible. Not guilty, just over-full and uncomfortable. I think its up to each person what they want to allow themselves and be at peace with. I DO firmly believe in indulging once in a while or I'd go crazy!
  • daddeeo
    daddeeo Posts: 33
    I don't think it is a bad thing to do a cheat day, especially if you have excess of calories to use over the other days leading up to the cheat day. I am going to have one every two weeks where I will NOT track any food. Good luck!
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I call them what they are; days of "increased calorie intake."
  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member
    I prefer to call them "refeed" days.

    Too bad I'm eating enough to feed a small army when I allow them. >.<

    My friend has his cheat day every Tuesday and he calls it "Fat Tuesday". =)

    LOL how appropriate. :tongue:
  • mizhectik
    mizhectik Posts: 24
    lool well what i meant was a cheat meal my bad guys :P

    I have exercised everyday in the week so far doing well I guess..
  • I sometimes go over, but I try to limit how far I go, so that I don't ruin what I have accomplished. What I do more often is have a "cheat meal", where I eat more of something than I usually do (such as 2 corn dogs instead of a healthier choice). It is my way of treating myself and still maintaining control of my overall intake. I also drink a lot of water. Also, I try to keep my total Calories under what MFP allows me, at least by 100-150 Calories, but every so often I give myself about 3-5 days of eating all of my allowed Calories to keep my strength up and allow myself to build lean tissue along the way. Seems to be working for me. Important thing is to listen to suggestions but listen to your body, and find out what works best for you! Feel free to "Friend" me, as my food log is open to all Friends.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • One of the things I absolutely HATE about paying attention and logging what I eat -- it has totally ruined a good "pig out" meal. I love to eat out, preferably at a buffet (which I rationalize as cost-effective, financially). So the other day I logged what I was expecting to eat, based on past history and preferences... 2400 calories! And that was without desserts! ARRGH! Piffle! Bull feathers! How many days of "being good" do I effectively cancel with every "cheat?" Just on calories -- not taking into account getting used to new habits and then "falling off the wagon" and having to start over. [sigh, mutter].

    So, for me, I occasionally go off the eating plan, but I can't enjoy it as much as I used to. :( Peace.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    I'll do a cheat day every 10 to 14 days when I see a plateau beginning. I don't ever go over my calorie goal each day. I just eat what I usually don't eat as a part of my healthy diet. It seems to be working for me, I don't know why for sure. I will usually see a weight loss slowdown after 2 and 1/2 weeks where I lose 0 to 1 pound a week for 2 weeks. As I have been doing these cheat days, my plateaus have lasted only 1 week and I've never lost less than 2 pounds in a slow week. I still have 100 pounds to go and as I get closer to my goal weight I realize all this will change but until then I'm going to stay the course.
  • mskon
    mskon Posts: 64
    I used to have pig out days quite frequently during that one part of the month. I've learned to grab a bell pepper instead of a bag of chips. Dress it up with some yogurt and ranch mix and it's tastier and I can eat 3x as much as a tiny bag of chips. When I know I'm going to cheat I'll just add an extra hard workout in.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I don't "cheat" because I am not on a "diet"

    I also do NOT take a whole day off from eating foods that are good for me. I do allow myself to indulge from time to time. For example a few weeks I had dinner with a friend, she made a yummyyyy apple pie, I ate little bit of it. I was at the gym that day and had extra calories.

    This weekend at my own grad party I skipped most of the junk food, but I did eat a piece of my yummy cake! I will eat a little bit of something if it sounds really good so that I indulge the craving and don't over do it later because I denied myself. I always log it. I am trying to change my lifestyle, not just lose weight.
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