japar Member


  • True, but if you are concerned about muscle mass AND like to imbibe (me 🙂), then macros matter. Those darn alcohol cals really eat into your budget and the fact that the body metabolizes them before anything else takes away from the metabolic muscle building process. I can manage the calorie and macro accounting piece, but…
  • A gram of alcohol is 100% ethanol, and it has 7 calories. In the United States, one "standard" drink (or one alcoholic drink equivalent) contains roughly 14 grams of pure alcohol, which is found in: 12 ounces of regular beer, which is usually about 5% alcohol. 5 ounces of wine, which is typically about 12% alcohol. But…
  • The number of calories in a gram of alcohol has nothing to do with recommended intake. If you are trying to account for alcohol calories you cannot do that in MFP.
  • Good feedback. Thanks and I will try that.
  • Alcohol is indeed a macro and it is not metabolized as a sugar or a carbohydrate. It is catabolized. For each gram of alcohol there are 7 cal that are primarily metabolized by the liver but are also released into the bloodstream and result in blood alcohol content. Those calories can be stored as fat, particularly because…
  • HR is a method for understanding cardio pulmonary work and is an indirect measure of calorie burn...whether you are doing cardio or strength training. You do indeed burn calories while lifting (above your BMR) and it does correlate to HR. I have used my Polar in the past for measuring calorie burn for both cardio and…
  • Oscar Mayer DeliFresh Grilled Chicken Breast (I eat all the contents - 6oz) and a couple tablespoons of salsa. Quick, easy, cheap, high protein. I need to start cooking my own chicken for the week though - sodium is pretty high as with most prepared foods.
  • I make my own and love them (260cal, 35g Protn):: Protein Powder: 14oz (I have started using the Body Fortress Peanut Butter and using less actual peanut butter) Oats: 7oz Cocoa Powder: 1oz Peanut Butter: 3oz Honey: 3oz Skim Milk: up to 3/4cup Ground Flax seed: rolled as reqd (absorbs the stickiness and is good) Craisins…
  • I like Body Fortress Isolate. Here is a quick study I did on some popular powders.
  • Love my FT4, but thinking about getting the Polar Loop with the bluetooth HRM. 24/7 monitoring with HRM for workouts - looks like a great tool!
  • Life long (well 30+ years) gym guy. I like seeing new people come in and like it even more when they stick to it. I like to see folks go from being unsure of themselves to confident to bold in their approach to working out (wish they could just skip the unsure part, but I think it's natural). I don't spend too much of my…
  • I recommend basketball shoes. They are rugged and built to take multi-directional movements. I bought some nice cross-trainers for Insanity and other HIT exercise and went back to my basketball shoes due to better structure and support.
  • I did a little value based (my values) study on some popular proteins. I was interested in #1-Cost per Gram of Protein, then #2-Percentage of Protein Calories per Overall Calories, then #3-Cost per Serving. I did not try to quantify quality of protein (reviews were all anecdotal and varied), so I assumed an even grade on…
  • Test and bump: YES!!! Thank you!
  • Noone called anyone fat or any other name (unless you are referring to the ill tempered bullies who called someone a jerk because he referred to the triglyceride filled lipids under their skin as fat - which is what it is). Restaurants indeed serve us too many calories and that goes almost double for women since they need…
  • 1. Don't be tricked by yourself or others into thinking you are packing on muscle and that is why you are not losing weight. Adding muscle weight is a hard, slow process that is even more difficult for women. Besides, when you reduce calories to a necessary deficit to lose weight, you will lose weight...fat and muscle. 2.…
  • I have the FT4 and like it. I occasionally get two different errors to the same problem. I will sometimes get a HR of 00 and I will sometimes get a message that says HR not detected. This is always the same problem...poor coupling between the chest strap detector and my skin. It is always fixed by me wetting my fingers…
  • I did a little value based (my values) study on some popular proteins. I was interested in #1-Cost per Gram of Protein, then #2-Percentage of Protein Calories per Overall Calories, then #3-Cost per Serving. I did not try to quantify quality of protein (reviews were all anecdotal and varied), so I assumed an even grade on…
  • I did a little value based (my values) study on some popular proteins. I was interested in #1-Cost per Gram of Protein, then #2-Percentage of Protein Calories per Overall Calories, then #3-Cost per Serving. I did not try to quantify quality of protein (reviews were all anecdotal and varied), so I assumed an even grade on…
  • Why is that guy wearing a pink bikini and what's up with the hair?
  • Two things... Thing 1. Again, use calipers - they are inexpensive and really do measure your fat. Then it's all about the BF calculator model with respect to accuracy (and don't hang your hat on any particular calculator - they are all estimations). Thing 2. Again, do NOT get wrapped up in the accuracy - one may say 15%…
  • Use the calipers - they will get you consistent readings and you can track changes. I use two BF models - one has three caliper measures and the other has four. One of them has my BF at ~15% and the other at ~10%. It is ok that they are different, because what is really important is using the same model, tracking your…
  • I am always interested in my work effort and the best measure of work are calories. I use total calories in a workout to show total work effort, as well as calories per minute to show intensity. This is pretty straightforward for cardio and the "calories per minute" measure is something I am always trying to improve upon.…
  • OK, so a new twist to the question (you think you’re so smart)... A person is male has 22% body fat, is relatively fit and strong. Eats well and maintains a zero deficit/surplus calorie diet. Works hard in the gym within a proven muscle building weight lifting program. If a person cannot build muscle and burn fat without a…
  • Two faves: 1/ Oatmeal cooked with water - then add berries in season or craisins in fall/winter. I like to thin it a little with skim milk after I cook it and I have now replaced the skim milk with vanilla protein and water shake - delicious! I also drink the remainder of the protein drink (Isolate). Total cals 237 (1/4C…
    in Breakfast? Comment by japar October 2013
  • Yep - more good stuff. @Hezzietiger: impressive and I like the way you track your work efforts/goals (OBTW you're an animal :smile: )! @DopeItUp: newbie comment cracks me up...(the more things change...) when I was a newbie in the weight room (34 years ago) I was all about what you say you've progressed to! I think we look…
  • Good stuff all so far. Any others?
  • Neandermagnon (and Eric), your point seems good here, but to your earlier allegory where you described the body's evolutionary response to deficits, I would infer that the body would also not allow the muscles to even remain the same size - seems that there could be forced reduction (atrophy) of muscle mass in spite of…
  • OK, conventional wisdom here has clearly been that muscles do not "grow" without a calorie surplus to feed that growth (except in peculiar instances), despite our best efforts. So next question... How do muscles react to heavy strength training in a calorie deficit environment?