New Here: Keeping it a secret...

MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hey folks,

New to Fitness Pal. Not new to dieting. Although I've only ever done one diet previously which was before I got sick with pregnancy-imposed, new-baby fat diet. ;) It was quite successful for hubby and I because we managed to go well throughout the years up 'til "baby happened."

Anyone else here "keeping it a secret"? Not posting FB updates about your losses, not telling your friends, keepin' it under wraps? I'm doing this for totally selfish reasons, I admit. It's what the hubby and I did before, and when friends and family saw us again after an extended period they were floored. It's nice to make people's jaws drop.

Anyway, hello from me!


  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Keeping it a secret is what makes it fun!:wink:
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    Yes, it certainly is. Being sneaky feels so delightfully eeeeeeevil!
  • kmunis
    kmunis Posts: 48 Member
    DH and the kids know, of course and I told the girls at work cause they see me everyday and noticed the changes :o) But that's it, keeping a secret from the rest of the world, other family included, so when they see me again after a while they can go "Wow, you look great!!"
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    It's why I love the semi-anonymity of the internet, so we can share this kinda stuff with like-minded sneaky folks. *grin*
  • blahlemon
    blahlemon Posts: 18 Member
    There is an interesting irony in calling yourself MissOutandAbout while keeping this a secret.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Yes I keep it a secret...just so people don't judge. If they ask me what I'm doing I just say I'm working my butt off... literally
  • paigelyn88
    paigelyn88 Posts: 26 Member
    Add me as a friend so we can keep it a secret together!!!
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    There is an interesting irony in calling yourself MissOutandAbout while keeping this a secret.

    Yeah, haha. More out and about in the world instead of "out of the closet" ... if that applies to weight loss?

    LilRicki, what's the site you made your avatar from? I remember doing something similar ages ago.

    Paige, will do. We should make a not-so-secret secret group of secretive, sneaky rogue losers. ;)
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    I've been keeping it a secret too and I'll tell you I've been sticking to diet & excersise better than I ever have in the past when I was open about it. The main reason I've kept mine secret is because I don't want my husband to know since he's always telling me how fat I am and he'd probably try and sabotage it for me like he has in the past. I too can't wait until I've lost enough to shock people.:noway:
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    I've been keeping it a secret too and I'll tell you I've been sticking to diet & excersise better than I ever have in the past when I was open about it. The main reason I've kept mine secret is because I don't want my husband to know since he's always telling me how fat I am and he'd probably try and sabotage it for me like he has in the past. I too can't wait until I've lost enough to shock people.:noway:

    Yikes. Am I allowed to shake my fist in his general direction? You've got a REALLY good motivating factor in keepin' it under wraps -- you go, girlie.

    Not sure what adding "friends" does for you here since I'm a newb, but if anyone cares to have a secretive sneaky pal on their friend's list ... throw me an "add".
  • blooblaa
    blooblaa Posts: 1
    Your post made me chuckle, I'm new to this, and totally keeping it a secret for all of the reasons people have listed above!! Good Luck!!
  • Hello! I'm a newbie here myself. I'm definately keeping it a secret. I've started and stopped my diets so many times the hubs just shrugs when I tell him I'm starting yet again. I'm hoping if I actually participate in a site like this and in the message boards, maybe I can keep with it this time. Mums the word!
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    Okay, *now* I see what adding friends does for you. Sweet.

    So, if you're in the market for adding a "strange sense of humour, 30's something, totally nerdy mom" to your list, I'm your gal.
  • cartern1
    cartern1 Posts: 270 Member
    I've been keeping it a secret, from colleagues, family and even my flat mate. It's odd because he keeps asking my what i'm doing on my phone. I tell him i'm playing a game but really i'm updating my diary.

    Had a nice thing happen this week, I bumped in to a friend i'd not seen just before Christmas. She said, "wow! have you lost weight?!" I just said, "nah......i don't think so, maybe it's just this shirt - it's new". I just had to lie, I think if I let people in on the secret all my discipline and hard work will just dissapear and I'll go back to my old habits......infact I shouldn't even be talking to you lot!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    The eyes in your avatar follow me wherever i go lol
  • I'm new here and don't mind keeping your secret if were online friends!
  • snookemz
    snookemz Posts: 82
    I'm the opposite :) had to tell EVERYONE because if I try to kep it a secret then I'll fail because the only person to disappoint is me. If I tell my friends and family and I post to FB then I have all those supporters and all those people to disappoint if I fail. I REALLY don't want to disappoint anyone so it keeps me on track! Also a great friend is on MFP too and I went to her son's birthday last week and she helped keep me on track :)
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    The eyes in your avatar follow me wherever i go lol

    I can only hope to be 1/100th as cool and freaky as the woman in my avatar when I hit her age. Scaring kids is one of my geriatric goals.

    Ms. Sheppy: I'm game if you are. ;)

    Snookemz: Haha, yeah. I've got a couple-few friends on FB that do the same. I suppose I'm just naturally more introverted, or at least with my weight loss.
  • I keep it a secret because I HAAATE people telling me things like "You don't need to lose weight" or "You are in shape, why do you need to exercise" or "Girl, you will disappear if you lose weight"

    I just want myself to feel better and fit into all of my "skinny" clothes again!! So I definitely keep it a secret!
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    Seems to be a fair number of people who like keepin' it to themselves. It's nice to know I'm not alone... I'd have said "not strange" but that's definitely an untrue statement.

    Cartern1: You so just busted yourself. But you're in good company.

    All the secretive shenanigans has got the Mission Impossible theme song playing in my head.
  • chasing_130
    chasing_130 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm definitely keeping my fitness pal account a secret. I'm tired of people saying "but you look fine! you don't need to diet!" It drives me nuts! If I want to diet and exercise to look better, then so be it lol
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Okay, *now* I see what adding friends does for you. Sweet.

    So, if you're in the market for adding a "strange sense of humour, 30's something, totally nerdy mom" to your list, I'm your gal.

    You just described me!:laugh: Though, I only admit to being 29 if I can help it. (I wonder how many years I can keep this up before people start saying, Didn't you turn 29 last year, and the year before, and wait, what about the year before that?)
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