Sharing weight loss lessons with your kids

dengarrett Posts: 367
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
As I have gained and applied knowledge during my weight loss, I have relized I had done a piss poor job in teaching my children to avoid the same mistakes I made in gaining all of this weight. So I started trying to teach them - and I would like to learn from other parents who have effectively tought their kids regarding this subject.


  • Carmendu
    Carmendu Posts: 409
    That is a great idea. The only thing I know that I have done to help teach my kids is instead of junk food go for the fruits or veggies for a snack. That is just a start with us. I am with you tho, I would like to learn some strategies as well.
  • dengarrett
    dengarrett Posts: 367
    I have tried to find strategic ways to teach the principals behind the relationship of calories to weight gain. Specifically - 3500 calories consumed = 1 pound of fat gained. As teenagers - they are Invincible. So I hope for that moment later in their life when they look in the mirror or scales and say - oh - and remember the lesson.
  • We talk openly in our house about calories and things being unhealthy for you.
    Our 4 year old has picked up on this and is now showing us things and asking how many calories are in it.
    Only downside is, the lure of the sweet is too strong. If someone offers her a cake, she will take it, eat it, and THEN tell everyone how unhealthy it was...
    And when we go shopping and she asks for lots of chocolate and we tell her "no, it's not healthy to eat too much chocolate", her reply is now "Well, when I grow up and have kids, I'm going to let them have chocolate for breakfast"... LOL
  • kmunis
    kmunis Posts: 48 Member
    I always serve a veggie at dinner and from day one the rule was, you can't leave the table without at least finishing your veggie because its the best thing on the plate from a health perspective. The kids know it and abide by it. We talk about sugar and how too much is not good thing and about how important it is to make good healthy food choices in order to have energy for the day and to keep from easily getting sick (my kids rarely even get a cold). They also know (although don't always agree with) that sitting in front of a TV or computer is not a good way to spend the day. I limit screen time to an hour a day - sometimes to zero if the weather is really nice. Fortunately they have friends in the neighborhood and play outside a lot when they can. My son is in karate and my daughter does dance and gymnastics. They also sometime try to do yoga with me - which is really funny!

    I try to make it mostly about health and having the energy to get through the school day so they can buy into it. So far it seem to be working, but they haven't reached preteen yet so we'll see what happens then!!
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