Cheat Day or not?

mjenne74 Posts: 40 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
This morning I am angry. I started my weight loss program 16 days ago. I have been strict with tracking my calories, reading all labels and cutting out soda replacing it with at least 64 oz of water a day. I have also been working out at least 4 times a week. I come here to track my workouts and calories taken in everyday. I even plan most of my meals in advance to prevent over doing it. When I weighed in 2 days ago, my total weight loss within a two week period was 13.5 pounds! And awesome amount of weight and normal for someone my size to lose at first.

When I weighed in this morning after my cheat day yesterday, it said that I have gained back 3.1 pounds! I was so angry! In the past I have had cheat days once a week and it hasn't effected me. Because I've been strict the other six days. Yesterday I worked out 35 minutes on the elliptical trainer hardcore burning 503 calories. Then I went to Plumb Island in Mass. and walked through the sand to the jetty 20 minutes or so each way at a moderate pace. That burns roughly another 275 miles. So even though I allowed myself a few steak tacos for lunch and a few slices of pizza for dinner, the calories burned during workout should have helped with the extras.

3 pounds is a lot overnight. And I made sure to weigh in close to the same time as yesterday. I just don't get it. Is this normal? Was it something I ate that is especially bad? My calorie count yesterday was high but within my allowance. The only really high thing I noticed was sodium.

So what are your thoughts? Do you allow cheat days? Is this from that or maybe something else? Are there foods you should avoid even on a cheat day? I want to be successful. I don't care if it is 1-2 pounds a week instead of the average of 7 lbs a week I have had to begin with. But a gain is unacceptable. I am afraid that taking the cheat day away will cause failure. So let me know what you think. I definitely need advice!




  • This always happens to me too! If i mess up I always gain the next morning. SOmetimes 1 lb but usually more. SO i try not to have any cheat days. Im assuming its water weight from probably having more salt than usual but idk. All i know is that it really pisses me off when that happens! Just get back on track and you will loose it in a few days im sure.
  • kmunis
    kmunis Posts: 48 Member
    Sounds like your cheat day involved lots of sodium. If it did it may be a lot of water gain to balance out the sodium. Drink lots of water over the next couple of days and that will flush your system and your weight will go back to where it was before.
  • seobstar
    seobstar Posts: 169
    oh my goodness, don't worry so much!!! You DID NOT gain 3 pounds overnight!! It's probably just sodium or some sort of hormonal/water weight. I have 1 cheat day every single week and it never affects my weight loss. I've lost 50 pounds so far since having my 3rd child and lost 17 since joining MFP. I always take Sundays to just not think about logging calories and eat whatever i want. I'm like you where I know if I take away that "cheat day" (or whatever you want to call it), it will cause me to fail more during the week. I just know myself and I KNOW that the cheat day on Sundays is what allows me to be so strict on the other 6 days.

    Don't worry about the weight, there's no way you gained that much weight overnight. You would have had to eat thousands and thousands of calories to do that.

    What I do is weigh myself ONLY weekly, and weigh myself on the morning before my cheat day. So, my cheat day is Sunday, and on Saturday mornings I weigh myself. DON'T weigh yourself after a cheat day. That weight will go away, it's not real weight gain!!

