kmunis Member


  • I am still in recovery from my pineapple Chobani addiction. But I am trying to eat cleaner and reducing sugar so that meant the yogurt had to go.
  • I have lost nearly 25 lbs (down from 216) and although I don't see a big difference I definitely feel a difference. Alhtough I'm still wearing the same clothes they are now getting loose on me and now that I'm exercising regularly I feel so much stronger and more in shape. I can now run up a flight of stairs without…
  • Try Jillian's Six Week Six Pack - its a 35 minute workout with a combination of cardio and exercises aimed at your core. Warning - its very intense. I started it recently and can still barely get through Level 1! :tongue:
  • Have you been checking you measurements as well? For every pound of fat you looose, you are probably gaining muscle as well with the strength training. The scale doesn't always tell the whole story. Also, 1 pound per week is very reasonalbe, esp if you are close to you goal. Good luck!!
  • I quit years ago and it did contribute to my overall weight gain. Without the cigarettes I felt more hungry plus you need something for your hands to do since there's no longer a cigarette there to keep them busy. Try to keep a lot of healthy snacks around so when you do get a craving and use food as a substitute for…
    in I QUIT!!! Comment by kmunis April 2011
  • Best things to buy are lots of fresh veggies and fruits that you do like. Don't be afraid to try new things - I now LOVE kale and eat it almost once a week. As far as main dishes and you and your bf's dislikes/restrictions, try looking up some recipes for a good vegetarian meals. If you don't want to go vegetarian, cook…
  • Your body fluctuates constantly and many people get discouraged if they see even the tiniest weight gain which is why weighing on a weekly basis is recommended where you are more likely to see the long term results. However, I do weigh myself daily because I'm not one of those people. I like seeing my weight everyday even…
  • Mine is not always accurate. I tend to fluctuate my calories a bit more rather than try to acheive the perfect number. I find it works better for me for both weight loss and my lifestyle. So if I have a day where I am under calories, it tells me I'll drop a bucket load of weight, but if I'm over it tells me I'll maintain…
  • A lor depends on your body chemestry and how it reacts to exercise. Here is an article. Won't completely clear this up but might answer some of your questions.
  • Some gardening really does take a lot of work, especially if you're squatting down and getting up over and over. If I garden (which I love too!) then I go with the MFP number. If just walking a moderate pace is supposed to be about 300 calories, then I bet gardening is, too.
  • I agree!! If I go out to a chain restaurant I always look up their info so I can best choose what to eat - OMG!!!! Some meals are over 2000 calories with over 50 grams of fat. Yuck!
  • Like many of the above posters said - add veggies. It will help fill you up without adding a lot of calories. Here's a couple of other silly tricks that work for me and might help: 1. Serve yourself from the kitchen counter and not the kitchen table. If there's still a bowl of mashed potatoes on the table when you're…
  • I weigh myself every morning and like the above poster - not obessing, just curious. Some days I gain a pound for no apparent reason, not TOM, sodium was low, etc. It just happens. It doesn't bother me becasue I look at my weight chart and overall its always moving in the right direction. I don't look at a day's abnormal…
  • I don't think everyone whoe gets married gains a lot of weight. My weight gain was a long road that started with quitting smoking, went through two kids and sedentary desk jobs with no exercise routine. Although I was on overall healthy eater, I did not pay much attention to portion size. 13 years of marriage later I'd…
  • One of my favs is chicken breast pounded thin, seasoned with a little pepper and thyme and pan fry with a little evoo or cooking spray. For potatoes I cut a whole potato into small cubes and throw the cubes in a zip loc, add a little evoo and whatever seasonings you like, I'm partial to garlic and rosemary, then shake it…
  • I am not giving up my wine either! Like other posters I just plan accordingly. I am also in the group that thinks if I go over my calories occassionally (like once a month) its not going to kill me. Its been working for me so far. One thing I do watch though is no more than two glasses of wine. If I have more than that it…
  • I was out over the weekend and we stopped to eat and they had a bacon cheddar burger on the menu. I'd been very good over the last three months so I thought - what the heck! day felt sooo awful. Back to healthy food for me!!!
  • I am 4' 11 3/4" ( so let's say 5 foot :wink: ) MFP has me at 1200 net which after excercise I tend to usually be a bit low. I've got a lot to lose and I have been consistantly losing since I started the program, despite missing the magic 1200 mark a couple of days a week. Its working for me, I eat healthy, lots of fresh…
  • I have heard that statement - but I drink about 24 ozs of coffee daily and have not had a problem on MFP. However, everyone is different. If you feel you are not losing what you should - drop it down to zero or one caffinated beverage a day and see if that helps you.
  • I do 20 minutes of yoga almost every morning. Its not too intense but it helps get me going for the day. I'm not a morning motivation person either, but its gotten to be a routine so I've been able to stick with it. I also have two night I'm usually at the gym (the nights I take my sone to the Y for karate so that's my…
    in Do You... ? Comment by kmunis March 2011
  • I always serve a veggie at dinner and from day one the rule was, you can't leave the table without at least finishing your veggie because its the best thing on the plate from a health perspective. The kids know it and abide by it. We talk about sugar and how too much is not good thing and about how important it is to make…
  • Sounds like your cheat day involved lots of sodium. If it did it may be a lot of water gain to balance out the sodium. Drink lots of water over the next couple of days and that will flush your system and your weight will go back to where it was before.
  • Agree with the other posters about the sodium. Definitely try to get more fresh foods into your diet. But you also might want to double check the calculations on your calories burned. I find that MFP can be way off on the calories burned numbers. There are lots of sites on the web where you can estimate the calories you've…
  • I know it sounds more labor intensive, but your best bet is to list all the individual items in your salad. Every "salad" is different. The one with 350 calories must include dressing or blue cheese or something else high in calories. I would recommend that you enter the type of lettuce and how much, how much carrots,…
  • DH and the kids know, of course and I told the girls at work cause they see me everyday and noticed the changes :o) But that's it, keeping a secret from the rest of the world, other family included, so when they see me again after a while they can go "Wow, you look great!!"
  • I have been trying to drink a cup of green tea at night. If its nice and hot then it takes me awhile to drink it so it "occupies" me. Best of all its so much better than a snack, I use just a smidge of Splenda or a little honey so the calories are super low.
  • Egg whites with Parm cheese and fresh herbs, yummy and low in fat, calories, etc.
  • It is hard based on what MFP sets your daily sugar at. Personally I don't worry as much about that number as I do the overall calories. I love bananas and eat one everday and that's logs as 19 grams. I do try to keep it as low as I can, but I do go over almost half my days and i'm still losing so I'm not obsessing about…
  • I've been a MFP member for just over 2 months. Love the Android app - makes it sooo easy to track things. Overall I've lost 18 lbs, some days are up, some days are down, but I'm trying to stay focused on the long term. For now it seems to be working!!