  • I had the same thing happen to me when I started! I lost a crazy amount of weight the first 2 weeks, and then I gained back 4 pounds and stayed there for 2 more weeks.
    The one thing I changed that made a HUGE difference was to cut as much salt as possible out of my diet. No frozen meals, no pizza, no salt shaker at home-and within 3 days I lost the 4 extra pounds and then some!
    I've noticed since then that even without adding salt to food, it still tastes good to me. I'd gotten so used to putting salt on all my food that my tongue adjusted to it.
    I had pork and sauerkraut for dinner last night, and being of German descent, I LOVED sauerkraut. It was so salty to me that I couldn't finish it!
    So, maybe try that for a week or so and see if it works for you! :-) Good luck, I know it's hard getting stuck at a weight and impossible not to get all bummed out and sad.
    p.s. I do allow myself one day a week where I don't measure and count every single thing I eat. And, I still manage to lose weight somehow lol no chinese food or buffets or anything, healthy stuff, just no measuring and counting.
  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Its most likely water weight.. your food yesterday did not make you gain 3 lbs... Drink plenty of water and keep it up... you'll be back down in know time.. Make sure your weighing first thing in the morning also.. As soon as you get up, after you pee and naked is the most accurate.. I can weigh myself in the morning and at the end of the day be up a few pounds.. but always back to normal in the morning!
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    You lost 13.5 in two weeks? Thats REALLY fast. SO you gained back three. That is still a 10 pound loss. Since the average loss is one to two pounds a week you are still ahead of the game. I personally allow cheat days once in awhile, however they arent eat anything you want all day. They are more like go out to lunch but only eat half and bring the other half home to give to my hubby or kids. Don't be so hard on yourself and eat all your calories for the day. You're doing great!
  • seobstar
    seobstar Posts: 169
    PS - do you weigh yourself daily? There is really no need to do that. I would suggest only weighing yourself weekly, on the same exact day every week, around the same time (preferably in the morning right after waking). that's the most accurate way to do it. If you're like me, a weight gain of ANY amount, even 0.8 pounds will PISS YOU OFF!! haha =) So, if that's true, you really should not weigh yourself more than weekly. There are just too many variables like water/sodium/hormones, etc. that will make your weight fluctuate and make you mad!! =)
  • Alice37
    Alice37 Posts: 29
    I honestly wouldn't worry about it. You're in for the long haul - & are doing brilliantly!!!! Logically it's what you eat across an average week that makes the difference not on an indivdual day. For that reason, I have a set weekly weigh in day & that's it. I just don't get on the scales the rest of the week as I know from past experience that my weight can fluctuate from day to day for no apparent reason. Not sure that helps you!!
    Alice :-)
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Sounds like your cheat day involved lots of sodium. If it did it may be a lot of water gain to balance out the sodium. Drink lots of water over the next couple of days and that will flush your system and your weight will go back to where it was before.

    what this poster said!

    I doubt you ate that many extra calories so its water weight. My advice, have your "treat" day the day you weigh in and although you can be more relaxed I wouldnt go mad on sodium or carbs as the results of either will linger (plus carbs make you crave which is not good for the day after!)
    MSDRIZZ Posts: 246
    OK I just looked at your diary. You definately need to eat most if not all of you allowed calories for the day. You are probably hungry alot. Alot of people think if they don't eat all of there calories they'll lose faster. This rarely works out in the long run. You either get weak and hungry and give up or you lose muscle and feel weak andgive up. Please eat your calories forthe day. You may not lose 13.5 calories in two weeks, but what you do lose will stay off better. You'll feel better and you'll be in better health.
  • mjenne74
    mjenne74 Posts: 40 Member
    Honestly, I don't try to cut my calories short. I plan meals and snacks and that is where they end up. I have a tough time eating the snacks at times...especially the evening snack...because I don't feel hungry. I never drank more than a glass of water a day before. I started at 260 pounds. So losing that much in 2 weeks at my weight is not uncommon. It is not uncommon to drop a lot the first few weeks. I went from 1 glass of water a day to 8-10 a day. I went from fast food all the time to home cooked meals or healthier choices when no time to cook.

    I agree that sodium was my killer yesterday and I didn't drink enough water for all the walking I did. So I was probably dehydrated. I really need to learn what quick meals I can have for lunches that are lower in sodium. I work a busy job and can't cook or have a lot of time to put a lunch together. So I've been doing Cafe Steamers or Lean Pockets which are high in sodium. This is definitely a learning curve. I've lost weight in the past this way and been successful but I am much older now. :)

    Thanks for your advice and support. I really, really appreciate it. :)
  • twilightchica
    twilightchica Posts: 15 Member
    my guess is that ur retaining water. sodium makes you retain water which youll sweat out. no worries. also have you pooped yet? if all that stuff is sitting in your colon obviously youll weigh more. this is why alot of people dont like to weigh themselves everyday cause things like water and poop can make your weight fluctuate greatly each day. weekly is a better measure.
  • dengarrett
    dengarrett Posts: 367
    It takes your body a day or two to digest and then "exit" your system. If I have a few days stretch when I am not so "regular" then my weight will level off or increase. Then, it all "works its way out" and I drop again. I have learned to just keep doing the right thing consistently and it all works out "in the end". :smile:
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